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Last active April 19, 2024 15:10
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{%- assign rk_resource_id = | downcase -%}
{%- assign rk_mf = article.metafields.recipekit[rk_resource_id] -%}
{%- assign rk_settings = shop.metafields.recipekit.settings -%}
{%- if rk_settings.widget_status == 'enabled' and rk_mf != blank -%}
{{- 'recipekit.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag -}}
{%- assign recipe_design = rk_settings.recipe_design -%}
{%- assign design_colour = rk_settings.design_colour -%}
{%- assign current_rating = rk_mf.recipe_rating | ceil | default: 5 | at_most: 5 -%}
{%- assign current_decimal_rating = rk_mf.recipe_rating | round: 1 | default: 5 | at_most: 5 -%}
{%- assign rating_count = rk_mf.rating_count | default: '1' | at_least: '1' -%}
{%- if rating_count == '0' -%}
{%- assign rating_count = '1' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if current_rating == 0 or current_rating == '0' -%}
{%- assign current_rating = 5 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if current_decimal_rating == 0 -%}
{%- assign current_decimal_rating = 5 | round: 1 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if current_decimal_rating == 5 -%}
{%- assign current_decimal_rating = '5.0' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- assign current_decimal_rating = current_decimal_rating | round: 1 -%}
{%- assign servings_array = rk_mf.serving_size | split: ' ' -%}
{%- assign json_serving_size = servings_array[0] -%}
{%- assign global_is_in_cart = false -%}
{% liquid
if rk_mf.recipe_image contains ''
assign rk_last_url = rk_mf.recipe_image | split: ''
assign rk_16_9_recipe_image = rk_last_url[1] | prepend: ',f_auto/'
assign rk_1_1_recipe_image = rk_last_url[1] | prepend: ',f_auto/'
assign rk_4_3_recipe_image = rk_last_url[1] | prepend: ',f_auto/'
assign rk_2_3_recipe_image = rk_last_url[1] | prepend: ',c_limit,f_auto,w_600,q_auto:best/'
elsif rk_mf.recipe_image contains ''
assign rk_last_url = rk_mf.recipe_image | split: ''
assign rk_16_9_recipe_image = '' | append: rk_last_url[1] | append: '?aspect_ratio=16:9&quality=90&'
assign rk_1_1_recipe_image = '' | append: rk_last_url[1] | append: '?aspect_ratio=1:1&quality=90&'
assign rk_4_3_recipe_image = '' | append: rk_last_url[1] | append: '?aspect_ratio=4:3&quality=90&'
assign rk_2_3_recipe_image = '' | append: rk_last_url[1] | append: '?width=650&quality=90&'
assign rk_uptown_recipe_image = '' | append: rk_last_url[1] | append: '?class=16x9'
elsif rk_mf.recipe_image contains ''
assign rk_shopify_image_url = rk_mf.recipe_image
assign rk_16_9_recipe_image = rk_shopify_image_url | append: '&width=1600&height=900'
assign rk_1_1_recipe_image = rk_shopify_image_url | append: '&width=1000&height=1000'
assign rk_4_3_recipe_image = rk_shopify_image_url | append: '&width=800&height=600'
assign rk_2_3_recipe_image = rk_shopify_image_url | append: '&width=600&height=900'
assign rk_uptown_recipe_image = rk_shopify_image_url | append: '&width=1600&height=900'
if rk_mf.recipe_video contains '/watch?v='
assign rk_video_id = rk_mf.recipe_video | split: '/watch?v=' | last | split: '&' | first
assign timestamp = rk_mf.recipe_video | split: '&t=' | last
assign rk_video_embed_url = '' | append: rk_video_id | append: '?start=' | append: timestamp
elsif rk_mf.recipe_video contains '/shorts/'
assign rk_video_split = rk_mf.recipe_video | split: 'shorts/'
assign rk_video_id = rk_video_split[1]
assign rk_video_embed_url = '' | append: rk_video_id
elsif rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'vimeo'
assign rk_video_id = rk_mf.recipe_video | split: '/' | last
assign rk_video_embed_url = '' | append: rk_video_id
elsif rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'tiktok'
assign rk_video_embed_url = rk_mf.recipe_video
elsif rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'instagram'
assign rk_video_embed_url = rk_mf.recipe_video
assign rk_video_id = rk_mf.recipe_video | split: '/' | last
assign timestamp = rk_video_id | split: '=' | last
assign rk_video_id = rk_video_id | split: '?' | first
assign rk_video_embed_url = '' | append: rk_video_id | append: '?start=' | append: timestamp
assign rk_lang_ingredients = rk_settings.rk_lang_ingredients | default: 'Ingredients'
assign rk_lang_directions = rk_settings.rk_lang_directions | default: 'Directions'
assign rk_lang_category = rk_settings.rk_lang_category | default: 'Category'
assign rk_lang_cuisine = rk_settings.rk_lang.cuisine | default: 'Cuisine'
assign rk_lang_serving = rk_settings.rk_lang_serving | default: 'Servings'
assign rk_lang_prep_time = rk_settings.rk_lang_prep_time | default: 'Prep Time'
assign rk_lang_cook_time = rk_settings.rk_lang_cook_time | default: 'Cook Time'
assign rk_lang_author = rk_settings.rk_lang_author | default: 'Author'
assign rk_lang_rating_thanks = rk_settings.rk_lang_rating_thanks | default: 'Thanks for rating!'
assign rk_lang_rating_count = rk_settings.rk_lang_rating_count | default: 'Rated current_rating stars by rating_count users' | replace: 'current_rating', current_decimal_rating | replace: 'rating_count', rating_count
assign rk_lang_note = rk_settings.rk_lang_note | default: 'Recipe Note'
assign rk_lang_video = rk_settings.rk_lang_video | default: 'Recipe Video'
assign rk_lang_minutes = rk_settings.rk_lang_minutes | default: 'minutes'
assign rk_lang_hours = rk_settings.rk_lang_hours | default: 'hours'
assign rk_lang_minute = rk_settings.rk_lang_minute | default: 'minute'
assign rk_lang_hour = rk_settings.rk_lang_hour | default: 'hour'
assign rk_lang_calories = rk_settings.rk_lang_calories | default: 'Calories'
assign rk_lang_nutrition = rk_settings.rk_lang_nutrition | default: 'Nutrition'
assign rk_lang_serving_size = rk_settings.rk_lang.service_size | default: 'Serving Size'
assign rk_lang_nutrition_serving_size = rk_settings.rk_lang.nutrition_serving_size | default: 'Serving Size'
assign rk_lang_amount_per_serving = rk_settings.rk_lang.amount_per_serving | default: 'Amount/Serving'
assign rk_lang_daily_value = rk_settings.rk_lang.daily_value | default: '% Daily Value'
assign rk_lang_per_serving = rk_settings.rk_lang.per_serving | default: 'per serving'
assign rk_lang_carbohydrates = rk_settings.rk_lang_carbohydrates | default: 'Carbs'
assign rk_lang_cholesterol = rk_settings.rk_lang_cholesterol | default: 'Cholesterol'
assign rk_lang_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_fat | default: 'Fat'
assign rk_lang_fiber = rk_settings.rk_lang_fiber | default: 'Fiber'
assign rk_lang_protein = rk_settings.rk_lang_protein | default: 'Protein'
assign rk_lang_sat_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_sat_fat | default: 'Saturated Fat'
assign rk_lang_sodium = rk_settings.rk_lang_sodium | default: 'Sodium'
assign rk_lang_sugar = rk_settings.rk_lang_sugar | default: 'Sugar'
assign rk_lang_trans_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_trans_fat | default: 'Trans Fat'
assign rk_lang_unsat_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_unsat_fat | default: 'Unsaturated Fat'
assign rk_lang_iron = rk_settings.rk_lang_iron | default: 'Iron'
assign rk_lang_potassium = rk_settings.rk_lang_potassium | default: 'Potassium'
assign rk_lang_polyunsat_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_polyunsat_fat | default: 'Polyunsaturated Fat'
assign rk_lang_monounsat_fat = rk_settings.rk_lang_monounsat_fat | default: 'Monounsaturated Fat'
assign rk_lang_grams = rk_settings.rk_lang_grams | default: 'grams'
assign rk_lang_milligrams = rk_settings.rk_lang_milligrams | default: 'milligrams'
assign rk_lang_micrograms = rk_settings.rk_lang.micrograms | default: 'micrograms'
assign rk_lang_atc = rk_settings.rk_lang_atc | default: 'Add To Cart'
assign rk_lang_quantity = rk_settings.rk_lang_quantity | default: 'Remove quantity in cart'
assign rk_lang_cart = rk_settings.rk_lang_cart | default: 'View Cart'
assign rk_lang_checkout = rk_settings.rk_lang_checkout | default: 'Checkout'
assign rk_lang_added = rk_settings.rk_lang_added | default: 'Added'
assign rk_lang_removed = rk_settings.rk_lang_removed | default: 'Removed'
assign rk_lang_step = rk_settings.rk_lang.step | default: 'Step'
assign rk_lang_rating_confirmation = rk_settings.rk_lang.rating_confirmation
assign rk_lang_all_atc = rk_settings.rk_lang.rk_lang_all_atc | default: 'Add All To Cart'
assign rk_lang_all_rfc = rk_settings.rk_lang.rk_lang_all_rfc | default: 'Remove All'
{% assign rk_prep_time_split = rk_mf.prep_time | split: ' ' %}
{% assign rk_prep_time = rk_prep_time_split | first %}
{% assign rk_prep_duration = rk_prep_time_split | last %}
{% if rk_prep_time contains '.' and rk_prep_duration == 'hours' %}
{% assign rk_prep_hour_time = rk_prep_time | split: '.' | first %}
{% assign rk_prep_lang_hours = rk_prep_hour_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_hour, rk_lang_hours %}
{% assign rk_prep_minute_time = rk_prep_time | split: '.' | last %}
{% assign rk_prep_lang_minutes = rk_prep_minute_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_minute, rk_lang_minutes %}
{% assign rk_prep_time = rk_prep_hour_time
| append: ' '
| append: rk_prep_lang_hours
| append: ' '
| append: rk_prep_minute_time
| append: ' '
| append: rk_prep_lang_minutes
{% elsif rk_prep_duration == 'hours' %}
{% assign rk_prep_duration = rk_prep_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_hour, rk_lang_hours %}
{% assign rk_prep_time = rk_prep_time | append: ' ' | append: rk_prep_duration %}
{% elsif rk_prep_duration == 'minutes' %}
{% assign rk_prep_duration = rk_prep_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_minute, rk_lang_minutes %}
{% assign rk_prep_time = rk_prep_time | append: ' ' | append: rk_prep_duration %}
{% endif %}
{% assign rk_cook_time_split = rk_mf.cook_time | split: ' ' %}
{% assign rk_cook_time = rk_cook_time_split | first %}
{% assign rk_cook_duration = rk_cook_time_split | last %}
{% if rk_cook_time contains '.' and rk_cook_duration == 'hours' %}
{% assign rk_cook_hour_time = rk_cook_time | split: '.' | first %}
{% assign rk_cook_lang_hours = rk_cook_hour_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_hour, rk_lang_hours %}
{% assign rk_cook_minute_time = rk_cook_time | split: '.' | last %}
{% assign rk_cook_lang_minutes = rk_cook_minute_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_minute, rk_lang_minutes %}
{% assign rk_cook_time = rk_cook_hour_time
| append: ' '
| append: rk_cook_lang_hours
| append: ' '
| append: rk_cook_minute_time
| append: ' '
| append: rk_cook_lang_minutes
{% elsif rk_cook_duration == 'hours' %}
{% assign rk_cook_duration = rk_cook_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_hour, rk_lang_hours %}
{% assign rk_cook_time = rk_cook_time | append: ' ' | append: rk_cook_duration %}
{% elsif rk_cook_duration == 'minutes' %}
{% assign rk_cook_duration = rk_cook_time | plus: 0 | pluralize: rk_lang_minute, rk_lang_minutes %}
{% assign rk_cook_time = rk_cook_time | append: ' ' | append: rk_cook_duration %}
{% endif %}
{% assign attr = 'type="application/ld+json"' %}
<script {{ attr }}>
"@context": "",
"@type": "Recipe",
"name": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_title | escape -}}",
"image": [
"{{- rk_16_9_recipe_image -}}",
"{{- rk_4_3_recipe_image -}}",
"{{- rk_1_1_recipe_image -}}"
"description": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_description | strip_html | escape -}}",
"keywords": [
{%- for keyword in rk_mf.recipe_tags -%}
"{{- -}}"{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
"recipeYield": "{{- json_serving_size | escape -}}",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_author | strip_html | escape | default: -}}"
"cookTime": "{{- rk_mf.iso_cook_time -}}",
"prepTime": "{{- rk_mf.iso_prep_time -}}",
"totalTime": "{{- rk_mf.iso_total_time -}}",
"recipeCategory": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_category | escape -}}",
"recipeIngredient": [
{%- capture process_ingredients -%}
{%- for ingredient in rk_mf.recipe_ingredients -%}
{%- unless ingredient.type == 'heading' -%}
,"{{- ingredient.ingredient | strip_html | escape -}}"
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% assign ingredient_schema = process_ingredients | remove_first: ',' %}
{{- ingredient_schema -}}
"recipeInstructions": [
{%- capture process_directions -%}
{%- for direction in rk_mf.recipe_directions -%}
{%- unless direction.type == 'heading' -%}
"@type": "HowToStep",
"text": "{{- direction.direction | strip_html | escape -}}",
"name": "{{- direction.direction | strip_html | escape -}}",
"url": "{{ shop.url }}{{ article.url }}#step-{{- forloop.index -}}"
{%- if direction.image != blank -%}
,"image": "{{- direction.image | replace: '' ,'' | append: '?width=700' -}}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- endunless -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{% assign direction_schema = process_directions | remove_first: ',' %}
{{- direction_schema -}}
"nutrition": {
"@type": "NutritionInformation",
"servingSize": "{{- rk_mf.serving_size | escape -}}"
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_calories != blank -%}
,"calories": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_calories -}}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless nutrition_field.dynamic == true -%}
,"{{- nutrition_field.value -}}": "{{ nutrition_field.content }}"
{%- endunless -%}
"recipeCuisine": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_cuisine | strip_html | escape -}}"
{%- if rk_mf.enable_rating == true or rk_mf.enable_rating == 'true' -%}
"aggregateRating": {
"@type": "AggregateRating",
"ratingValue": "{{- current_rating | default: '5' -}}",
"bestRating": "5",
"worstRating": "1",
"ratingCount": "{{ rating_count | default: '1' }}"
{% endif -%}
{% if rk_mf.recipe_video != blank and rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'youtube' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'shorts' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains '' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'vimeo' %}
"video": {
"@type": "VideoObject",
"name": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_title | escape -}}",
"description": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_description | strip_html | escape -}}",
"thumbnailUrl": "{{- rk_16_9_recipe_image -}}",
"uploadDate": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_date -}}",
"contentUrl": "{{- rk_mf.recipe_video -}}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- capture rk_ingredient_capture -%}
<ul id="recipe-ingredients">
{%- for ingredient in rk_mf.recipe_ingredients -%}
{%- if ingredient.type == 'heading' -%}
<h4 class="rk_group_heading">{{- ingredient.heading_text -}}</h4>
{%- else -%}
{%- capture rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -%}
{%- if ingredient.quantity %}
<div class="rk_ingredient__item">
<div class="rk_ingredient__item--quantity" data-value="{{- ingredient.quantity -}}"><p>{{- ingredient.quantity -}}</p></div>
<div class="rk_ingredient__item--unit" data-value="{{- ingredient.unit -}}"><p>{{- ingredient.unit -}}</p></div>
<div class="rk_ingredient__item--ingredient">{{- ingredient.ingredient -}}</div>
{% else %}
{{- ingredient.ingredient -}}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
{%- if ingredient.selected_product != blank -%}
{% assign default_variant = null %}
{% assign split_product_id = | split:'/' %}
{% assign product_id = split_product_id[4] %}
{% assign product_handle = ingredient.selected_product.handle %}
{% assign ingredient_product = all_products[product_handle] %}
{% assign selected_variant_variant_length = ingredient.selected_product.variants_length | plus: 0 %}
{% if selected_variant_variant_length == 1 %}
{% assign split_variant_id = ingredient.selected_product.variants[0].id | split:'/' %}
{% assign single_variant_id = split_variant_id[4] | plus: 0 %}
{% for variant in ingredient_product.variants %}
{% if == single_variant_id %}
{% assign default_variant = variant %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% assign default_variant = ingredient_product.first_available_variant %}
{% endif %}
{% assign is_in_cart = false %}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% for variant in ingredient_product.variants %}
{% if item.variant_id == %}
{%- assign is_in_cart = true -%}
{%- assign global_is_in_cart = true -%}
{%- assign item_quantity = item.quantity -%}
{%- assign variant_id = item.variant_id -%}
{%- break -%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{%- if rk_settings.rk_plan == 'business' and rk_settings.enable_atc == true and default_variant.available -%}
<a target="_blank" class="rk_has_link {% if is_in_cart == true %}is_in_cart{% endif %}" href="/products/{{- ingredient.selected_product.handle -}}">{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}</a>
<div class="select_div rk_print_hide">
{% if ingredient.selected_product.variants_length > 1 and ingredient_product.variants.size > 1 %}
<select name="id" id="{{ }}_original_ids" class="original_id_select" aria-label="Product variant selection dropdown">
{% for variant in ingredient_product.variants %}
{% if variant.available %}
<option aria-label="{{ ingredient_product.title | escape }}" data-available="{{ variant.available }}" data-parent-title="{{ ingredient_product.title | escape }}" data-variant-title="{{ variant.title | escape }}" data-price="{{ variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}" value="{{ }}">
{{ variant.title }} ∙ {{ variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_in_cart == true %}
<button id="{{ variant_id }}_rk_rfc_btn" class="rk_rfc_btn" data-id="{{- variant_id -}}" data-info="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} - {{ default_variant.title | strip_html }} ∙ {{ default_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}">
<span class="rk_rfc_text">{{ rk_lang_quantity | replace: 'quantity', item_quantity }}</span>
{% else %}
<button id="{{ }}_rk_atc_btn" class="rk_atc_btn" data-tip="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} {% unless default_variant.title contains 'Default Title' %}- {{ default_variant.title | strip_html }}{% endunless %} ∙ {{ default_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}" data-id="{{- -}}">
<span class="rk_lang_atc">
<span class="rk_atc_text">{{ rk_lang_atc }}</span>
{% endif %}
{%- else -%}
{% if default_variant.available %}
<a target="_blank" class="rk_has_link" href="/products/{{- ingredient.selected_product.handle -}}">
{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}
{% else %}
{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- elsif rk_settings.rk_plan == 'business' and rk_settings.enable_atc == true and ingredient.ingredient contains shop.domain or ingredient.ingredient contains shop.permanent_domain or ingredient.ingredient contains rk_settings.extra_domain and ingredient.ingredient contains '/products/' and default_variant.available -%}
{% assign split_product_link = ingredient.ingredient | split:'"' %}
{% assign product_title = split_product_link[2] | split:'>' | last %}
{% assign product_handle = split_product_link[1] | split: '/' | last %}
{% assign only_product_handle = product_handle | split: '?' | first %}
{% assign ingredient_product = all_products[only_product_handle] %}
{%- if ingredient.ingredient contains '?variant=' -%}
{% assign variant_id = ingredient.ingredient | split: '?variant=' | last | split: '"' | first | plus: 0 %}
{% assign chosen_variant = ingredient_product.variants | where: "id", variant_id | first %}
{% assign is_in_cart = false %}
{% assign item_quantity = 0 %}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% assign formatted_item_id = item.variant_id | plus: 0 %}
{% if formatted_item_id == variant_id %}
{% assign is_in_cart = true %}
{% assign global_is_in_cart = true %}
{% assign item_quantity = item.quantity %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<span class="rk_has_link {% if is_in_cart == true %}is_in_cart{% endif %}">{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}</span>
<div class="select_div rk_print_hide">
{% if is_in_cart == true %}
<button id="{{ variant_id }}_rk_atc_btn" class="rk_rfc_btn" data-id="{{- variant_id -}}" data-info="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} {% unless chosen_variant.title contains 'Default Title' %}- {{ chosen_variant.title | strip_html }}{% endunless %} ∙ {{ chosen_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}">
<span class="rk_rfc_text">{{ rk_lang_quantity | replace: 'quantity', item_quantity }}</span>
{% else %}
{%- if chosen_variant.available -%}
<button id="{{ variant_id }}_rk_atc_btn" class="rk_atc_btn" data-tip="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} {% unless chosen_variant.title contains 'Default Title' %}- {{ chosen_variant.title | strip_html }}{% endunless %} ∙ {{ chosen_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}" data-id="{{- variant_id -}}">
<span class="rk_lang_atc">
<span class="rk_atc_text">{{ rk_lang_atc }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{%- elsif ingredient.ingredient contains '/products/' -%}
{% assign chosen_variant = ingredient_product.variants | first %}
{% assign variant_id = %}
{% assign is_in_cart = false %}
{% assign item_quantity = 0 %}
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% assign formatted_item_id = item.variant_id | plus: 0 %}
{% if formatted_item_id == variant_id %}
{% assign is_in_cart = true %}
{% assign global_is_in_cart = true %}
{% assign item_quantity = item.quantity %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<li class="list_link">
<span class="rk_has_link {% if is_in_cart == true %}is_in_cart{% endif %}">{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}</span>
<div class="select_div rk_print_hide">
{% if is_in_cart == true %}
<button id="{{ variant_id }}_rk_atc_btn" class="rk_rfc_btn" data-id="{{- variant_id -}}" data-info="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} {% unless chosen_variant.title contains 'Default Title' %}- {{ chosen_variant.title | strip_html }}{% endunless %} ∙ {{ chosen_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}">
<span class="rk_rfc_text">{{ rk_lang_quantity | replace: 'quantity', item_quantity }}</span>
{% else %}
{%- if chosen_variant.available -%}
<button id="{{ variant_id }}_rk_atc_btn" class="rk_atc_btn" data-tip="{{ ingredient_product.title | strip_html }} {% unless chosen_variant.title contains 'Default Title' %}- {{ chosen_variant.title | strip_html }}{% endunless %} ∙ {{ chosen_variant.price | money_without_trailing_zeros | strip_html }}" data-id="{{- variant_id -}}">
<span class="rk_lang_atc">
<!-- <span class="rk_atc_icon">
<svg viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns=""><path d="M17 9h-6V3a1 1 0 10-2 0v6H3a1 1 0 100 2h6v6a1 1 0 102 0v-6h6a1 1 0 100-2z" fill="white"/></svg>
</span> -->
<span class="rk_atc_text">{{ rk_lang_atc }}</span>
{%- endif -%}
{% endif %}
{%- else -%}
{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{{- rk_ingredient_ingredient_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if rk_settings.rk_plan == 'business' and rk_settings.enable_atc == true %}
<div class="rk_atc_actions">
{% if rk_settings.enable_all_atc %}
<button class="rk_atc_all" style="display:none;">
<span class="rk_lang_atc">
<span class="rk_atc_text">{{ rk_lang_atc_all }}</span>
{% endif %}
<div id="rk_checkout_div">
<div class="{% if global_is_in_cart == true %}show_checkout_div{% endif %}">
<a class="rk_cart_btn" href="/cart" id="rk_cart_btn">
{{- rk_lang_cart | append: ' (1)' | replace: '1', cart.item_count -}}
<a class="rk_checkout_btn" href="/checkout" id="rk_checkout_btn">
<span>{{- rk_lang_checkout -}}</span>
{% endif %}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture rk_direction_capture -%}
<ol id="recipe-preparation">
{%- for direction in rk_mf.recipe_directions -%}
{%- if direction.type == 'heading' -%}
<h4 class="rk_group_heading">{{- direction.heading_text -}}</h4>
{%- else -%}
<li id="step-{{- forloop.index -}}">
{{- direction.direction -}}
{% if rk_settings.rk_plan == 'business' and direction.image != blank %}
<div class="rk_direction_image">
{% if direction.image contains '' %}
{% assign modified_image_url = direction.image | append: '?width=750' %}
{% elsif direction.image contains '' %}
{% assign modified_image_url = direction.image | append: '&width=750' %}
{% else %}
{% assign modified_image_url = direction.image %}
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ modified_image_url }}" loading="eager" width="400" height="400" alt="Image of {{ direction.direction | strip_html | truncatewords: 10, '...'}}"/>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture rk_nutrition_capture -%}
{% if rk_mf.nutrition_template == 'linear' or rk_mf.nutrition_template == blank %}
{% if rk_mf.nutrition_serving_size != blank %}
<b>{{ rk_lang_nutrition_serving_size }}</b>
<span>{{ rk_mf.nutrition_serving_size }}</span><br>
{% endif %}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_calories != blank -%}
<b>{{- rk_lang_calories -}}</b> {{ rk_mf.recipe_calories }},
{%- endif -%}
{%- for nutrition_field in rk_mf.nutrition_data -%}
{% case nutrition_field.title %}
{% when 'Calories' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_calories %}
{% when 'Carbs' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_carbohydrates %}
{% when 'Cholesterol' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_cholesterol %}
{% when 'Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_fat %}
{% when 'Fiber' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_fiber %}
{% when 'Protein' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_protein %}
{% when 'Saturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sat_fat %}
{% when 'Sodium' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sodium %}
{% when 'Sugar' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sugar %}
{% when 'Trans Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_trans_fat %}
{% when 'Unsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_unsat_fat %}
{% when 'Iron' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_iron %}
{% when 'Potassium' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_potassium %}
{% when 'Polyunsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_polyunsat_fat %}
{% when 'Monounsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_monounsat_fat %}
{% else %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = nutrition_field.title %}
{% endcase %}
{% case nutrition_field.type %}
{% when 'grams' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'grams', rk_lang_grams %}
{% when 'milligrams' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'milligrams', rk_lang_milligrams %}
{% when 'calories' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'calories', '' %}
{% else %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = '' %}
{% endcase %}
<span class="rk_nutrition_field">
<b>{{ current_nutrition_field_lang }}</b>
{{ nutrition_field.content }} {{ current_nutrition_field_type -}}
{% if nutrition_field.dailyValue != blank %}
({{- nutrition_field.dailyValue -}}%)
{%- endif -%}
{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}</span>
{%- endfor -%}
{% else %}
<div class="mast">
<h2 class="mast__title"><span>{{- rk_lang_nutrition -}}</span></h2>
<dl class="mast__list">
{%- if rk_mf.nutrition_serving_size != blank -%}
<div class="nut-size">
<dt>{{ rk_lang_nutrition_serving_size }}</dt>
<dd>{{ rk_mf.nutrition_serving_size }}</dd>
{%- endif -%}
<div class="calories">
<dt>{{ rk_lang_per_serving }}</dt>
<dd class="calories__label">{{- rk_lang_calories -}}</dd>
<dd class="calories__value">{{ rk_mf.recipe_calories }}</dd>
{% if rk_mf.nutrition_data.size > 0 %}
<div class="values">
<div class="values--a">
<div class="values__title">
<span>{{ rk_lang_amount_per_serving }}</span>
<span>{{ rk_lang_daily_value }}</span>
<dl class="values__list">
{%- for nutrition_field in rk_mf.nutrition_data -%}
{% case nutrition_field.title %}
{% when 'Calories' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_calories %}
{% when 'Carbs' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_carbohydrates %}
{% when 'Cholesterol' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_cholesterol %}
{% when 'Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_fat %}
{% when 'Fiber' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_fiber %}
{% when 'Protein' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_protein %}
{% when 'Saturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sat_fat %}
{% when 'Sodium' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sodium %}
{% when 'Sugar' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_sugar %}
{% when 'Trans Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_trans_fat %}
{% when 'Unsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_unsat_fat %}
{% when 'Iron' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_iron %}
{% when 'Potassium' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_potassium %}
{% when 'Polyunsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_polyunsat_fat %}
{% when 'Monounsaturated Fat' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = rk_lang_monounsat_fat %}
{% else %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_lang = nutrition_field.title %}
{% endcase %}
{% case nutrition_field.type %}
{% when 'grams' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'grams', rk_lang_grams %}
{% when 'milligrams' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'milligrams', rk_lang_milligrams %}
{% when 'micrograms' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'micrograms', rk_lang_micrograms %}
{% when 'calories' %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = nutrition_field.type | replace: 'calories', '' %}
{% else %}
{% assign current_nutrition_field_type = '' %}
{% endcase %}
<dt>{{ current_nutrition_field_lang }}</dt>
<dd>{{ nutrition_field.content }} {{ current_nutrition_field_type -}}</dd>
{% if nutrition_field.dailyValue != blank %}
<dd>{{ nutrition_field.dailyValue }}%</dd>
{% endif %}
{% comment %} <span class="rk_nutrition_field"><b>{{ current_nutrition_field_lang }}</b> {{ nutrition_field.content }} {{ current_nutrition_field_type -}}{%- unless forloop.last -%},{%- endunless -%}</span> {% endcomment %}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture rk_nutrition_template_capture -%}
{% case rk_mf.nutrition_template %}
{% when 'vertical' %}
{% when 'horizontal' %}
{% when 'linear' %}
{% else %}
{% endcase %}
{%- endcapture -%}
{%- capture rk_social_sharing_capture -%}
{%- if recipe_design == 'rk_sunny' or recipe_design == 'rk_uptown' -%}
<ul class="rk_social">
<span onclick="rk_print_function()" class="rk_print">
<svg xmlns="" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 640 640"><path fill-rule="nonzero" d="M120.84 176.116V25.536a2.735 2.735 0 0 1 2.74-2.74h301.067c.46 0 .886.106 1.263.295l10.052 4.146-1.051 2.539 1.05-2.54c.414.166.745.426 1.028.745l67.336 66.437 4.358 4.288-1.913 1.96 1.925-1.96c.543.543.815 1.252.815 1.96v75.45a2.742 2.742 0 0 1-2.74 2.74h-29.245a2.745 2.745 0 0 1-2.752-2.74v-35.858h-77.352a2.757 2.757 0 0 1-2.763-2.752c0-.071.012-.154.012-.237v-14.433h-.012V57.65H155.683v118.466a2.745 2.745 0 0 1-2.752 2.74h-29.35a2.735 2.735 0 0 1-2.74-2.74zm40.382 200.058h317.555c.225 0 .426.035.638.07 4.335.084 8.48.993 12.272 2.564a33.659 33.659 0 0 1 10.96 7.358 33.53 33.53 0 0 1 7.3 10.926 33.137 33.137 0 0 1 2.528 12.224c. 0 .39.024.578.047a23.44 23.44 0 0 0 8.54-1.842c2.94-1.229 5.598-3.048 7.866-5.292a24.553 24.553 0 0 0 5.291-7.866 23.459 23.459 0 0 0 1.831-8.575c-.023-.189-.059-.366-.059-.543V249.629c0-.213.036-.39.071-.59a23.74 23.74 0 0 0-1.843-8.54 24.502 24.502 0 0 0-5.29-7.855c-2.269-2.244-4.926-4.063-7.867-5.303a23.342 23.342 0 0 0-8.599-1.83 2.503 2.503 0 0 1-.52.047H58.904c-.19 0-.39-.012-.58-.06-2.987.072-5.87.721-8.539 1.843-2.94 1.24-5.598 3.06-7.866 5.303a24.502 24.502 0 0 0-5.291 7.855 23.635 23.635 0 0 0-1.831 8.598c. .189-.011.39-.047.567.071 3 .72 5.882 1.843 8.54a24.553 24.553 0 0 0 5.291 7.865c2.268 2.244 4.925 4.063 7.866 5.292a23.592 23.592 0 0 0 8.599 1.842c.165-.035.342-.047.52-.047h68.528v-48.142c0-.225.035-.45.07-.638a33.877 33.877 0 0 1 2.552-12.26 34.303 34.303 0 0 1 6.945-10.56c.106-.153.224-.295.354-.413a33.631 33.631 0 0 1 10.95-7.299 33.94 33.94 0 0 1 12.271-2.551c.213-.036.414-.071.638-.071h.012zM512.57 492.963v90.474c0 .224-.035.425-.094.637a32.978 32.978 0 0 1-2.551 12.272c-1.701 4.122-4.229 7.843-7.347 10.961a33.53 33.53 0 0 1-10.925 7.3 33.886 33.886 0 0 1-12.237 2.539c-.2.035-.413.059-.626.059H161.211c-.213 0-.425-.024-.626-.06a33.886 33.886 0 0 1-12.237-2.539 33.53 33.53 0 0 1-10.925-7.299c-3.118-3.118-5.646-6.839-7.346-10.96a32.977 32.977 0 0 1-2.552-12.273 2.315 2.315 0 0 1-.094-.637v-90.474H58.902c-.2 0-.413-.035-.625-.07a58.839 58.839 0 0 1-21.875-4.454 58.909 58.909 0 0 1-31.89-31.902c-2.8-6.744-4.37-14.126-4.453-21.862a2.827 2.827 0 0 1-.07-.626v-184.42c0-.224.023-.437.07-.626.083-7.748 1.654-15.142 4.453-21.886a59.11 59.11 0 0 1 12.768-19.11 58.66 58.66 0 0 1 19.122-12.768 58.613 58.613 0 0 1 21.875-4.465c.2-.047.401-.071.625-.071h522.195c.201 0 .414.024.626.07a58.661 58.661 0 0 1 21.875 4.466 58.66 58.66 0 0 1 19.122 12.767 59.11 59.11 0 0 1 12.768 19.11c2.8 6.745 4.37 14.139 4.453 21.887. .224-.023.425-.07.626-.083 7.748-1.654 15.13-4.453 21.874a58.96 58.96 0 0 1-12.768 19.134 59.035 59.035 0 0 1-19.122 12.768 58.839 58.839 0 0 1-21.875 4.453c-.2.036-.425.071-.626.071H512.57zm-46.571-387.56l-36.485-35.977v35.977h36.485zm11.705 305.626H162.298V582.35h315.405V411.029z"/></svg>
<a target="_blank" href="//{{- rk_mf.recipe_title | url_param_escape -}}&amp;url={{- shop.url -}}{{- article.url -}}">
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<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_meta">{{- rk_lang_cuisine -}}</h2>
<p>{{- rk_mf.recipe_cuisine -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.serving_size != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_meta">{{- rk_lang_serving -}}</h2>
<p>{{- rk_mf.serving_size -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_prep_time != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_meta">{{- rk_lang_prep_time -}}</h2>
<p>{{ rk_prep_time }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_cook_time != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_meta">{{- rk_lang_cook_time -}}</h2>
<p>{{ rk_cook_time }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_calories != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_meta">{{- rk_lang_calories -}}</h2>
<p>{{ rk_mf.recipe_calories }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
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{{- rk_lang_author -}}
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{{- rk_ingredient_capture -}}
<div class="rk_directions rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_directions -}}</h2>
{{- rk_direction_capture -}}
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<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_note -}}</h2>
<p>{{- rk_mf.recipe_note -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
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<span class="rk_hr"></span>
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<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
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<div class="rk_nutrition_card {{- rk_nutrition_template_capture -}}">
{{- rk_nutrition_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if recipe_design == 'rk_modern_vertical' -%}
<div id="rk_design" class="rk_modern rk_modern_vertical" style="display: none;">
<div class="rk_container">
<div class="rk_card">
<div class="rk_header">
<div class="rk_grid">
<div class="rk_column rk_primary">
{% if rk_settings.settings.default_heading_type == 'h1' %}
<h1 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h1>
{% else %}
<h2 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% if rk_mf.enable_rating == true or rk_mf.enable_rating == 'true' %}
{{ rk_rating }}
{% endif %}
<div class="rk_column rk_actions">
{{- rk_social_sharing_capture -}}
<div class="rk_grid rk_secondary">
<div class="rk_column rk_details">
{{ meta_capture }}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_description != blank -%}
<div class="rk_description">
{{- rk_mf.recipe_description -}}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_author != blank and rk_mf.recipe_author != '<p></p>' -%}
<span class="rk_author">
{{- rk_lang_author -}}
{{ rk_mf.recipe_author -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_image != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column rk_image">
src="{{- rk_16_9_recipe_image -}}"
alt="Image of {{ rk_mf.recipe_title -}}"
{%- endif -%}
<span class="rk_hr"></span>
<div class="rk_body">
<div class="rk_ingredients">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_ingredients -}}</h2>
{{- rk_ingredient_capture -}}
<span class="rk_hr"></span>
<div class="rk_directions rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_directions -}}</h2>
{{- rk_direction_capture -}}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_video != blank -%}
<div class="rk_print_hide" id="rk_video">
<span class="rk_hr"></span>
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_video -}}</h2>
{% if rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'tiktok' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'instagram' %}
{{ rk_video_embed_url }}
{% else %}
<iframe class="rk_video" src="{{ rk_video_embed_url }}" width="100%" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_note != blank -%}
<span class="rk_hr"></span>
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">{{- rk_lang_note -}}</h2>
<p>{{- rk_mf.recipe_note -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.nutrition_data != blank -%}
<span class="rk_hr"></span>
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_nutrition -}}</span>
<div class="rk_nutrition_column">
<div class="rk_nutrition_card {{- rk_nutrition_template_capture -}}">
{{- rk_nutrition_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if recipe_design == 'rk_sunny' -%}
<div id="rk_design" class="rk_sunny" style="display: none;">
<div class="rk_container">
<div class="rk_card">
<div class="rk_header">
<div class="rk_grid">
<div class="rk_column rk_primary">
{% if rk_settings.settings.default_heading_type == 'h1' %}
<h1 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h1>
{% else %}
<h2 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% if rk_mf.enable_rating == true or rk_mf.enable_rating == 'true' %}
{{ rk_rating }}
{% endif %}
<div class="rk_column rk_actions">
{{- rk_social_sharing_capture -}}
<div class="rk_grid rk_secondary">
<div class="rk_column rk_details {% if rk_mf.recipe_image != blank %}rk_has_image{% endif %}">
{{ meta_capture }}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_description != blank -%}
<div class="rk_description">
{{- rk_mf.recipe_description -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_image != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column rk_image">
src="{{- rk_2_3_recipe_image -}}"
alt="Image of {{ rk_mf.recipe_title }}"
{%- endif -%}
<div class="rk_body">
<div class="rk_ingredients">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_ingredients -}}</span>
{{- rk_ingredient_capture -}}
<div class="rk_directions rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_directions -}}</span>
{{- rk_direction_capture -}}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_video != blank -%}
<div class="rk_print_hide" id="rk_video">
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_video -}}</span>
{% if rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'tiktok' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'instagram' %}
{{ rk_video_embed_url }}
{% else %}
<iframe class="rk_video" src="{{ rk_video_embed_url }}" width="100%" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_note != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_note -}}</span>
<p>{{- rk_mf.recipe_note -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.nutrition_data != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h2 class="rk_column_heading">
<span>{{- rk_lang_nutrition -}}</span>
<div class="rk_nutrition_column">
<div class="rk_nutrition_card {{- rk_nutrition_template_capture -}}">
{{- rk_nutrition_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if recipe_design == 'rk_uptown' -%}
<div id="rk_design" class="rk_uptown" style="display: none;">
<div class="rk_container">
<div class="rk_card">
<div class="rk_header">
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_image != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column rk_image">
src="{{- rk_uptown_recipe_image -}}"
alt="Image of {{ rk_mf.recipe_title }}"
{%- endif -%}
<div class="rk_grid">
<div class="rk_column rk_primary">
{% if rk_settings.settings.default_heading_type == 'h1' %}
<h1 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h1>
{% else %}
<h2 class="rk_heading">{{- rk_mf.recipe_title -}}</h2>
{% endif %}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_author != blank and rk_mf.recipe_author != '<p></p>' -%}
<div class="rk_subheading">{{ rk_mf.recipe_author }}</div>
{%- endif -%}
{% if rk_mf.enable_rating == true or rk_mf.enable_rating == 'true' %}
<div class="rk_rating_wrapper">
<div class="rk_rating">
<div class="stars">
<span class="star {% if current_rating == 5 %} is-selected {% endif %}">
<use xlink:href="#star"></use>
<span class="star {% if current_rating == 4 %} is-selected {% endif %}">
<use xlink:href="#star"></use>
<span class="star {% if current_rating == 3 %} is-selected {% endif %}">
<use xlink:href="#star"></use>
<span class="star {% if current_rating == 2 %} is-selected {% endif %}">
<use xlink:href="#star"></use>
<span class="star {% if current_rating == 1 %} is-selected {% endif %}">
<use xlink:href="#star"></use>
<p id="rk_rating_thanks">{{- rk_lang_rating_count -}}</p>
{% endif %}
<div class="rk_grid rk_secondary">
<div class="rk_column rk_details {% if rk_mf.recipe_image != blank %}rk_has_image{% endif %}">
{{ meta_capture }}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_description != blank -%}
<div class="rk_description">
{{- rk_mf.recipe_description -}}
{%- endif -%}
<div class="rk_column rk_actions">
{{- rk_social_sharing_capture -}}
<div class="rk_body">
<div class="rk_ingredients">
<h3 class="rk_column_heading rk_section_header">
<span>{{- rk_lang_ingredients -}}</span>
{{- rk_ingredient_capture -}}
<div class="rk_directions rk_column">
<h3 class="rk_column_heading rk_section_header">
<span>{{- rk_lang_directions -}}</span>
{{- rk_direction_capture -}}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_video != blank -%}
<div class="rk_print_hide" id="rk_video">
<div class="rk_column">
<h3 class="rk_column_heading rk_section_header">
<span>{{- rk_lang_video -}}</span>
{% if rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'tiktok' or rk_mf.recipe_video contains 'instagram' %}
{{ rk_video_embed_url }}
{% else %}
<iframe class="rk_video" src="{{ rk_video_embed_url }}" width="100%" allowfullscreen></iframe>
{% endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.recipe_note != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h3 class="rk_column_heading rk_section_header">
<span>{{- rk_lang_note -}}</span>
<p>{{- rk_mf.recipe_note -}}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_mf.nutrition_data != blank -%}
<div class="rk_column">
<h3 class="rk_column_heading rk_section_header">
<span>{{- rk_lang_nutrition -}}</span>
<div class="rk_nutrition_column">
<div class="rk_nutrition_card {{- rk_nutrition_template_capture -}}">
{{- rk_nutrition_capture -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
const pageEventData = {
recipe: {{ rk_mf.recipe_id }}
};'recipe_page_viewed', pageEventData);
var rk_lang_added = '{{ rk_lang_added }}';
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element.setAttribute('data-info', element.getAttribute('data-tip'));
element.removeEventListener('click', rk_add_to_cart);
element.addEventListener('click', rk_remove_from_cart);
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function rk_atc_all_toggle() {
if (!rk_atc_all) return;
// Toggle Add All button
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// This means all items are added
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function rk_add_to_cart(event) {
var element =;
var quantity = 1;
var variant_id = element.getAttribute('data-id');
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'id': variant_id,
'quantity': quantity
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body: JSON.stringify(add_data),
credentials: 'same-origin',
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'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method: 'POST'
}).then(function(response) {return response.json();
}).then(function() {
rk_atc_toggle_element(element, quantity);
const cartData = {
recipe: {{ rk_mf.recipe_id }},
variant_id: variant_id
};'recipe_product_added', cartData);
}).catch(function(err) {
function rk_remove_cart_all(event) {
var rk_rfc_all =;
var rk_rfc_buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button[class^=rk_rfc_btn]');
var items = {};
var quantity = 0;
rk_rfc_buttons.forEach(element => {
var variant_id = element.getAttribute('data-id');
items[variant_id] = quantity;
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body: JSON.stringify({ updates: items }),
credentials: 'same-origin',
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'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method: 'POST'
}).then(function(response) {return response.json();
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rk_rfc_all.innerHTML = rk_lang_removed;
rk_rfc_buttons.forEach(element => {
var product_info = element.getAttribute('data-info');
rk_atc_toggle_element(element, quantity, product_info);
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var add_all_button =;
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var variant_id = element.getAttribute('data-id');
'id': variant_id,
'quantity': quantity
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body: JSON.stringify({ items }),
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rk_atc_toggle_element(element, quantity);
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function rk_remove_from_cart(event) {
var element =;
var quantity = 0;
var variant_id = element.getAttribute('data-id');
var product_info = element.getAttribute('data-info');
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'id': variant_id,
'quantity': quantity
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body: JSON.stringify(add_data),
credentials: 'same-origin',
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'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method: 'POST'
}).then(function(response) {return response.json();
}).then(function(json) {
rk_atc_toggle_element(element, quantity, product_info);
}).catch(function(err) {
function rk_get_cart(variant_id) {
fetch('/cart.js', {
credentials: 'same-origin',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
method: 'GET'
}).then(function(response) {return response.json();
}).then(function(json) {
var cart_data = json;
var rk_cart_event = new CustomEvent("rk_cart_event",{detail: {cart: cart_data}});
if (cart_data.item_count > 0) {
document.getElementById("rk_cart_btn").innerText = document.getElementById("rk_cart_btn").innerText.replace(/[0-9]+/, cart_data.item_count);
} else {
}).catch(function(err) {
// End ATC Functions
const rk_print_function = () => {
const popup ="", "popup", "width=1200,height=800");
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popup.document.body.innerHTML = content.innerHTML;
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
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{% if rk_mf.enable_rating == true %}
let recipe_id = {{ rk_mf.recipe_id }};
let counter = 0;
(function() {
let starContainer = document.querySelector('.stars');
let starsNodeList = starContainer.children;
let stars =;
let totalStars = stars.length;
let confirm_rating = '{{ rk_lang_rating_confirmation}}';
function rk_rating_success(){
var rk_rating_event = new CustomEvent("rk_rating_event");
starContainer.addEventListener('click', function handler(e) {
let index = stars.indexOf(;
let user_rating = totalStars - index;
stars.forEach(function(el) {
if (counter == 1 && confirm_rating) {
document.getElementById('rk_rating_thanks').innerHTML = '{{ rk_lang_rating_confirmation }}';
} else {
this.removeEventListener("click", handler);
fetch("", {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({
recipe_id: recipe_id,
user_rating: user_rating
}).then(function(res) {
document.getElementById('rk_rating_thanks').innerHTML = '{{ rk_lang_rating_thanks }}'
}).catch(function(res) {
document.getElementById('rk_rating_thanks').innerHTML = '{{ rk_lang_rating_thanks }}';
console.log('Woops! Something went wrong while rating this recipe.')
{% endif %}
{%- if rk_settings.click_to_check == 'true' or rk_settings.click_to_check == true -%}
const ingredientStrikes = document.querySelectorAll('.rk_ingredients ul li');
ingredientStrikes.forEach((element) => {
element.addEventListener('click', function handler(e) {
if ( === 'line-through') { = '';
} else { = 'line-through';
{%- endif -%}
{%- if rk_settings.design_border == false -%}
#rk_parent .rk_container {
border: none !important;
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cursor: pointer !important;
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background: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
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border: 1px solid {{- design_colour -}} !important;
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background: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
border: 1px solid {{- design_colour -}} !important;
#rk_parent .rk_rfc_btn {
border-color: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
} svg, ~ .star svg {
fill: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
.star:hover svg,
.star:hover ~ .star svg {
opacity: 0.8;
fill: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
.rk_uptown .rk_directions ol li:before {
content: "{{ rk_lang_step }} " counter(elementcounter);
#rk_parent .rk_uptown .rk_container .rk_secondary {
border-color: {{- design_colour -}} !important;
{%- if rk_settings.custom_css != blank -%}
{{ rk_settings.custom_css }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
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