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eerohele / xpath.clj
Created February 14, 2023 13:04
Clojure XPath
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[clojure.core.protocols :refer [Datafiable]])
(require '[clojure.datafy :as datafy])
(require '[ :as io])
(import '( StringReader PushbackReader))
(import '(java.time LocalDateTime))
(import '(java.time.format DateTimeFormatter))
true; exec clj -J-Xmx256M -J-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Sdeps "`sed -n -e '/;;(DEPS$/,/;;DEPS)$/p' $0`" -M -i $0 -e '(user/main)'
(ns user
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [user :as m]))
#?@(:clj ([ :as cljs]
mmathys /
Last active July 17, 2024 20:29
Download Vimeo VOD (video on demand)

How to download vimeo VOD for offline usage

Variant 1

Use youtube-dl directly to download the video (thanks @meepybub!) Example:

youtube-dl -u <> "<video>"
reborg /
Last active August 6, 2024 15:48
A curated collection of answers that Rich gave throughout the history of Clojure

Rich Already Answered That!

A list of commonly asked questions, design decisions, reasons why Clojure is the way it is as they were answered directly by Rich (even when from many years ago, those answers are pretty much valid today!). Feel free to point friends and colleagues here next time they ask (again). Answers are pasted verbatim (I've made small adjustments for readibility, but never changed a sentence) from mailing lists, articles, chats.

How to use:

  • The link in the table of content jumps at the copy of the answer on this page.
  • The link on the answer itself points back at the original post.

Table of Content

wilkerlucio / natural-sort.clj
Last active June 24, 2024 03:53
Alphabetical/Natural sorting in Clojure/Clojurescript
(ns util.natural-sorting
(:refer-clojure :exclude [sort sort-by])
(:require [clojure.string]))
(defn parse-int [s]
#?(:clj (Long/parseLong s)
:cljs (js/parseInt s)))
(defn vector-compare [[value1 & rest1] [value2 & rest2]]
(let [result (compare value1 value2)]
tapanpandita /
Created October 8, 2016 03:56
Transaction aware celery abstract task
class TransactionAwareTask(Task):
Task class which is aware of django db transactions and only executes tasks
after transaction has been committed
abstract = True
def apply_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
Unlike the default task in celery, this task does not return an async
delameko /
Last active August 22, 2023 08:22 — forked from johanndt/
Upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.5 to 9.6 on Ubuntu 16.04


Install Postgres 9.6, and then:

sudo pg_dropcluster 9.6 main --stop
sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.5 main
sudo pg_dropcluster 9.5 main
htp /
Last active August 20, 2024 09:06
Test a WebSocket using curl.
curl --include \
--no-buffer \
--header "Connection: Upgrade" \
--header "Upgrade: websocket" \
--header "Host:" \
--header "Origin:" \
--header "Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==" \
--header "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" \
kylefox /
Last active October 23, 2020 08:42
Run Django database migrations after deploy to Heroku. This file must live at `bin/post_compile` within your root project directory.
# !/usr/bin/env bash
# File path should be ./bin/post_compile
# (.sh extension added in Gist just to enable shell syntax highlighting.
echo "=> Performing database migrations..."
python migrate
baxeico /
Last active February 9, 2018 09:45
queryset_iterator, a function to iterate over huge Django querysets without using too much memory
import gc
def queryset_iterator(qs, batchsize = 500, gc_collect = True):
iterator = qs.values_list('pk', flat=True).order_by('pk').distinct().iterator()
eof = False
while not eof:
primary_key_buffer = []
while len(primary_key_buffer) < batchsize: