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Last active December 5, 2022 04:10
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FlashScore Live Events Parser
from requests_html import AsyncHTMLSession
import pandas as pd
from unicodedata import normalize
url = ''
asession = AsyncHTMLSession()
async def get_scores():
r = await asession.get(url)
await r.html.arender()
return r
# Renderiza el html de la web
results =
results = results[0]
events_dict = []
# Captura todos los eventos en live
events = results.html.find("div.event__match--live")
# Parsea cada evento
for event in events:
record = {}
record['id'] = event.attrs['id']
record['time'] = event.find("div.event__stage--block")[0].text
record['home_team'] = event.find("div.event__participant.event__participant--home")[0].text
record['score'] = normalize('NFKD', event.find("div.event__scores.fontBold")[0].text)
record['away_team'] = event.find("div.event__participant.event__participant--away")[0].text
record['event_part'] = normalize('NFKD', event.find("div.event__part")[0].text)[1:-1]
record['url_oods_uo'] = f"{record['id'].split('_')[-1]}/#odds-comparison;over-under;full-time"
# Pasamos a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(events_dict)
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