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Last active July 8, 2024 18:12
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Blue-green deployment with Laravel Octane
export OCTANE_STATE_FILE=/home/forge/
php8.0 artisan octane:start --port=8001
export OCTANE_STATE_FILE=/home/forge/
php8.0 artisan octane:start --port=8002
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Console\Concerns\CallsCommands;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Laravel\Forge\Forge;
use Laravel\Forge\Resources\Daemon;
class SwapOctaneServer extends Command
use CallsCommands;
private Forge $forgeApi;
private $serverId;
private $siteId;
private $bluePort;
private $greenPort;
const BLUE = 'blue';
const GREEN = 'green';
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'octane:swap-server';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Start a new Octane daemon and swap the port in the nginx config';
* Execute the console command.
* @return int
public function handle(Forge $forge)
$this->forgeApi = $forge;
$this->serverId = config('services.forge.server_id');
$this->siteId = config('services.forge.site_id');
$this->bluePort = config('services.forge.blue_port'); // 8001
$this->greenPort = config('services.forge.green_port'); // 8002
$nginxPort = $this->getNginxPort();
$this->info('Current nginx port: ' . $nginxPort);
$blueIsActive = $nginxPort === $this->bluePort;
$this->start($blueIsActive ? static::GREEN : static::BLUE);
$this->stop($blueIsActive ? static::BLUE : static::GREEN);
private function getNginxPort(): int
$config = $this->forgeApi->siteNginxFile($this->serverId, $this->siteId);
preg_match('/(proxy_pass http:\/\/\d+)\$/', $config, $matches);
return $matches[2];
private function start($server)
$this->info('Start server: ' . $server);
// make sure there's no dangling daemon
$this->forgeApi->createDaemon($this->serverId, [
"command" => "bash start-{$server}",
"user" => "forge",
"directory" => "/home/forge/", // symbolic link
$port = $server === static::BLUE ? $this->bluePort : $this->greenPort;
$this->info('Polling server on port: ' . $server);
fn () => Http::timeout(1)
private function updateNginxConfig($newPort)
$this->info('Updating nginx config to port: ' . $newPort);
$config = $this->forgeApi->siteNginxFile($this->serverId, $this->siteId);
$config = preg_replace_callback('/(proxy_pass http:\/\/\d+)\$/', function ($matches) use ($newPort) {
return $matches[1] . $newPort . '$';
}, $config);
$this->forgeApi->updateSiteNginxFile($this->serverId, $this->siteId, $config);
private function stop($server)
$forge = $this->forgeApi;
/** @var Daemon $daemon */
$daemon = collect($forge->daemons($this->serverId))->firstWhere('command', "bash start-{$server}");
if ($daemon) {
$this->info('Wait for pending requests on server: ' . $server);
usleep(config('octane.max_execution_time') * 1000 * 1000);
$this->info('Stop server: ' . $server);
rescue(fn () => $forge->deleteDaemon($daemon->serverId, $daemon->id));
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Thanks for this, but wish there was an alternative version for non-forge projects 🙌
I'm trying to figure out how to manage/modify supervisor services from my Deployer script.

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