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Last active September 10, 2024 16:35
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  • Save painor/7e74de80ae0c819d3e9abcf9989a8dd6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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This will increase the download/upload speed when using telethon

Based on from mautrix-telegram, with permission to distribute under the MIT license Copyright (C) 2019 Tulir Asokan -

Update :

  • add support for floodwaits
  • added an example on how it works
  • updated to work with the latest telethon version 1.21
  • newest update. it's working fine again thanks to tulir's update
  • abandon all hope. nothing is working
  • it's actually working now
  • :D :( :D
  • even progress_callbacks ? idk maybe ?
  • use a different session for downloading because telegram might close the server.
  • ok broken again. files md5 is wrong and are corrupted
  • nvm found why. asyncio.wait doesn't return in order so the file isn't being written in correct order.
  • used asyncio.gather instead which returns in order. not sure if it's the best solution but it's working
  • using more than 20 workers will cause all of them to stop working (needs more testing with real accounts)
  • broken if it lives in another dc until lonami fixes it

Notes :

  • progress_callbacks are working fine.
  • the number of workers is chosen dynamically
  • increase the number of workers to increase the speed. (the faster your internet speed the faster you should put the workers).
  • if you put the number of workers too hight you'll get floodwaits.
  • the file uploaded will always be a bare document without any attributes. you can add attributes to it using utils.get_input_media() and utils.get_attributes
  • if you want it to be even faster make sure to use instead of cryptg

How to use :

  1. Put all of this in a seperate file
  2. import download_file and upload_file from it
  3. you can use download_file like so await download_file(client, msg.document, file, progress_callback=prog)
  4. you can use upload_file like so r = await upload_file(client, file,progress_callback=prog)
  5. file are objects that .read() .write() methods.
  6. Check the example file
import time
from telethon import events, utils
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from import types
from FastTelethon import download_file, upload_file
api_id: int =
api_hash: str = ""
token = ""
client = TelegramClient("bot", api_id, api_hash)
file_to_upload = "bunny.mp4"
class Timer:
def __init__(self, time_between=2):
self.start_time = time.time()
self.time_between = time_between
def can_send(self):
if time.time() > (self.start_time + self.time_between):
self.start_time = time.time()
return True
return False
async def download_or_upload(event):
type_of = ""
msg = None
timer = Timer()
async def progress_bar(current, total):
if timer.can_send():
await msg.edit("{} {}%".format(type_of, current * 100 / total))
if event.document:
type_of = "download"
msg = await event.reply("downloading started")
with open(, "wb") as out:
await download_file(event.client, event.document, out, progress_callback=progress_bar)
await msg.edit("Finished downloading")
type_of = "upload"
msg = await event.reply("uploading started")
with open(file_to_upload, "rb") as out:
res = await upload_file(client, out, progress_callback=progress_bar)
# result is InputFile()
# you can add more data to it
attributes, mime_type = utils.get_attributes(
media = types.InputMediaUploadedDocument(
# not needed for most files, thumb=thumb,
await msg.edit("Finished uploading")
await event.reply(file=media)
# or just send it as it is
await event.reply(file=res)
# copied from
# Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
import asyncio
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import math
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Optional, List, AsyncGenerator, Union, Awaitable, DefaultDict, Tuple, BinaryIO
from telethon import utils, helpers, TelegramClient
from telethon.crypto import AuthKey
from import MTProtoSender
from import LAYER
from import InvokeWithLayerRequest
from import ExportAuthorizationRequest, ImportAuthorizationRequest
from import (GetFileRequest, SaveFilePartRequest,
from import (Document, InputFileLocation, InputDocumentFileLocation,
InputPhotoFileLocation, InputPeerPhotoFileLocation, TypeInputFile,
InputFileBig, InputFile)
from mautrix.crypto.attachments import async_encrypt_attachment
except ImportError:
async_encrypt_attachment = None
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("telethon")
TypeLocation = Union[Document, InputDocumentFileLocation, InputPeerPhotoFileLocation,
InputFileLocation, InputPhotoFileLocation]
class DownloadSender:
client: TelegramClient
sender: MTProtoSender
request: GetFileRequest
remaining: int
stride: int
def __init__(self, client: TelegramClient, sender: MTProtoSender, file: TypeLocation, offset: int, limit: int,
stride: int, count: int) -> None:
self.sender = sender
self.client = client
self.request = GetFileRequest(file, offset=offset, limit=limit)
self.stride = stride
self.remaining = count
async def next(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
if not self.remaining:
return None
result = await self.client._call(self.sender, self.request)
self.remaining -= 1
self.request.offset += self.stride
return result.bytes
def disconnect(self) -> Awaitable[None]:
return self.sender.disconnect()
class UploadSender:
client: TelegramClient
sender: MTProtoSender
request: Union[SaveFilePartRequest, SaveBigFilePartRequest]
part_count: int
stride: int
previous: Optional[asyncio.Task]
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
def __init__(self, client: TelegramClient, sender: MTProtoSender, file_id: int, part_count: int, big: bool,
index: int,
stride: int, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) -> None:
self.client = client
self.sender = sender
self.part_count = part_count
if big:
self.request = SaveBigFilePartRequest(file_id, index, part_count, b"")
self.request = SaveFilePartRequest(file_id, index, b"")
self.stride = stride
self.previous = None
self.loop = loop
async def next(self, data: bytes) -> None:
if self.previous:
await self.previous
self.previous = self.loop.create_task(self._next(data))
async def _next(self, data: bytes) -> None:
self.request.bytes = data
log.debug(f"Sending file part {self.request.file_part}/{self.part_count}"
f" with {len(data)} bytes")
await self.client._call(self.sender, self.request)
self.request.file_part += self.stride
async def disconnect(self) -> None:
if self.previous:
await self.previous
return await self.sender.disconnect()
class ParallelTransferrer:
client: TelegramClient
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
dc_id: int
senders: Optional[List[Union[DownloadSender, UploadSender]]]
auth_key: AuthKey
upload_ticker: int
def __init__(self, client: TelegramClient, dc_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
self.client = client
self.loop = self.client.loop
self.dc_id = dc_id or self.client.session.dc_id
self.auth_key = (None if dc_id and self.client.session.dc_id != dc_id
else self.client.session.auth_key)
self.senders = None
self.upload_ticker = 0
async def _cleanup(self) -> None:
await asyncio.gather(*[sender.disconnect() for sender in self.senders])
self.senders = None
def _get_connection_count(file_size: int, max_count: int = 20,
full_size: int = 100 * 1024 * 1024) -> int:
if file_size > full_size:
return max_count
return math.ceil((file_size / full_size) * max_count)
async def _init_download(self, connections: int, file: TypeLocation, part_count: int,
part_size: int) -> None:
minimum, remainder = divmod(part_count, connections)
def get_part_count() -> int:
nonlocal remainder
if remainder > 0:
remainder -= 1
return minimum + 1
return minimum
# The first cross-DC sender will export+import the authorization, so we always create it
# before creating any other senders.
self.senders = [
await self._create_download_sender(file, 0, part_size, connections * part_size,
*await asyncio.gather(
*[self._create_download_sender(file, i, part_size, connections * part_size,
for i in range(1, connections)])
async def _create_download_sender(self, file: TypeLocation, index: int, part_size: int,
stride: int,
part_count: int) -> DownloadSender:
return DownloadSender(self.client, await self._create_sender(), file, index * part_size, part_size,
stride, part_count)
async def _init_upload(self, connections: int, file_id: int, part_count: int, big: bool
) -> None:
self.senders = [
await self._create_upload_sender(file_id, part_count, big, 0, connections),
*await asyncio.gather(
*[self._create_upload_sender(file_id, part_count, big, i, connections)
for i in range(1, connections)])
async def _create_upload_sender(self, file_id: int, part_count: int, big: bool, index: int,
stride: int) -> UploadSender:
return UploadSender(self.client, await self._create_sender(), file_id, part_count, big, index, stride,
async def _create_sender(self) -> MTProtoSender:
dc = await self.client._get_dc(self.dc_id)
sender = MTProtoSender(self.auth_key, loggers=self.client._log)
await sender.connect(self.client._connection(dc.ip_address, dc.port,,
if not self.auth_key:
log.debug(f"Exporting auth to DC {self.dc_id}")
auth = await self.client(ExportAuthorizationRequest(self.dc_id))
self.client._init_request.query = ImportAuthorizationRequest(,
req = InvokeWithLayerRequest(LAYER, self.client._init_request)
await sender.send(req)
self.auth_key = sender.auth_key
return sender
async def init_upload(self, file_id: int, file_size: int, part_size_kb: Optional[float] = None,
connection_count: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[int, int, bool]:
connection_count = connection_count or self._get_connection_count(file_size)
part_size = (part_size_kb or utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)) * 1024
part_count = (file_size + part_size - 1) // part_size
is_large = file_size > 10 * 1024 * 1024
await self._init_upload(connection_count, file_id, part_count, is_large)
return part_size, part_count, is_large
async def upload(self, part: bytes) -> None:
await self.senders[self.upload_ticker].next(part)
self.upload_ticker = (self.upload_ticker + 1) % len(self.senders)
async def finish_upload(self) -> None:
await self._cleanup()
async def download(self, file: TypeLocation, file_size: int,
part_size_kb: Optional[float] = None,
connection_count: Optional[int] = None) -> AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]:
connection_count = connection_count or self._get_connection_count(file_size)
part_size = (part_size_kb or utils.get_appropriated_part_size(file_size)) * 1024
part_count = math.ceil(file_size / part_size)
log.debug("Starting parallel download: "
f"{connection_count} {part_size} {part_count} {file!s}")
await self._init_download(connection_count, file, part_count, part_size)
part = 0
while part < part_count:
tasks = []
for sender in self.senders:
for task in tasks:
data = await task
if not data:
yield data
part += 1
log.debug(f"Part {part} downloaded")
log.debug("Parallel download finished, cleaning up connections")
await self._cleanup()
parallel_transfer_locks: DefaultDict[int, asyncio.Lock] = defaultdict(lambda: asyncio.Lock())
def stream_file(file_to_stream: BinaryIO, chunk_size=1024):
while True:
data_read =
if not data_read:
yield data_read
async def _internal_transfer_to_telegram(client: TelegramClient,
response: BinaryIO,
progress_callback: callable
) -> Tuple[TypeInputFile, int]:
file_id = helpers.generate_random_long()
file_size = os.path.getsize(
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
uploader = ParallelTransferrer(client)
part_size, part_count, is_large = await uploader.init_upload(file_id, file_size)
buffer = bytearray()
for data in stream_file(response):
if progress_callback:
r = progress_callback(response.tell(), file_size)
if inspect.isawaitable(r):
await r
if not is_large:
if len(buffer) == 0 and len(data) == part_size:
await uploader.upload(data)
new_len = len(buffer) + len(data)
if new_len >= part_size:
cutoff = part_size - len(buffer)
await uploader.upload(bytes(buffer))
if len(buffer) > 0:
await uploader.upload(bytes(buffer))
await uploader.finish_upload()
if is_large:
return InputFileBig(file_id, part_count, "upload"), file_size
return InputFile(file_id, part_count, "upload", hash_md5.hexdigest()), file_size
async def download_file(client: TelegramClient,
location: TypeLocation,
out: BinaryIO,
progress_callback: callable = None
) -> BinaryIO:
size = location.size
dc_id, location = utils.get_input_location(location)
# We lock the transfers because telegram has connection count limits
downloader = ParallelTransferrer(client, dc_id)
downloaded =, size)
async for x in downloaded:
if progress_callback:
r = progress_callback(out.tell(), size)
if inspect.isawaitable(r):
await r
return out
async def upload_file(client: TelegramClient,
file: BinaryIO,
progress_callback: callable = None,
) -> TypeInputFile:
res = (await _internal_transfer_to_telegram(client, file, progress_callback))[0]
return res
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aN4ksaL4y commented Aug 21, 2021

Not sure if this is an issue, or just my lack of knowledge; but i got this
async def whatEver():
media = await upload_file(validArgs)
return media
As uploading done.
Now we know i have the media object.
and then I do this,
await client.send_file(chat_id, media,thumb=pic,caption = captions,supports_streaming=True, parse_mode='html', attributes=(DocumentAttributeVideo(0, 0, 0),))

It has the thumbnail, but its not in a video format

Please anyone help me with this one.

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my issue get fixed, when i add the filename with the correct extension. i, e (.mp4) return a nice video-look as i expected.

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painor commented Aug 21, 2021

you'll have some issues if you want to get the correct name/type of the file.

if you're good enough with python you can patch the upload_file method of telethon with the one here and then you'll be able to use client.send_media and client.download_media normally.

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apparently im not good enough with python,
but I do fix my problem though.
i recode couple of line in

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Sonotoki-da commented Sep 14, 2021

my issue get fixed, when i add the filename with the correct extension. i, e (.mp4) return a nice video-look as i expected.

Hi! Can you explain how did you that? I'm having quite a headache handling this problem for 22 hours by now :')
Where did you exactly put the filename? Is there such a parameter? Pls help~
And below's my rough code:

with open(video_file, 'rb') as out:
    media = await upload_file(client, out, progress_bar)
    sent = await client.send_file(
            DocumentAttributeVideo(0, 0, 0, supports_streaming=True),

P. S. Oh, okay, never mind. I've just solved the problem. I guess I need to more dig into the code and start studying from there... Thank you all for this gist!

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my issue get fixed, when i add the filename with the correct extension. i, e (.mp4) return a nice video-look as i expected.

Hi! Can you explain how did you that? I'm having quite a headache handling this problem for 22 hours by now :')
Where did you exactly put the filename? Is there such a parameter? Pls help~
And below's my rough code:

with open(video_file, 'rb') as out:
    media = await upload_file(client, out, progress_bar)
    sent = await client.send_file(
            DocumentAttributeVideo(0, 0, 0, supports_streaming=True),

P. S. Oh, okay, never mind. I've just solved the problem. I guess I need to more dig into the code and start studying from there... Thank you all for this gist!

glad to hear it, sorry for the delay. i just open my account

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raishid commented Apr 28, 2023


I am uploading a file with this function but it gives me this error, do you know why?

here i share my code

`async def main(client: Telegram):

async def progress_bar(current, total):
    print(f'Uploaded {current} out of {total} bytes: {current / total * 100:.2f}%')

async def large_upload(client, file_to_upload):
    print('Subiendo archivo...')
    with open(file_to_upload, "rb") as out:
        res = await upload_file(client, out, progress_callback=progress_bar)
        # result is InputFile()
        # you can add more data to it
        attributes, mime_type = utils.get_attributes(
        media = types.InputMediaUploadedDocument(
            # not needed for most files, thumb=thumb,
    print('Archivo subido')

    return media

mensajes = csvReader.reader('mensajes.csv')

group = await client.getGroups('code_group')

for ms in mensajes:
    media = await large_upload(client.client, ms['media'])
    print('Enviando mensaje...')
    await client.sendFile(group, media, ms['nombre'], int(ms['channel']))`

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FreeM1ne commented Mar 8, 2024

What with telegram premium that without maximum download 3.5mb how to increase it?

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FreeM1ne commented Mar 8, 2024

max 4.5mb/s I just set a constant of 12 workers out of 20

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esolitos commented Mar 8, 2024

Yes, that is the same speed as I could observe.

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FreeM1ne commented Mar 8, 2024

Telegram premium gives you the ability to download files up to 10mb/s

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FreeM1ne commented Mar 8, 2024

what this

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FreeM1ne commented Mar 9, 2024

this code does not work stably unlike the telethon implementation

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what this image

You probably just spam servers. Where is error? This seems like you pressed CTRL+C

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shaybc commented Mar 13, 2024

still after using this code i get minimal improvement (with a premium account),

downloading 383Mb takes:
~4 min from Telegram Desktop client
~39 min without Faster
~27 min With Faster (20 connections)
~27 min With Faster (30 connections)

after installing cryptg i have increased my download speed to ~120 sec for 350Mb
just run:

 pip install cryptg

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still after using this code i get minimal improvement (with a premium account),

downloading 383Mb takes: ~4 min from Telegram Desktop client ~39 min without Faster ~27 min With Faster (20 connections) ~27 min With Faster (30 connections)

Theoretically, Telegram could enable fast download only for official clients, like Telegram Desktop, Android, etc. Thus no speed-up for other API_ID/API_HASH. Probably additional research needed.

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what this image

You probably just spam servers. Where is error? This seems like you pressed CTRL+C

I didn't press ctrl + c, per se.

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ewwink commented Mar 22, 2024

simple progress bar callback with speed stats

import time

start_time = 0

def convert_bytes(self, size):
    for x in ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']:
        if size < 1024.0:
            return f"{size:.1f} {x}"
        size /= 1024.0
    return size

def progress_bars(self, downloaded, fileSize):
    global start_time
    second = time.time() - start_time
    speed = f"{((downloadedBytes / second) / 1024):.1f}"
    percent = int((downloaded/fileSize)*100)
    bars = int(percent/5)
    print(f'{percent:>3}% {"#"*bars:<20} {speed:>5} KB/s | {convert_bytes(downloaded)} / {convert_bytes(fileSize)}:<20', end='\r')
    if percent == 100:

start_time = time.time()
await download_file(.....)


  0%                            0.0    KB/s | 0 / 400.3 MB
100% #########################  5678.9 KB/s | 400.3 / 400.3 MB


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FreeM1ne commented Apr 2, 2024

at this point the code breaks and try except doesn't help
I think the code is not bad, but it needs more stability than it has now.

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shaybc commented Apr 25, 2024

simple progress bar callback with speed stats

import time

start_time = 0

def convert_bytes(self, size):
    for x in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']:
        if size < 1000.0:
            return f"{size:.2f} {x}"
        size /= 1000.0
    return size

def progress_bars(self, downloaded, fileSize):
    global start_time
    second = time.time() - start_time
    speed = int((downloaded / second) / 1000)
    percent = int((downloaded/fileSize)*100)
    bars = int(percent/5)
    print(f'\r{percent:>3}% {"#"*bars:<20} {speed:>8} KB/s | {convert_size(downloaded)} / {convert_size(fileSize)}:<20', end='')
    if percent == 100:

start_time = time.time()
await download_file(.....)


  0%                            0    KB/s | 0 / 400.35 MB
100% #########################  5678 KB/s | 3.93 MB / 400.35 MB

check your code it's wrong,
function names (convert_size vs convert_bytes), the result shows 100% progress for only ~10% download

i use this:

import time

last_current = 0
last_time = time.time()
first_time = None

def progress_callback(current, total):
    print(f"\r {current} / {total}", end='')
    global last_current, last_time, first_time
    # if we haven't set the first_time yet, set it to the current time, this will be used to calculate the time passed since the download started
    if first_time is None:
        first_time = time.time()
    now = time.time()
    # calculate the download speed in KB/s, to avoid division by zero, we add 0.001 to the denominator
    speed = round(((current-last_current)/(now-last_time+0.001))/1000)
    # update the last_current
    last_current = current
    # update the last_time
    last_time = now
    # calculate the percentage of the download
    percent = int((current/total)*100)
    # convert current from Bytes to MegaBytes including 2 decimal points
    currentMB = round(current / 1024 / 1024, 2)
    # convert total from Bytes to MegaBytes including 2 decimal points
    totalMB = round(total / 1024 / 1024, 2)
    # calculate how much time passed since the download started
    passed_time = round(now - first_time)
    # print the progress
    print(f'\r {currentMB} / {totalMB} ({percent} %) .... {speed} KB/s   [{passed_time} sec passed]', end='')
    # print a new line if the download is finished
    if percent == 100:


147.0 / 346.45 (42 %) .... 262144 KB/s   [725 sec passed]

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shaybc commented Apr 26, 2024

one important thing i learned is you have to install some crypto package in order to increase (dramatically) the download / upload speeds using this fast script

since the decrypt / encrypt process in python is very very sloooowwww, you must have some crypt package to do that in C and increase speeds,
i went from ~27 min for ~350M download --> to about 1.5 min for ~350M download

all i had to do is to run:

pip install cryptg

 374.69 MB / 374.69 MB (100 %) .... 21972 KB/s   [64 sec passed]

i read it here:

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ewwink commented Apr 26, 2024

check your code it's wrong, function names (convert_size vs convert_bytes), the result shows 100% progress for only ~10% download

@shaybc I don't have a problem with the code, check it


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shaybc commented Apr 26, 2024

@ewwink thanks for the animated gif, i checked your code and it looks good, i even adopted the convert_bytes (thanks for that),

so it seems the problem is with the post itself, since the names of the function declared and function used are different, and the Result example shows that after downloading only 3.9M from a 400M file (which is about 1% the progress shows 100%, i am guessing photo editing error ?


it would be nice for the next users that would like to use your very useful function to have a good example, can you please help out and edit the post and fix this ?

thanks ahead

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ewwink commented Apr 26, 2024

it would be nice for the next users that would like to use your very useful function to have a good example, can you please help out and edit the post and fix this ?

my bad 😁 edited, thank you for remind me.

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How to Upload Files to Specified Chats ?? Using this

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Abhi5033 commented Jun 14, 2024

I have been using fasttelethon since 8 days and I'm facing below issue since last 4 days
Error: RPCError 420: FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3 (caused by SaveBigFilePartRequest)

code - 1
from FastTelethonhelper import fast_upload
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

result = await fast_upload(client, file_path)
await client.send_file(group_username, result)

code - 2
from FastTelethonhelper import download_file, upload_file
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

with open(file_path, "rb") as out:
         result = await upload_file(client, out,name=file_path)


(maybe both codes are same)
using windows 10, uploaded nearly 9-10GB (each file around 500MB to 1GB) using this method and then it started hurting me
Looking at FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3, I thought I had to wait for 3 seconds, but didn't work, 3 hours wait didn't work
It's been 3 days and I'm still receiving this error
please help

Day 6 : less than 100MB uploads worked with fast upload
Day 7 : 100MB also error now, less than 50MB working with fast upload

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Hello I have been using fasttelethon since 8 days and I'm facing below issue since last 4 days Error: RPCError 420: FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3 (caused by SaveBigFilePartRequest)

code - 1
from FastTelethonhelper import fast_upload
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

result = await fast_upload(client, file_path)
await client.send_file(group_username, result)

code - 2
from FastTelethonhelper import download_file, upload_file
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

with open(file_path, "rb") as out:
         result = await upload_file(client, out,name=file_path)


(maybe both codes are same) using windows 10, uploaded nearly 9-10GB (each file around 500MB to 1GB) using this method and then it started hurting me Looking at FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3, I thought I had to wait for 3 seconds, but didn't work, 3 hours wait didn't work It's been 3 days and I'm still receiving this error please help

Day 6 : less than 100MB uploads worked with fast upload Day 7 : 100MB also error now, less than 50MB working with fast upload

Interesting. It seems that Telegram added new FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT error, but, as stated in the Swiftgram post (, it's just for notification, and should not stop uploading/downloading. However this is an error, so it does?

Try to bump your telethon library to the last commit from master. If you will still receive this "error", maybe it's worth a shot to ask in a Issue tab of Telethon library ( Perhaps that's something that we can catch and write to logs instead of breaking the whole code, if Swiftgram devs are correct.

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Abhi5033 commented Jun 15, 2024

Hello I have been using fasttelethon since 8 days and I'm facing below issue since last 4 days Error: RPCError 420: FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3 (caused by SaveBigFilePartRequest)

code - 1
from FastTelethonhelper import fast_upload
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

result = await fast_upload(client, file_path)
await client.send_file(group_username, result)

code - 2
from FastTelethonhelper import download_file, upload_file
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

with open(file_path, "rb") as out:
         result = await upload_file(client, out,name=file_path)

(maybe both codes are same) using windows 10, uploaded nearly 9-10GB (each file around 500MB to 1GB) using this method and then it started hurting me Looking at FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3, I thought I had to wait for 3 seconds, but didn't work, 3 hours wait didn't work It's been 3 days and I'm still receiving this error please help
Day 6 : less than 100MB uploads worked with fast upload Day 7 : 100MB also error now, less than 50MB working with fast upload

Interesting. It seems that Telegram added new FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT error, but, as stated in the Swiftgram post (, it's just for notification, and should not stop uploading/downloading. However this is an error, so it does?

Try to bump your telethon library to the last commit from master. If you will still receive this "error", maybe it's worth a shot to ask in a Issue tab of Telethon library ( Perhaps that's something that we can catch and write to logs instead of breaking the whole code, if Swiftgram devs are correct.

It doesn't seem to be an error from Telethon side sir, It is from FastTelethonHelper
Cause when I do
await client.send_file(group_username, file_path, caption=caption)
It is uploading very very slow but finally uploading

but when I do await fast_upload(client, file_path)
It is not uploading at all, throwing that floodwaiterror and stopping

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NotStatilko commented Jun 15, 2024

Hello I have been using fasttelethon since 8 days and I'm facing below issue since last 4 days Error: RPCError 420: FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3 (caused by SaveBigFilePartRequest)

code - 1
from FastTelethonhelper import fast_upload
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

result = await fast_upload(client, file_path)
await client.send_file(group_username, result)

code - 2
from FastTelethonhelper import download_file, upload_file
client = TelegramClient(session_name, api_id, api_hash)
await client.connect()

with open(file_path, "rb") as out:
         result = await upload_file(client, out,name=file_path)

(maybe both codes are same) using windows 10, uploaded nearly 9-10GB (each file around 500MB to 1GB) using this method and then it started hurting me Looking at FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT_3, I thought I had to wait for 3 seconds, but didn't work, 3 hours wait didn't work It's been 3 days and I'm still receiving this error please help
Day 6 : less than 100MB uploads worked with fast upload Day 7 : 100MB also error now, less than 50MB working with fast upload

Interesting. It seems that Telegram added new FLOOD_PREMIUM_WAIT error, but, as stated in the Swiftgram post (, it's just for notification, and should not stop uploading/downloading. However this is an error, so it does?
Try to bump your telethon library to the last commit from master. If you will still receive this "error", maybe it's worth a shot to ask in a Issue tab of Telethon library ( Perhaps that's something that we can catch and write to logs instead of breaking the whole code, if Swiftgram devs are correct.

It doesn't seem to be an error from Telethon side sir, It is from FastTelethonHelper Cause when I do await client.send_file(group_username, file_path, caption=caption) It is uploading very very slow but finally uploading

but when I do await fast_upload(client, file_path) It is not uploading at all, throwing that floodwaiterror and stopping

You're right, but FastTelethon is built around the Telethon library. I believe this error can be presented in Telethon too (if it's not already fixed, which, i think, was not.). As far i understand, this error is not the same as FloodWaitError, as it's just for "Woo, Buy our Premium!!!" prompt. Maybe we can fix it here by catching error. Can you provide the full Traceback?

Also, consider to look at this: Maybe this will quick fix this problem for now? Can not test it by myself because didn't see this error before.

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