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Last active September 5, 2024 08:59
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System Design Thinking

System Design Thinking Guide

1. Requirements Gathering

  • Clarify the requirements: Ask clarifying questions to understand both functional and non-functional requirements. This will help ensure that you focus on the correct aspects of the system.
    • Functional Requirements: Core features (e.g., upload a file, search for a user).
    • Non-functional Requirements: Scalability, performance, latency, availability, consistency, and security.
  • Example Questions:
    • What’s the expected user base? How many daily active users?
    • Is there a focus on low-latency or high throughput?
    • Are there specific SLAs (Service Level Agreements) for uptime or performance?

2. High-Level Design

  • Break down the system into components: Identify key parts of the system (e.g., client, server, databases, caches).
  • Define the relationships and interactions between components: Understand how these components will communicate with each other (e.g., API calls, message queues, REST/gRPC).
  • Database Design: Choose between SQL vs. NoSQL based on the type of data (structured/unstructured) and access patterns (transactional, analytical).
    • SQL: Use for transactional consistency (ACID).
    • NoSQL: Use for scalability, flexible schema, and high availability (BASE).

Tip: Draw a high-level architecture diagram, even if it’s just verbal, to show you understand the flow of data.

3. Component Design

  • Dive deeper into each component: Go through each system component and design it in detail.
    • Database Design: Will you use SQL or NoSQL? How will you scale the database?
    • Cache: Where will you use caching (e.g., Redis, Memcached)? How will you handle cache invalidation?
    • Load Balancer: How will you distribute traffic across servers?
    • Message Queue: If asynchronous processing is required, how will you implement it (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ)?

Tip: Show that you understand each component’s trade-offs and justify your choices.

4. Scaling and Performance

  • Identify bottlenecks and hot spots: Focus on what parts of the system need scaling based on traffic estimates.
  • Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling:
    • Vertical Scaling: Increasing the resources of a single machine (more CPU, RAM).
    • Horizontal Scaling: Adding more machines to handle load (e.g., more web servers).
  • Sharding/Partitioning: If applicable, show how you would split the database or workload across multiple servers.
  • Example:
    • How will you scale the system if it grows from 1,000 to 1 million users?
    • Introduce concepts like data replication, sharding, and caching to ensure performance doesn’t degrade.

5. Reliability and Fault Tolerance

  • Redundancy: Design the system to handle hardware or software failures (e.g., using multiple data centers, replication).
  • Failover: What happens when one component fails? Is there a backup or failover mechanism?
  • Data Replication: How will you ensure that data is replicated and backed up properly across regions (active-active or active-passive configurations)?
  • Example: For critical systems, how will you design for high availability (99.99% uptime)?

6. Security and Compliance

  • Authentication & Authorization: Implement secure user access with OAuth2, OpenID, or custom token systems.
  • Encryption:
    • In-transit: Use TLS/SSL for data encryption during transport.
    • At-rest: Ensure data is encrypted in databases or storage.
  • Rate Limiting & DDoS Protection: How will you protect the system from abuse or attacks (rate limiting, IP blocking)?
  • Data Privacy & Compliance: Are there regulations (GDPR, HIPAA) that need to be followed?

7. Monitoring, Logging, and Maintenance

  • Monitoring: Use tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch to monitor system health.
  • Alerting: Set up alerts for critical system failures, resource exhaustion, or high error rates.
  • Logging: Ensure centralized logging (ELK stack or Splunk) for debugging and auditability.
  • Auto-scaling: Implement automatic scaling based on CPU or memory usage to handle sudden traffic spikes.
  • Example: How will you detect if a service fails or if resource consumption becomes too high?

8. Trade-offs and Justifications

  • Latency vs. Throughput: Trade-off between low latency for quick response times and high throughput for processing large amounts of data.
  • Consistency vs. Availability (CAP Theorem): Discuss whether the system should prioritize consistency or availability in case of a network partition.
  • Cost vs. Performance: Show awareness of the cost implications (cloud infrastructure, operational complexity) vs. the performance improvements.
  • Complexity vs. Simplicity: Aim for a simple design unless complexity is required for scalability.

Tip: Be clear in explaining your design decisions and how they meet the problem’s requirements. Every choice involves trade-offs!

9. Final Review and Summary

  • Recap: Provide a brief summary of the high-level architecture and how the design meets the requirements.
  • Address bottlenecks or scaling limits: Mention any parts of the design that might become problematic at extreme scale and suggest improvements.
  • Prepare for edge cases: Discuss potential failure points or edge cases (e.g., sudden traffic spike, distributed data consistency issues) and how you would address them.
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