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Last active November 16, 2020 21:52
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Load Mura Media Player Content via CSV
Modified from Steve Withington's Import users via CSV:
param name='form.csvUrl' default='';
param name='form.isSubmitted' default='false';
param name='form.isTest' default='true';
param name='form.siteid' default='default';
param name='bulkUploadErrorEmail' default='{}';
$ = application.serviceFactory.getBean('$').init(form.siteid);
//This folder will live in the site folder -- this will check to see if it's an admin accessing the page
if ( !$.currentUser().isSuperUser() && !$.currentUser().isInGroup('admin') ) {
WriteOutput('<h3>You should not be here.</h3>');
errors = [];
//Get list of sites to populate dropdown menu
rsSites = $.getBean('settingsManager').getList();
// Begin count to track updated content
invalidContent = 0;
<!---get directory for looping to get the CSV files--->
<cfset currentDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(GetTemplatePath())>
<!---create query to populate dropdown below with CSV files in the directory --->
<cfdirectory directory="#currentDirectory#" name="dirQuery" action="LIST">
<cfset dirsArray=arraynew(1)>
<cfset i=1>
<!---Get path for File Exists--->
<cfset thisPath = ExpandPath("*.*")>
<cfset thisDirectory = GetDirectoryFromPath(thisPath)>
<!---Create Directory Name of Folder housing Media files--->
<cfset mediaDirName = "media" />
<!---Set Path for Media Directory You'll need to create this directory in the folder--->
<cfset mediaDir = "#thisDirectory#\#mediaDirName#\" />
<!---if the form is submitted begin import process--->
<cfif form.isSubmitted and IsValid('url', form.csvUrl) >
<cfhttp name="rsContent" method="get" url="#form.csvUrl#" />
<!---Something is wrong with the file--->
<cfset ArrayAppend(errors, 'The .CSV file either does not exist at the specified URL, or the file itself is not a valid .CSV file.')>
<cflog file="bulk-content-import" text="#cfcatch.message# - #cfcatch.detail#">
<cfsavecontent variable="errortext">
<cfoutput>An error occurred: http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#/#CGI.PATH_INFO#?#cgi.query_string#<br />
Time:#dateFormat(now(), "short")##timeFormat(now(), "short")#<br />
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#" label="CATCH">
<!---Email Error to yourself--->
<cfmail to="#bulkUploadErrorEmail#" from="" subject="Bulk Content Add" type="html">
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<cfheader name="expires" value="#dateformat(now(), 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy')# #timeformat(now(), 'HH:mm:ss tt')#">
<cfheader name="pragma" value="no-cache">
<cfheader name="cache-control" value="no-cache, no-store">
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="#dateformat(now(), 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy')# #timeformat(now(), 'HH:mm:ss tt')#">
<title>Import Content Into Mura CMS Via CSV</title>
<style type="text/css">
.wrap {
clear: both;
display: block;
padding: 1em;
margin: 1em;
border: 1px dashed grey;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.8em;
.wrap label, .wrap input {
clear: both;
display: block;
.wrap label {
padding: 1em 0 0 0;
.error {
border: 2px solid red;
padding: 1em;
color: red;
<div class="wrap">
<h2>Import Content Into Mura CMS Via CSV</h2>
<cfif form.isSubmitted and IsDefined('rsContent')>
<cfset tickStart = getTickCount()>
<!---Try to start the import--->
<!--Loop the CSV Query-->
<cfloop query="rsContent">
<!---Parent Portal or Grandparent--->
<cfset mediaDataGrandParent = $.getBean('content').loadBy(title="{Create this content in Mura}")/>
<!---Media Content or Lesson Parent--->
<cfset mediaDataParent = $.getBean('content').loadBy(title="#rsContent.lesson#") />
<!---Load empty content bean for Media (created remote id for updating purposes)--->
<cfset mediaData = $.getBean('content') />
<!---Attempt to load by remote id--->
<cfset mediaDataLoad = mediaData.loadBy(remoteID="#rsContent.remoteID#") />
<!---Load Parent Section of Training--->
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('siteID',form.siteID)/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('parentID',mediaDataGrandParent.getValue('contentID'))/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('contentID',mediaDataParent.getValue('contentID'))/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('title',rsContent.lesson)/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('summary','')/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('metakeywords',rsContent.lessonkeywords)/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('tags',rsContent.lessonkeywords)/>
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('approved',1) />
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('type',"Portal") />
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('display',1) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('orderNo',rsContent.lessonSort) />
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('isNav',1) />
<cfset mediaDataParent.setValue('inheritObjects',"inherit") />
<!---Only save if not a test--->
<cfif not form.isTest>
<!---Load Course Section of Training--->
<cfset mediaData.setValue('siteID',form.siteID)/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('parentID',mediaDataParent.getValue('contentID'))/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('contentID',mediaDataLoad.getValue('contentID'))/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('title',rsContent.topic)/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('summary','<p>' &rsContent.description & '</p>')/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('metakeywords',rsContent.keywords)/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('tags',rsContent.tags)/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('approved',1) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('type',"Page") />
<!---Define Mura Mediaplayer subtype--->
<cfset mediaData.setValue('subType',"MuraMediaPlayer") />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('display',1) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('orderNo',rsContent.topicSort) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('isNav',1) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('inheritObjects',"inherit") />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('remoteID',rsContent.remoteID) />
<!---MediaPlayer Requirements--->
<!---Only load media if it's new content - If a video updates note in the CSV doc and it will get updated--->
<cfif (mediaDataLoad.getIsNew() and fileExists("#mediaDir##rsContent.Mediafile#")) or rsContent.updateVideo EQ '1'>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('mediafile',"#getPageContext().getRequest().getScheme()#://#cgi.HTTP_HOST##getDirectoryFromPath(getPageContext().getRequest().getRequestURI())##mediaDirName#/" & rsContent.Mediafile)/>
<cfset mediaData.setValue('allowfullscreen',true) />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('controlbar','bottom') />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('playerskin','vimeo') />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('videodimensions','550x408') />
<cfset mediaData.setValue('stretching','uniform') />
<!---Only save if not a test--->
<cfif not form.isTest>
<cfif not mediaDataLoad.getIsNew()>
<!---Create count to subtract from records for items not loaded but only updated.--->
<cfset invalidContent = invalidContent+1 />
<cfset ArrayAppend(errors, "Theres been an error, no content was loaded. #mediaDir#") />
<cflog file="bulk-content-import" text="#cfcatch.message# - #cfcatch.detail#">
<cfsavecontent variable="errortext">
<cfoutput> An error occurred: http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#/#CGI.PATH_INFO#?#cgi.query_string#<br />
Time: #dateFormat(now(), "short")# #timeFormat(now(), "short")#<br />
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#" label="CATCH">
<!---Email error to yourself--->
<cfmail to="#bulkUploadErrorEmail#" from="" subject="Bulk Content Add" type="html">
<cfif form.isTest>
<cfset textFile = fileExists('#mediaDir##rsContent.Mediafile#')/>
<h3>Test Results <a href="#CGI.script_name##CGI.query_string#">Return to form &gt;</a></h3>
<cfdump var="#rsContent#" label="rsContent">
<h4>#rsContent.recordcount-invalidContent# Content Imported and #invalidContent# Content Updated</h4>
<h3>Completed! <a href="#CGI.script_name##CGI.query_string#">Return to form &gt;</a></h3>
<h4>#rsContent.recordcount-invalidContent# Content Imported and #invalidContent# Content Updated</h4>
<cfset tickEnd = getTickCount()>
<p><em>Processed in #tickEnd-tickStart# milliseconds</em></p>
<form name="frmUser" method="post">
<label for="csvurl">CSV URL:</label>
<select name="csvurl" id="csvurl" >
<cfloop query="dirQuery">
<cfif dirQuery.type IS "file" and contains ".csv">
<cfset dirsArray[i]>
<cfset i = i + 1>
<option value="#getPageContext().getRequest().getScheme()#://#cgi.HTTP_HOST##getDirectoryFromPath(getPageContext().getRequest().getRequestURI())"></option>
<cfif i LTE 1>
<option value="#getPageContext().getRequest().getScheme()#://#cgi.HTTP_HOST##getDirectoryFromPath(getPageContext().getRequest().getRequestURI())#nocsv.csv" selected="selected">No CSV file present</option>
<label for="siteid">Site ID:</label>
<select name="siteid">
<cfloop query="rsSites">
<option value="#siteid#"<cfif form.siteid eq siteid> selected="selected"</cfif>>#HTMLEditFormat(site)#</option>
<label for="istest">Test?</label>
<select name="istest">
<option value="true"<cfif form.istest> selected="selected"</cfif>>Yes</option>
<option value="false"<cfif !form.istest> selected="selected"</cfif>>No</option>
<input type="hidden" name="isSubmitted" value="true" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<!--- ERROR OUTPUT --->
<cfif ArrayLen(errors)>
<div class="alert error">
<cfif ArrayLen(errors) gt 1>
<cfloop array="#errors#" index="error">
<cfif IsSimpleValue(error)>
<cfdump var="#error#" />
Lesson LessonSort LessonKeywords Topic TopicSort Description Keywords Tags Mediafile remoteID updateVideo
Getting Started 1 fringilla, est nec, molestie, laoreet, Mauris, convallis congue, ex, sed, aliquam ,tempus, ac, at, nisl Lorem Ipsom 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla est nec molestie laoreet. fringilla, est nec, molestie, laoreet fringilla, est nec, molestie, laoreet Media_1-1.mp4 MediaP1-1.1 0
Getting Started 1 fringilla, est nec, molestie, laoreet, Mauris, convallis congue, ex, sed, aliquam ,tempus, ac, at, nisl Donec Lobortis 3 Donec lobortis eget elit ut porttitor. Mauris convallis congue ex sed aliquam. Mauris, convallis congue, ex, sed, aliquam Mauris, convallis congue, ex, sed, aliquam Media_1-2.mp4 MediaP1-1.2 0
Getting Started 1 fringilla, est nec, molestie, laoreet, Mauris, convallis congue, ex, sed, aliquam ,tempus, ac, at, nisl Vestibulum Ut 4 Vestibulum ut dolor sed massa venenatis tempus ac at nisl? Nulla suscipit maximus neque ut pharetra. tempus, ac, at, nisl tempus, ac, at, nisl Media_1-3.mp4 MediaP1-1.3 0
Next Steps 2 adipiscing, elit, sed, aliquam, neque, ut, pharetra Consectetur Adipiscing 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam fringilla est nec molestie laoreet. adipiscing, elit adipiscing, elit Media_2-1.mp4 MediaP1-2.1 0
Next Steps 2 adipiscing, elit, sed, aliquam, neque, ut, pharetra Mauris Convallis 3 Donec lobortis eget elit ut porttitor. Mauris convallis congue ex sed aliquam. sed, aliquam sed, aliquam Media_2-2.mp4 MediaP1-2.2 0
Next Steps 2 adipiscing, elit, sed, aliquam, neque, ut, pharetra Nulla Suscipit 4 Vestibulum ut dolor sed massa venenatis tempus ac at nisl? Nulla suscipit maximus neque ut pharetra. neque, ut, pharetra neque, ut, pharetra Media_2-3.mp4 MediaP1-2.3 0
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