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Tao Zhang pala

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natecook1000 /
Last active July 10, 2018 19:24
NSHipster New Year's 2016

Greetings and salutations, NSHipsters!

As the year winds down, it's a tradition here at NSHipster to ask you, dear readers, to offer up your favorite tricks and tips from the past year as gifts to your fellow hipsters. With iOS 9, El Capitan, brand new watch- and tvOS's, and the open-sourcing of some minor Apple-related tech, there's bound to be lots to share.

Submit your favorite piece of Swift or @objc trivia, helpful hints, unexpected discoveries, useful workarounds, useless fascinations, or anything else you found cool this year. Just comment below!

If you need inspiration, try [the list from last year][2015], or [from the year before][2014], or [from the year before that][2013].

Project # of Top 100 Free Apps (US)
facebook-ios-sdk 67
Bolts-iOS 48
AFNetworking 39
Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK 38
Reachability (Apple) 38
Crashlytics 37
Flurry-iOS-SDK 31
CocoaPods 30
GoogleConversionTracking 29
import Darwin
extension Int {
static func random() -> Int {
return Int(arc4random())
static func random(range: Range<Int>) -> Int {
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range.endIndex - range.startIndex))) + range.startIndex
mattt /
Created November 25, 2014 19:38
NSHipster New Year's 2015

Season's Greetings, NSHipsters!

As the year winds down, and we take a moment to reflect on our experiences over the past months, one thing is clear: 2014 has been an incredible year professionally for Apple developers. So much has happened in such a short timespan, and yet it's hard to remember our relationship to Objective-C before Swift, or what APIs could have captivated our imagination as much as iOS 8 or WatchKit.

It's an NSHipster tradition to ask you, dear readers, to send in your favorite tips and tricks from the past year for publication over the New Year's holiday. This year, with the deluge of new developments—both from Cupertino and the community at large—there should be no shortage of interesting tidbits to share.

Submit your favorite piece of Swift or Objective-C trivia, framework arcana, hidden Xcode feature, or anything else you think is cool, and you could have it featured in the year-end blowout article. Just comment on this gist below!

If you're wondering about what to post, look to

natecook1000 / NSTimer+Closure.swift
Last active July 12, 2024 05:11
Scheduled NSTimer with a Swift closure
extension NSTimer {
Creates and schedules a one-time `NSTimer` instance.
- Parameters:
- delay: The delay before execution.
- handler: A closure to execute after `delay`.
- Returns: The newly-created `NSTimer` instance.
// See:
import Foundation
// Logic
operator prefix ¬ {}
@prefix func ¬ (value: Bool) -> Bool {
return !value
calebd / AsynchronousOperation.swift
Last active September 21, 2024 15:28
Concurrent NSOperation in Swift
import Foundation
/// An abstract class that makes building simple asynchronous operations easy.
/// Subclasses must implement `execute()` to perform any work and call
/// `finish()` when they are done. All `NSOperation` work will be handled
/// automatically.
open class AsynchronousOperation: Operation {
// MARK: - Properties
calebd / ArrayHelpers.swift
Last active November 4, 2022 15:17
Swift Helpers
extension Array {
func first() -> Element? {
if isEmpty {
return nil
return self[0]
func last() -> Element? {
sekati /
Created July 24, 2012 20:44
Xcode Auto-increment Build & Version Numbers
# @desc Auto-increment the build number every time the project is run.
# @usage
# 1. Select: your Target in Xcode
# 2. Select: Build Phases Tab
# 3. Select: Add Build Phase -> Add Run Script
# 4. Paste code below in to new "Run Script" section
# 5. Drag the "Run Script" below "Link Binaries With Libraries"
# 6. Insure that your starting build number is set to a whole integer and not a float (e.g. 1, not 1.0)
atomicbird / NSObject+setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary.h
Created January 11, 2012 02:35
NSObject category for handling JSON dictionaries. Described in detail at
// NSObject+setValuesForKeysWithJSONDictionary.h
// SafeSetDemo
// Created by Tom Harrington on 12/29/11.
// Copyright (c) 2011 Atomic Bird, LLC. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>