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Created March 18, 2012 05:37
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converting tped files into HapMap format
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 [progam_name]
- converts tped files to hapmap files.
=head2 usage
# convert tped to HapMap
perl /soft_bio/PMG/perl/ --tped hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds.tped --tfam hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds.tfam --build=ncbi_36
# See documentation
=head2 comments
Pedigree files used by plink (.ped) are individual oriented (individuals in rows) but HapMap are SNP oriented (SNPs in rows). For converting from any SNP oriented format from or to plink, the best approach is to use tped (transposed ped) and then use plink to transpose to/from ped.
For converting from ped to tped:
- Download 100 individuals from hapampIII in ped format
wget -qO- | bunzip2 -c | head -n 100 > hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds.ped
- Download the map file
wget -qO- | bunzip2 -c >
# the .map has the '--100_inds' flag only to have the same base name that the .ped file.
- convert to tped
plink --noweb --file hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds --recode --transpose --out hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds
- convert tped to hapmap
perl /soft_bio/PMG/perl/ --tped hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds.tped --tfam hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.consensus.qc.poly--100_inds.tfam --build=ncbi_36
=head2 file type description
tped files:
- 4 columns (like map)
- 5th until end => genotypes (two columns per ind). unknown = 0 or N
tfam file
Family ID
Individual ID
Paternal ID
Maternal ID
Sex (1=male; 2=female; other=unknown)
- 4 columns
- chr
- snp_name
- cM
- chr_pos
-HapMap file format:
The current release consists of text-table files only, with the following columns:
Col1: refSNP rs# identifier at the time of release (NB: it might merge
with another rs# in the future)
Col2: SNP alleles according to dbSNP
Col3: chromosome that SNP maps to
Col4: chromosome position of SNP, in basepairs on reference sequence
Col5: strand of reference sequence that SNP maps to
Col6: version of reference sequence assembly (currently NCBI build36)
Col7: HapMap genotyping center that produced the genotypes
Col8: LSID for HapMap protocol used for genotyping
Col9: LSID for HapMap assay used for genotyping
Col10: LSID for panel of individuals genotyped
Col11: QC-code, currently 'QC+' for all entries (for future use)
Col12 and on: observed genotypes of samples, one per column, sample
identifiers in column headers (Coriell catalog numbers, example:
#use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
#use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
my $prog = $0;
my $usage = <<EOQ;
Usage for $0:
>$prog [-test -help -verbose] --tped xx --tfam yy --hapmap zz --build=ncbi_36
my $help;
my $test;
my $debug;
my $verbose =1;
my $bsub;
my $log;
my $stdout;
my $file_tped;
my $file_tfam;
my $file_hapmap;
my $file_pheno;
my $file_map;
my $build;
my $strand_all_snps;
my $panel;
my $ok = GetOptions(
'test' => \$test,
'debug:i' => \$debug,
'verbose:i' => \$verbose,
'h|help' => \$help,
'log' => \$log,
'bsub' => \$bsub,
'stdout' => \$stdout,
'tped=s' => \$file_tped,
'tfam=s' => \$file_tfam,
'hapmap=s' => \$file_hapmap,
'pheno=s' => \$file_pheno,
'map=s' => \$file_map,
'strand_all_snps=s' => \$strand_all_snps,
'build=s' => \$build,
'panel=s' => \$panel,
if ($help || !$ok ) {
print $usage;
unless ($build) {
print "#[ERROR] Sorry but you need to document your hapmap genotypes with a genome build\n";
print $usage;
if (! $file_tped || ! $file_tfam ) {
print "#[ERROR] Sorry but you need a tped and tfam file\n";
print $usage;
$file_hapmap ||= $file_tped.'.hapmap';
my $log_file = $file_hapmap.'.log';
# variable to store the log
my $log_str;
start_log("conversion ped to hapmap");
sub main {
# read each column from tped and convert to hapmap
feedback_log("#[MSG] loading tfam file '$file_tfam'\n");
my $tfam = load_tfam($file_tfam);
open (my $tped_fh, '<', $file_tped) or die "Sorry unable to open tped file '$file_tped' for reading:$!\n";
open (my $hapmap_fh, '>', $file_hapmap) or die "Sorry unable to open hapmap file '$file_hapmap' for writing:$!\n";
# print the header of hapmap
# expect ind ids to be unique, if you don't whant the id merged with family id
# just in case I am joining FID__IID iwth double underscore so it can be easily splitted
my $inds = [map {$_->[0].'__'.$_->[1]} @$tfam]; # <TODO> CHECK
print {$hapmap_fh} join("\t",qw(rs# alleles chrom pos strand assembly# center protLSID assayLSID panelLSID QCcode), @$inds),"\n";
feedback_log("#[MSG] processing tped file '$file_tped'.\n");
while (my $line=<$tped_fh>) {
chomp $line;
# print a '.' every 500 SNPs
print {*STDERR} '.' unless ($. % 500);
my @items = split /\s+/, $line;
my $dat= {
'01_name' => $items[1],
'02_alleles' => get_alleles(\@items),
'03_chr' => $items[0],
'04_pos' => $items[3],
'05_strand' => $strand_all_snps? $strand_all_snps : '.',
'06_build' => $build,
'07_geno_center' => '-',
'08_protocol' => '-',
'09_assay' => '-',
'10_panel' => $panel? $panel:'-',
'11_qc_code' => 'QC+',
'12_geno_str' => get_geno_string(\@items, $inds),
print {$hapmap_fh} join ("\t" , map{$dat->{$_}} sort keys %$dat). "\n";
=head2 get_geno_string
Title : get_geno_string
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub get_geno_string{
my ($items, $inds) = @_;
my @genos = @$items[4..(@$items-1)];
if (@genos % 2 ) {
# more columns that expected
die "#[ERROR] columns not multiplo of 2 in parsed ped file ' $file_tped' at line $.";
if (@genos/2 != @$inds) {
# error more geno than inds
die "#[ERROR] different number of individuals and genotypes in parsed ped file ' $file_tped' at line $.: genos=".(@genos/2)." inds=".@$inds."\n";
return join ("\t", map {
my $idx=$_*2;
} 0..((@genos/2)-1)
=head2 get_alleles
Title : get_alleles
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub get_alleles{
my ($items) = @_;
my %h;
map{$h{$_}++} @$items[4..(@$items-1)];
return join('/',sort keys %h);
=head2 write_log
Title : write_log
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args : $log_str str with the message to log
sub write_log{
my ($log_str) = @_;
write_file($log_file, $log_str);
=head2 feedback_log
Title : feedback_log
Usage :
Function: print to stderr and add tothe log_str the message. (The str should contain the \n if needed)
Example :
Returns :
Args : $str = string
sub feedback_log{
my ($str) = @_;
print {*STDERR} $str;
$log_str .= $str;
=head2 start_log
Title : start_log
Usage :
Function: start log file with the name of the files
Example :
Returns :
Args : an extra message to add to the log starting
sub start_log{
my ($title, $extra_msg) = @_;
my $date = localtime;
$title ||= "$0";
my $out = "== LOG $title ==\n";
$out .= 'Started at: ' . $date . "\n";
$out .= " hapmap file : " . $file_hapmap . "\n";
$out .= " tped file : " . $file_tped . "\n";
$out .= " tfam file : " . $file_tfam . "\n";
$out .= " map file : " . $file_map . "\n";
$out .= " pheno file : " . $file_pheno . "\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= $extra_msg;
=head2 end_log
Title : end_log
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub end_log{
my ($extra_msg) = @_;
my $date = localtime;
my $out = 'ENDED at: ' . $date . "\n";
$out .= $extra_msg;
$out .= "== END ==\n";
=head2 load_pheno_file
Title : load_pheno_file
Usage :
Example :
Returns : a hash with the IID as key and values. The two first columns should be FID and IID and the third is 'sex'
Args :
sub load_pheno_file{
my ($file) = @_;
my $pheno_hash = read_table_to_hash($file);
return $pheno_hash;
=head2 load_tfam
Title : load_tfam
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub load_tfam{
my ($file_tfam) = @_;
my $rows = read_table($file_tfam, 0);
return $rows;
=head2 read_table
Title : read_table
Usage :
Function: parse files separated with tabs and bare columns (no quotes nor tabs to scape)
Example :
Returns :
Args : $file
<TO_DO> think if we want to capture headers and return them??
sub read_table{
my ($file, $has_header) = @_;
die "#[ERROR] no argument passed to sub read_table\n" unless $file;
unless (-e $file) {
die "#[ERROR] Sorry but the file '$file' does not exist.\n";
open (my $filefh, '<',$file) or die "#[ERROR] unable to open file '$file' for reading:$!\n";
my $count;
my @rows;
while( my $line=<$filefh>) {
next if $.==1 && $has_header;
chomp $line;
$count ++;
my @items = split /\s+/, $line;
push @rows, [@items];
feedback_log( "...end. $count lines processed\n");
return \@rows;
=head2 read_table_to_hash
Title : read_table_to_hash
Usage :
Function: creates a hash of hashes. A hash with keys the first column
and values being another hash constructed with all columns ad keys
taken from the header
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub read_table_to_hash{
my ($file) = @_;
# a header is mandatory
die "#[ERROR] no argument passed to sub read_table\n" unless $file;
unless (-e $file) {
die "#[ERROR] Sorry but the file '$file' does not exist.\n";
open (my $filefh, '<',$file) or die "unable to open $file_map for reading:$!\n";
my @headers;
my $count;
my %hash;
my $hc;
while (my $line=<$filefh>) {
chomp $line;
$count ++;
my @items = split "\t", $line;
if ($.==1){
@headers = @items;
$hc = @headers;
else {
my $rc = @items;
die "#[ERROR] Sorry but line '$.' has wrong number of columns. header=$hc, this_row=$rc\n" unless $hc==$rc;
feedback_log( ".. $count lines processed for $file\n");
return \%hash;
=head2 final_qc
Title : final_qc
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub final_qc{
my ($ind_ids, $pheno_hash, $map_hash) = @_;
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