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Created June 7, 2012 11:37
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Breadth First Search
data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Eq)
breadthFirst :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> [b]
breadthFirst f Empty = []
breadthFirst f t = breadthFirst' f ([], [t])
breadthFirst' :: (a -> b) -> ([b], [Tree a]) -> [b]
breadthFirst' f (bs, []) = bs
breadthFirst' f (bs, as) = bs ++ breadthFirst' f (bsForAs, nextAs)
where (bsForAs, nextAs) = breadthFirst'' f as
breadthFirst'' :: (a -> b) -> [Tree a] -> ([b], [Tree a])
breadthFirst'' f [] = ([], [])
breadthFirst'' f (Empty : xs) = (peers, children)
where (peers, children) = breadthFirst'' f xs
breadthFirst'' f ((Branch x lt rt) : xs) = ((f x) : peers, (lt : rt : children))
where (peers, children) = breadthFirst'' f xs
sampleTree = Branch 'a' (Branch 'b' (Branch 'd' Empty Empty)
(Branch 'e' Empty Empty))
(Branch 'c' Empty
(Branch 'f' (Branch 'g' Empty Empty)
*Main> breadthFirst succ sampleTree
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