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Forked from jdeblese/
Created December 31, 2017 10:27
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Modified version of tccs ( to add support for hfsc classes
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# copyright 2005-2008 Tomasz Pala <>
# Contributions by Jan-willem De Bleser, 2013
# license: GPL
# usage:
# watch -d -n1 'tc -s c ls dev imq1 | tccs -f 10 2>/dev/null'
# tccs.rc file format:
# %translate = ( '1:2' => 'LAN', '1:4076' => 'pc76', '1:b238' => 'VoIP-3_29 );
#use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
#tc -s class show dev eth1 | perl -e 'undef $/; while(<>) { while (/class htb (.*?) .*?\n\s*Sent (\d+) .*?\n\s*rate (\d+)/sg) { print "Klasa: $1 Wyslano: $2 ($3bps)\n" }; };'
my $class = "";
my $classid;
my $parent;
my $rate;
my $ceil;
my $crate;
my $sent;
my $range;
my %tree;
my $recurse=10;
my $speedlevel=0;
my %translate;
eval `cat tccs.rc 2>/dev/null`;
while(<STDIN>) {
if(/^ lended: / and $crate) {
if($rate ne $ceil) {
} else {
# print "$parent: $class $classid $range $crate kb/s\n";
$crate=sprintf "%8.1lf",$crate;
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" $range $crate kb/s";
#if($class eq "htb" and /^ Sent (\d+) bytes /) {
if(/^ Sent (\d+) bytes .*dropped (\d+)/) {
$sent=sprintf "%10.0lf",$1/1024;
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" ($sent KB, dropped $2 pk)";
if(/^ rate (\S+)(bit|bps) /) {
# print "BPS rate!\n" if $2 eq "bps";
if ($2 eq "bps") {
$crate=eval $crate;
} else {
$crate=eval $crate;
if(/^class (\S+) (\S+:\S*) (root|parent (\S+:\S*))/) {
($parent=$3)=~s/parent //;
@{$tree{$parent}}[0]='' unless @{$tree{$parent}}[0];
push @{$tree{$parent}}, $classid;
if($class eq "htb" and /rate (\S+) ceil (\S+)/) {
} elsif($class eq "hfsc") {
if(/rt m1 (\S+) d (\S+) m2 (\S+)/) {
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" Real $3".($2 eq "0us" ? "" : " ($2 @ $1)");
if(/ls m1 (\S+) d (\S+) m2 (\S+)/) {
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" Link $3".($2 eq "0us" ? "" : " ($2 @ $1)");
if(/sc m1 (\S+) d (\S+) m2 (\S+)/) {
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" Service $3".($2 eq "0us" ? "" : " ($2 @ $1)");
if(/ul m1 (\S+) d (\S+) m2 (\S+)/) {
@{$tree{$classid}}[0].=" Upper $3".($2 eq "0us" ? "" : " ($2 @ $1)");
my $level='';
sub my_sort {
return 0 unless $_[0];
return $_[0] cmp $_[1] unless $speedlevel;
return -1 if($a=~/^\(/);
$tree{$_[0]}[0]=~m|\(\S+\)\ \S+ \s*([\d\.]+) kb/s \(|;
my $a=$1;
$tree{$_[1]}[0]=~m|\(\S+\)\ \S+ \s*([\d\.]+) kb/s \(|;
my $b=$1;
return $b <=> $a;
sub list {
return if length($level)/2==$recurse;
if($_[0]) {
if(exists $translate{$_[0]}) {
printf "$level%-4s",$translate{$_[0]};
} else {
printf "$level%-4s",$_[0];
} else { return; }
$level.=' ';
my $rank=0;
foreach my $id (sort {my_sort($a,$b)} (@{$tree{$_[0]}})) {
if($id=~/^\(/) {
print " $id\n";
} else {
next if $rank>$speedlevel and $speedlevel;
if(defined $tree{'root'}) {
foreach (sort {my_sort($a,$b)} (@{$tree{'root'}})) {
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