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Created July 6, 2024 18:17
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Bluez + DBUS in a star topology
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows.meta}
node distance=3cm and 3cm,
mynode/.style={circle, draw, text width=2.5cm, align=center, minimum height=2cm, fill=blue!20},
myarrow/.style={->, >=Stealth},
% Central Node
\node[mynode] (dbus) {D-Bus Daemon};
% Peripheral Nodes
\node[mynode, above left=of dbus] (bluez) {BlueZ Service};
\node[mynode, above right=of dbus] (app1) {Application 1};
\node[mynode, below right=of dbus] (app2) {Application 2};
% Arrows
\draw[myarrow] (dbus) -- (bluez);
\draw[myarrow] (dbus) -- (app1);
\draw[myarrow] (dbus) -- (app2);
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