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Created August 16, 2013 09:09
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Save oz/6248414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Playing with Yahoo's stock API in Haskell, use this little program to quickly check stock prices, or change currencies.
import Prelude
import System.Environment
import Network.HTTP
import Control.Monad
showUsage :: IO ()
showUsage = do
putStrLn "Usage: stock <options...>\n"
putStrLn " - get a quote: stock <symbol>"
putStrLn " - change money: stock <from> <to> <amount>"
baseUrl :: String
baseUrl = ""
-- See
buildStockUrl :: String -> String
buildStockUrl symbol = baseUrl ++ "?s=" ++ (urlEncode symbol) ++ "&f=a"
fetchStockPrice :: String -> IO (Float)
fetchStockPrice url = do
rsp <- Network.HTTP.simpleHTTP (getRequest url)
fmap (read . take 256) (getResponseBody rsp) :: IO (Float)
getQuote :: [String] -> IO (Float)
getQuote (symbol:[]) = fetchStockPrice $ buildStockUrl symbol
getQuote (from:to:x:[]) = do
price <- fetchStockPrice url
return (price * amount)
url = buildStockUrl $ from ++ to ++ "=X"
amount = read x :: Float
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if length args == 1 || length args == 3
then getQuote args >>= print
else showUsage
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