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Adrian Wyssmann papanito

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Omerr / git
Last active September 24, 2024 22:39
git lol - an alias to Git that shows the commit graph in a pretty format

log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

To configure as an alias git lol:

git config --global "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)&lt;%an&gt;%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

rosskirkpat /
Created October 13, 2022 01:31
Configure max pods for RKE, RKE2, and k3s clusters

How to configure max pods for the SUSE Rancher Kubernetes distributions

Considerations when Increasing the Max Pod Count

Changing the max-pods on an active cluster with workloads is generally a safe procedure when target number of max-pods is <=250. When the goal number of max-pods is >250, the additional considerations mentioned above require a deletion of all currently running pods.

If increasing max-pods to >250, there are additional considerations and changes required. The in-cluster IP management configuration needs to be modified as the default is a /16 split into one /24 for each node in the cluster. This comes to a limit of about 256 nodes with roughly 253 pods per node.

--max-pods int32 Default: 110
papanito /
Last active June 28, 2023 15:02 — forked from pavlov99/
Find your role's id in ansible-galaxy
$ ansible-galaxy role info YourUser.RoleName | grep -E 'id: [0-9]' | awk {'print $2'}
hadilq /
Last active August 3, 2024 08:16
Encypted LUKS LVM Btrfs Root with Opt-in State on NixOS

I'm trying to follow this guide to install NixOS using Btrfs, LUKS and LVM. The main usage of this page for me will be remembering what I did! My laptop is ASUS ROG GL553VD.

Just downloaded Plasma Desktop, 64bit and create a bootable Flash Drive. Then boot up to NixOS Live CD. Using gparted to create two partitions, One 200MB vfat EFI partittion and the rest of SSD drive will be an encrypted partition.

janeczku /
Created June 10, 2020 14:10
How to register Rancher managed Kubernetes clusters in Argo CD

How to register Rancher managed Kubernetes clusters in Argo CD

Registering Rancher managed clusters in Argo CD doesn't work out of the box unless the Authorized Cluster Endpoint is used. Many users will prefer an integration of Argo CD via the central Rancher authentication proxy (which shares the network endpoint of the Rancher API/GUI). So let's find out why registering clusters via Rancher auth proxy fails and how to make it work.

Hint: If you are just looking for the solution scroll to the bottom of this page.

Why do i get an error when running argocd cluster add?

Service Account tokens and the Rancher authentication proxy

papanito / k8s-metricbeat.values.yaml
Last active June 9, 2020 11:58
An example `values.yaml` for installing `helm install k8s-metricbeat stable/metricbeat --namespace kube-system -f k8s-metricbeat.values.yaml`. It does not yet include shipping secret
# The instances created by daemonset retrieve most metrics from the host
enabled: true
podAnnotations: []
priorityClassName: ""
- key:
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
nodeSelector: {}
albertvaka / ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
Last active March 12, 2024 15:03
Powershell 'cd' that behaves properly: zero args bring you home, passing '-' brings you to the previous dir
del alias:cd -Force # Remove builtin cd alias to Set-Location
function cd {
$pwd = Get-Location
if ($args.Count -eq 0) {
Set-Location ~
} elseif ($args[0] -eq "-") {
Set-Location @global:OLDPWD
} else {
Set-Location @args
# Luke's config for the Zoomer Shell
# Enable colors and change prompt:
autoload -U colors && colors
PS1="%B%{$fg[red]%}[%{$fg[yellow]%}%n%{$fg[green]%}@%{$fg[blue]%}%M %{$fg[magenta]%}%~%{$fg[red]%}]%{$reset_color%}$%b "
# History in cache directory:
xtream1101 / Backup&
Created June 29, 2019 12:38
Backup and restore a git repo using git bundle

Backup/archive a repo

  1. Clone the repo
git clone --mirror
  1. cd into the cloned repo
  2. Create a bundle file in the parent directory
git bundle create ../vuejs_vue.bundle --all
Jachimo /
Created June 2, 2018 02:29
Using ZeroTier to route between two UniFi USG LANs

Routing between two UniFi USG based LANs with ZeroTier


This is a quick explanation of how to configure both ZeroTier and two Ubiquiti UniFi USGs to allow routing between two IPv4 networks. Both networks are in private (RFC1918) address space and each one has its own DHCP service. There is no need for NAT between them, only IP routing.

The two networks are (call this the "left" network) and (the "right" network) but they can be anything. Also, you can have multiple CIDR blocks on one side or the other of the ZeroTier route; if you do, you just have to create more routing table entries.