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Created April 15, 2024 20:12
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macOS Realtime Speech-To-Text using Whisper (locally)
Adapted by π 15 Apr 2024
... which appears to have been itself pilfered from:
To run on macOS:
- `brew install ffmpeg portaudio`
- Create requirements.txt:
... and `pip install -r requirements.txt`
- `python`
Sample output (M2 MacBook Pro):
(t0+5.180s) 🟢 Model loaded.
[t0+11.385]🎙️ Received 120832 bytes of audio.
(recv+0.008s)🔹Processing 60416 samples (= 3.776s) of audio data.
(4.439s) ✅ Transcription: The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
[t0+26.164]🎙️ Received 184320 bytes of audio.
(recv+0.004s)🔹Processing 92160 samples (= 5.760s) of audio data.
(4.417s) ✅ Transcription: In Horsford, Herringford and Hampshire, hurricanes hardly ever happen.
Only concern is that ~4s of audio takes ~4s to transcribe.
So that's something to keep an eye on.
There's other Whisper code available that promises to be several x faster:
from sys import platform
from time import time, sleep
from queue import Queue
import numpy as np
import torch
import speech_recognition as sr
import whisper
class Args:
model = "medium"
non_english = False
energy_threshold = 1000
record_timeout = 30.0
phrase_timeout = 3.0
default_microphone = 'pulse' if 'linux' in platform else None
sample_rate = 16000
def main():
args = Args()
t0 = time()
# Thread safe Queue for passing data from the threaded recording callback.
data_queue = Queue()
# We use SpeechRecognizer to record our audio because it has a nice feature where it can detect when speech ends.
recorder = sr.Recognizer()
recorder.energy_threshold = args.energy_threshold
# Definitely use False, dynamic energy compensation lowers the energy threshold dramatically to a point where the SpeechRecognizer never stops recording.
recorder.dynamic_energy_threshold = False
source = sr.Microphone(sample_rate=args.sample_rate)
print('⏱️ Loading model...')
model = args.model
if args.model != "large" and not args.non_english:
model = model + ".en"
audio_model = whisper.load_model(model)
record_timeout = args.record_timeout
with source:
def record_callback(_, audio:sr.AudioData) -> None:
Threaded callback function to receive audio data when recordings finish.
audio: An AudioData containing the recorded bytes.
# Grab the raw bytes and push it into the thread safe queue.
timestamp = time()
data: bytes = audio.get_raw_data() # sint16 as bytes
print(f'\n[t0+{time() - t0:.3f}]🎙️ Received {len(data)} bytes of audio.')
data_queue.put((timestamp, data))
# Create a background thread that will pass us raw audio bytes.
# We could do this manually but SpeechRecognizer provides a nice helper.
recorder.listen_in_background(source, record_callback, phrase_time_limit=record_timeout)
print(f'(t0+{time() - t0:.3f}s) 🟢 Model loaded.\n')
while True:
while data_queue.empty():
timestamp, audio_data = data_queue.get()
audio_np = np.frombuffer(audio_data, dtype=np.int16).astype(np.float32) / 32768.0
f'(recv+{time() - timestamp:.3f}s)🔹Processing {len(audio_np)} samples '
f'(= {len(audio_np) / args.sample_rate:.3f}s) of audio data.'
t = time()
result = audio_model.transcribe(audio_np, fp16=torch.cuda.is_available())
text = result['text'].strip()
print(f'({time() - t:.3f}s) ✅ Transcription: {text}')
if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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Epic! Thanks for sharing

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