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Created January 10, 2014 03:09
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" Vim global plugin for better digraph interactions...
" Maintainer: Damian Conway
" License: This file is placed in the public domain.
"## ##
"## To use: ##
"## ##
"## inoremap <expr> <C-K> BDG_GetDigraph() ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## Digraph naming scheme: ##
"## ##
"## 1. Accented characters ##
"## ##
"## Always the letter itself, followed by ##
"## the first character of the accent's name: ##
"## ##
"## A/a --> acute (e.g. aa --> á YA --> Ý ) ##
"## G/g --> grave (e.g. ag --> à og --> ò ) ##
"## C/c --> circumflex or cedilla (e.g. AC --> Â cc --> ç ) ##
"## U/u --> umlaut (e.g. au --> ä UU --> Ü ) ##
"## T/t --> tilde (e.g. at --> ã nt --> ñ ) ##
"## S/s --> slash (e.g. os --> ø OS --> Ø ) ##
"## R/r --> ring (e.g. AR --> Å ) ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 2. Unaccented characters ##
"## ##
"## AE --> "[AE] diphthong" --> Æ ##
"## ae --> "[ae] diphthong" --> æ ##
"## TH --> "[TH]ORN] --> Þ ##
"## th --> "[th]orn] --> þ ##
"## EH --> "[E]T[H] --> Ð ##
"## eh --> "[e]t[h] --> ð ##
"## ss --> "long e[ss]" --> ß ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 3. Non-alphabetics ##
"## (Usually the first letter(s) of each word, except where ambiguous, ##
"## in which case: the first and last letters are used instead.) ##
"## ##
"## ce --> "[ce]nt" --> ¢ ##
"## ci --> "[ci]rcumflex" --> ^ ##
"## co --> "[co]pyright" --> © ##
"## de --> "[de]gree" --> ° ##
"## mu --> "[mu]" --> µ ##
"## no --> "[no]t" --> ¬ ##
"## nu --> "[nu]mber" --> # ##
"## pa --> "[pa]ragraph" --> ¶ ##
"## po --> "[po]und" --> £ ##
"## re --> "[re]gistered" --> ® ##
"## se --> "[se]ction" --> § ##
"## sp --> "[sp]ace" --> <Space> ##
"## ti --> "[ti]lde" --> ~ ##
"## ye --> "[ye]n" --> ¥ ##
"## ##
"## as --> "[a]t [s]ign" --> @ ##
"## bb --> "[b]roken [b]ar" --> ¦ ##
"## bs --> "[b]ack [s]lash --> \ ##
"## bt --> "[b]ack [t]ick" --> ` ##
"## ds --> "[d]ivide [s]ign" --> ÷ ##
"## ft --> "[f]orward [t]ick" --> ´ ##
"## ms --> "[m]ultiply [s]ign" --> × ##
"## pm --> "[p]lus or [m]inus" --> ± ##
"## vb --> "[v]ertical [b]ar" --> | ##
"## ##
"## dr --> "[d]olla[r]" --> $ ##
"## dt --> "[d]o[t]" --> · ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 4. Brackets ##
"## ('l/r' for left/right; 's/c/d' for square/curly/double-angle) ##
"## ##
"## ls --> [ rs --> ] ##
"## lc --> { rc --> } ##
"## ld --> « rd --> » ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 3. Inverted punctuation ##
"## (Always the character followed by 'i' for inverted) ##
"## ##
"## !i --> ¡ ##
"## ?i --> ¿ ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 3. Ordinals ##
"## (Always the character followed by 'o') ##
"## ##
"## ao --> ª ##
"## oo --> º ##
"## 1o --> ¹ ##
"## 2o --> ² ##
"## 3o --> ³ ##
"## ##
"## ##
"## 5. Some obvious pictographic alternatives ##
"## (Generally, doubling the letter produces the common variant) ##
"## ##
"## ++ --> ± ##
"## +- --> ± ##
"## xx --> × ##
"## ##
"## << --> « ##
"## >> --> » ##
"## ##
"## !! --> ¡ ##
"## ?? --> ¿ ##
"## ##
"## 11 --> ¹ ##
"## 22 --> ² ##
"## 33 --> ³ ##
"## ##
"## 14 --> ¼ ##
"## 12 --> ½ ##
"## 34 --> ¾ ##
"## ##
"## ##
" If already loaded, we're done...
if exists("loaded_betterdigraphs")
let loaded_betterdigraphs = 1
" Preserve external compatibility options, then enable full vim compatibility...
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Highlight group that emulates cursor appearance during digraph insertion...
highlight BDG_Cursor_Emulation ctermfg=blue ctermbg=white
" Highlight group to display hints...
highlight default link BDG_Digraph_Table SpecialKey
" How many entries per line in the displayed table???
" Precompute spacings...
let s:ENTRY_SPACING = repeat(" ", 9)
let s:GAP_SPACING = repeat(" ", s:INTER_ENTRY_GAP)
" This elaboration intercepts the timeouts on regular getchar()...
function! s:active_getchar ()
let char = 0
while !char
let char = getchar()
return nr2char(char)
" Retrieve the digraph list (should be called in a :silent)...
function! s:get_digraphs ()
redir => digraphs
redir END
return substitute(digraphs,'\%d173', '-?','') " Translate invisible soft-hyphen
function! s:show_digraphs (digraphs, cursor_char, context)
" Pad digraph table to fill screen
let digraphs = copy(a:digraphs) + repeat([""], winheight(0))
" Display first half of digraph table...
echohl BDG_Digraph_Table
echon join(digraphs[0 : a:context.line-2], "\n") . "\n"
" Display cursor line with emulated digraph marker...
echohl Normal
echon strpart(a:context.text, 0, a:context.col-1)
echohl BDG_Cursor_Emulation
echon a:cursor_char
echohl Normal
echon strpart(a:context.text, a:context.col-1) . "\n"
" Display remainder of digraph table...
echohl BDG_Digraph_Table
echon join(digraphs[a:context.line-1 : winheight(0)-2], "\n") . "\n"
echohl None
let g:BDG_filtering = 1
" Filter out digraphs that don't start or end with the specified character...
function! s:filter_digraphs (digraphs, char)
if !g:BDG_filtering
return a:digraphs
let digraphs = copy(a:digraphs)
for line in range(len(digraphs))
let filtered_line = []
for digraph_spec in split(digraphs[line], '.\{9}\zs ')
let filtered_spec = substitute(digraph_spec, '\C^.. --> [^'.a:char.'].\s*$', repeat(' ',9), '')
let filtered_spec = substitute(filtered_spec, '\C^.. --> \zs['.a:char.']\ze\S\s*$', ' ', '')
let filtered_line += [filtered_spec]
let digraphs[line] = join(filtered_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING
return digraphs
" Emulate a more helpful ^K...
function! BDG_GetDigraph ()
" Locate cursor...
let context = { 'line': winline(), 'col': wincol(), 'text': getline('.') }
" Grab list of digraphs...
let digraphs = s:digraph_table
" Simulate first char of two-character digraph code (with <C-K> or <ESC> to escape)...
call s:show_digraphs(digraphs, '?', context)
let char1 = s:active_getchar()
" Simulate second char of two-character digraph code (with <C-K> or <ESC> to escape)...
if (char1 == "\<C-K>" || char1 == "\<ESC>")
call feedkeys("\<BS>")
return "\<C-K>\<ESC> "
call s:show_digraphs(s:filter_digraphs(digraphs, char1), char1, context)
let char2 = s:active_getchar()
" Return the digraph-constructing sequence...
return get(g:BDG_digraphs, char1.char2, "")
" Set up default set of characters if user hasn't specified...
if !exists('g:BDG_digraphs')
let g:BDG_digraphs = {
\ 'sp' : ' ',
\ 'nu' : '#',
\ 'dr' : '$',
\ 'as' : '@',
\ 'bs' : '\',
\ 'ci' : '^',
\ 'bt' : '`',
\ 'vb' : '|',
\ 'ti' : '~',
\ 'ft' : '´',
\ "''" : '´',
\ 'ls' : '[', 'rs' : ']',
\ 'lc' : '{', 'rc' : '}',
\ 'ld' : '«', 'rd' : '»',
\ '<<' : '«', '>>' : '»',
\ '!!' : '¡', '??' : '¿',
\ 'i!' : '¡', 'i?' : '¿',
\ '!i' : '¡', '?i' : '¿',
\ 'ce' : '¢',
\ 'po' : '£',
\ 'ye' : '¥',
\ 'bb' : '¦',
\ 'se' : '§',
\ 'pa' : '',
\ 'co' : '©',
\ 're' : '®',
\ 'sh' : '­',
\ 'mu' : 'µ',
\ 'no' : '¬',
\ 'dt' : '·',
\ 'do' : '·',
\ '+-' : '±',
\ 'pm' : '±',
\ 'ms' : '×',
\ 'xx' : '×',
\ 'ds' : '÷',
\ 'di' : '÷',
\ 'de' : '°',
\ 'ao' : 'ª',
\ 'oo' : 'º',
\ '11' : '¹',
\ '22' : '²',
\ '33' : '³',
\ '14' : '¼',
\ '12' : '½',
\ '34' : '¾',
\ 'AG' : 'À', 'EG' : 'È', 'IG' : 'Ì', 'OG' : 'Ò', 'UG' : 'Ù',
\ 'AA' : 'Á', 'EA' : 'É', 'IA' : 'Í', 'OA' : 'Ó', 'UA' : 'Ú', 'YA' : 'Ý',
\ 'AC' : 'Â', 'EC' : 'Ê', 'IC' : 'Î', 'OC' : 'Ô', 'UC' : 'Û',
\ 'AU' : 'Ä', 'EU' : 'Ë', 'IU' : 'Ï', 'OU' : 'Ö', 'UU' : 'Ü',
\ 'AT' : 'Ã', 'OT' : 'Õ',
\ 'AR' : 'Å',
\ 'AE' : 'Æ', 'OS' : 'Ø',
\ 'ag' : 'à', 'eg' : 'è', 'ig' : 'ì', 'og' : 'ò', 'ug' : 'ù',
\ 'aa' : 'á', 'ea' : 'é', 'ia' : 'í', 'oa' : 'ó', 'ua' : 'ú', 'ya' : 'ý',
\ 'ac' : 'â', 'ec' : 'ê', 'ic' : 'î', 'oc' : 'ô', 'uc' : 'û',
\ 'au' : 'ä', 'eu' : 'ë', 'iu' : 'ï', 'ou' : 'ö', 'uu' : 'ü', 'yu' : 'ÿ',
\ 'at' : 'ã', 'ot' : 'õ',
\ 'ar' : 'å',
\ 'ae' : 'æ', 'os' : 'ø',
\ 'CC' : 'Ç',
\ 'cc' : 'ç',
\ 'NT' : 'Ñ',
\ 'NN' : 'Ñ',
\ 'nt' : 'ñ',
\ 'nn' : 'ñ',
\ 'ss' : 'ß',
\ 'TH' : 'Þ',
\ 'th' : 'þ',
\ 'DH' : 'Ð',
\ 'dh' : 'ð',
function! s:by_value (v1, v2)
return a:v1[1] < a:v2[1] ? -1
\ : a:v1[1] > a:v2[1] ? 1
\ : 0
" Remove any digraphs that were specified as unwanted...
if exists('g:BDG_remove')
if type(g:BDG_remove) == type([])
for char in g:BDG_remove
call filter(g:BDG_digraphs, 'v:val != char')
call filter(g:BDG_digraphs, 'v:val !~ g:BDG_remove')
" Add any extra digraphs that were requested...
if exists('g:BDG_add')
call extend(g:BDG_digraphs, g:BDG_add)
" Create the display table components...
let s:digraph_table = []
let current_line = []
for digraph in sort(items(g:BDG_digraphs), "\<SID>by_value")
" Make soft hyphens printable...
let digraph[1] = (digraph[1] == '­') ? '-?' : digraph[1]
" Construct next entry in table...
let current_line += [printf('%2s', digraph[1]) . ' --> ' . digraph[0]]
" When next line of table is full, construct the line...
if len(current_line) == s:ENTRIES_PER_LINE
let s:digraph_table += [join(current_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING]
let current_line = []
if len(current_line)
let current_line += repeat([s:ENTRY_SPACING], s:ENTRIES_PER_LINE - len(current_line))
let s:digraph_table += [join(current_line, s:GAP_SPACING) . s:GAP_SPACING]
let s:digraph_table = s:BLANK_LINE + s:digraph_table + s:BLANK_LINE
" Restore previous external compatibility options
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
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