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Created August 6, 2024 23:54
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <elfutils/libdw.h>
#include <elfutils/libdwfl.h>
#include <dwarf.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
class DwarfStructOffsetFinder {
Dwarf* dwarf;
bool find_struct_die(Dwarf_Die& result, const std::string& struct_name) {
Dwarf_Off offset = 0;
Dwarf_Off next_cu_offset;
size_t cu_header_size;
int cu_count = 0;
while (dwarf_nextcu(dwarf, offset, &next_cu_offset, &cu_header_size, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) == 0) {
Dwarf_Die cu_die;
if (dwarf_offdie(dwarf, offset + cu_header_size, &cu_die) != nullptr) {
if (find_struct_die_in_cu(cu_die, result, struct_name)) {
return true;
offset = next_cu_offset;
std::cout << "Searched " << cu_count << " compilation units." << std::endl;
return false;
bool find_struct_die_in_cu(Dwarf_Die& die, Dwarf_Die& result, const std::string& struct_name) {
int tag = dwarf_tag(&die);
if (tag == DW_TAG_structure_type || tag == DW_TAG_class_type || tag == DW_TAG_union_type) {
if (check_die_name(die, struct_name)) {
result = die;
return true;
} else if (tag == DW_TAG_typedef) {
Dwarf_Attribute attr;
Dwarf_Die type_die;
if (dwarf_attr(&die, DW_AT_type, &attr) != nullptr &&
dwarf_formref_die(&attr, &type_die) != nullptr) {
if (check_die_name(die, struct_name)) {
// If the typedef name matches, check if it refers to a struct
int type_tag = dwarf_tag(&type_die);
if (type_tag == DW_TAG_structure_type || type_tag == DW_TAG_class_type || type_tag == DW_TAG_union_type) {
result = type_die;
return true;
// Recurse into the type die
return find_struct_die_in_cu(type_die, result, struct_name);
Dwarf_Die child;
if (dwarf_child(&die, &child) == 0) {
do {
if (find_struct_die_in_cu(child, result, struct_name)) {
return true;
} while (dwarf_siblingof(&child, &child) == 0);
return false;
bool check_die_name(Dwarf_Die& die, const std::string& name) {
const char* die_name = dwarf_diename(&die);
if (die_name != nullptr) {
if (name == die_name ||
("struct " + name) == die_name ||
("class " + name) == die_name ||
("union " + name) == die_name) {
return true;
} else {
Dwarf_Attribute attr;
if (dwarf_attr(&die, DW_AT_name, &attr) != nullptr) {
const char* attr_name = dwarf_formstring(&attr);
if (attr_name != nullptr) {
std::cout << "Found type (from attribute): " << attr_name << std::endl;
if (name == attr_name ||
("struct " + name) == attr_name ||
("class " + name) == attr_name ||
("union " + name) == attr_name) {
return true;
return false;
bool find_member_die(Dwarf_Die& result, Dwarf_Die& struct_die, const std::vector<std::string>& field_path, Dwarf_Off& offset) {
Dwarf_Die current_die = struct_die;
for (const auto& field_name : field_path) {
Dwarf_Die child;
bool found = false;
if (dwarf_child(&current_die, &child) == 0) {
do {
if (dwarf_tag(&child) == DW_TAG_member) {
const char* name = dwarf_diename(&child);
if (name != nullptr && field_name == name) {
Dwarf_Attribute attr_mem;
Dwarf_Word member_offset;
if (dwarf_attr(&child, DW_AT_data_member_location, &attr_mem) != nullptr &&
dwarf_formudata(&attr_mem, &member_offset) == 0) {
offset += member_offset;
Dwarf_Die type_die;
Dwarf_Attribute attr_type;
if (dwarf_attr(&child, DW_AT_type, &attr_type) != nullptr &&
dwarf_formref_die(&attr_type, &type_die) != nullptr) {
current_die = type_die;
} else {
current_die = child;
found = true;
} else if (dwarf_tag(&child) == DW_TAG_structure_type) {
// Handle anonymous nested struct
if (dwarf_diename(&child) == nullptr) {
current_die = child;
found = true;
} while (dwarf_siblingof(&child, &child) == 0);
if (!found) {
return false;
result = current_die;
return true;
DwarfStructOffsetFinder(const std::string& filename) : dwarf(nullptr) {
int fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open file: " + filename);
dwarf = dwarf_begin(fd, DWARF_C_READ);
if (dwarf == nullptr) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize DWARF: " + std::string(dwarf_errmsg(-1)));
~DwarfStructOffsetFinder() {
if (dwarf != nullptr) {
Dwarf_Off get_member_offset(const std::string& struct_name, const std::string& field_description) {
std::vector<std::string> field_path;
size_t start = 0, end = 0;
while ((end = field_description.find('.', start)) != std::string::npos) {
field_path.push_back(field_description.substr(start, end - start));
start = end + 1;
Dwarf_Die struct_die, member_die;
if (!find_struct_die(struct_die, struct_name)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Struct not found: " + struct_name);
Dwarf_Off offset = 0;
if (!find_member_die(member_die, struct_die, field_path, offset)) {
throw std::runtime_error("Member not found: " + field_description);
return offset;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 4) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <executable> <struct_name> <field_description>" << std::endl;
return 1;
try {
DwarfStructOffsetFinder finder(argv[1]);
Dwarf_Off offset = finder.get_member_offset(argv[2], argv[3]);
std::cout << "Offset of " << argv[3] << " in struct " << argv[2] << ": " << offset << " bytes" << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
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