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Last active October 24, 2022 23:12
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Calculate the distribution of outcomes when rolling multiple dice.
#! /usr/bin/python3
# This script will calculate the distribution of rolling any number
# of mixed-sided dice.
# Example usage: python3 3d6 1d20
# The above would calculate the distribution of rolling four dice
# all at the same time: 3d6 + 1d20.
# Data Representation
# operates on distributions.
# A distribution is modeled as an array, where the index represents
# the total rolled, and the value represents the count of that total
# (i.e. how many times that total occurs in the distribution).
# For example, below are the distributions of 1d6, 2d6, and 3d6.
# dist_1d6 = [ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
# dist_2d6 = [ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]
# dist_3d6 = [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 25, 27,
# 27, 25, 21, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1 ]
# The roll() function calculates the product of any two
# distributions.
# roll() operates in O(n*m), where n and m are the lengths of the
# two arrays that respectively represent each distribution.
# Or perhaps somewhat worse than O(n*m), as with larger n and m (and
# with larger counts) the multiplication and addition of very large
# integers will also be involved.
# Rolling more than two dice is done iteratively, by adding one die
# at a time to the cumulative distribution.
# For example, dist_4d6 is calculated as follows:
# dist_1d6 = [0] + [1] * 6
# dist_2d6 = roll ( dist_1d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_3d6 = roll ( dist_2d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_4d6 = roll ( dist_3d6, dist_1d6 )
# Note that any two distributions can be combined. So, for example,
# dist_4d6 could also be calculated as follows:
# dist_4d6 = roll ( dist_2d6, dist_2d6 )
# This means that a further optimization is possible, but is not
# implemented below.
# Consider calculating 1024d6. At present, would calculate
# this as follows:
# dist_1d6 = [0] + [1] * 6
# dist_2d6 = roll ( dist_1d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_3d6 = roll ( dist_2d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_4d6 = roll ( dist_4d6, dist_1d6 )
# ...
# dist_1023d6 = roll ( dist_1022d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_1024d6 = roll ( dist_1023d6, dist_1d6 )
# However, this could be greatly accelerated by doubling each
# distribution as follows:
# dist_1d6 = [0] + [1] * 6
# dist_2d6 = roll ( dist_1d6, dist_1d6 )
# dist_4d6 = roll ( dist_2d6, dist_2d6 )
# dist_8d6 = roll ( dist_4d6, dist_4d6 )
# ...
# dist_512d6 = roll ( dist_256d6, dist_256d6 )
# dist_1024d6 = roll ( dist_512d6, dist_512d6 )
# Distributions that are not powers of two could be calculated by
# rolling together the approprate powers of two. For example:
# dist_768d6 = roll ( dist_512d6, dist_256d6 )
# Implementing this performance improvement is left as an exercise
# for the reader.
import re, sys
def roll ( a, b ): # --------------------------------------------- roll
# roll() returns the product of distributions a and b.
dist = [ 0 ] * ( len(a) + len(b) - 1 ) # the new distribution
for na in range ( 0, len(a) ):
for nb in range ( 0, len(b) ):
dist [ na + nb ] += a[na] * b[nb]
return dist
def roll_ndn ( dist, ndn ): # -------------------------------- roll_ndn
# roll_ndn() returns the product of dist and ndn.
# dist is any pre-existing distribution.
# ndn is a string that names a distribution.
# for example, ndn could be '2d6' or '4d20'
m = re .match ( '^(\d+)d(\d+)$', ndn ) # parse ndn
d = int ( ) # how many dice?
s = int ( ) # how many sides?
die = [0] + [1] * s # the distribution for an s-sided die
except: print ( 'bad arg ' + ndn ) ; sys .exit (1)
for j in range(0,d): # roll die into dist, d times
dist = roll ( dist, die )
return dist
def print_dist ( dist ): # --------------------------------- print_dist
for n in range ( 0, len(dist) ):
if dist[n] > 0:
print ( ( '%-6d %d' ) % ( n, dist[n] ) )
def main ( argv ): # -------------------------------------------- main
dist = [ 1 ] # the empty distribution (always zero)
for ndn in argv: # for each arg in argv
dist = roll_ndn ( dist, ndn ) # roll in ndn
print_dist ( dist )
main ( sys .argv [1:] )
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