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Last active August 26, 2023 11:33
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  • Save oxysoft/66fe16fd12f1402232e8a0c770f3a89e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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using System;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = System.Random;
/// <summary>
/// Draw the properties with a darker background and
/// borders, optionally.
/// </summary>
public class DarkBoxAttribute : Attribute
/// <summary>
/// Dark
/// </summary>
public readonly bool withBorders;
public DarkBoxAttribute()
{ }
public DarkBoxAttribute(bool withBorders)
this.withBorders = withBorders;
public class ColorBox : Attribute
namespace OdinExtensions
[DrawerPriority(0, 99)]
public class ColorBoxDrawer : OdinAttributeDrawer<ColorBox>
private Color _color;
private const float GOLDEN_RATIO = 0.618033988749895f;
protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(GUIContent label)
// float h = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < Property.Index; i++)
// {
// while (h > 1) h -= 1;
// }
int hashCode = Property.ValueEntry.TypeOfValue.Name.GetHashCode();
var h = (float) ((hashCode + (double) int.MaxValue) / uint.MaxValue);
_color = Color.HSVToRGB(h, 0.95f, 0.75f);
_color.a = 0.15f;
[DrawerPriority(0, 99)]
public class DarkBoxDrawer : OdinAttributeDrawer<DarkBoxAttribute>
public static readonly Color Color = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin
? Color.Lerp(, Color.white, 0.1f)
: Color.gray;
protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(GUIContent label)
BoxGUI.BeginBox(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.15f));
BoxGUI.EndBox(Attribute.withBorders ? Color : (Color?) null);
internal static class BoxGUI
private static Rect currentLayoutRect;
public static void BeginBox(Color color)
currentLayoutRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(SirenixGUIStyles.None);
// Rect currentLayoutRect = GUIHelper.GetCurrentLayoutRect();
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
SirenixEditorGUI.DrawSolidRect(currentLayoutRect, color);
public static void EndBox(Color? borders = null)
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && borders != null)
SirenixEditorGUI.DrawBorders(currentLayoutRect, 1, 1, 1, 1, borders.Value);
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oxysoft commented Sep 13, 2020

Add this file to your project and begin using the attributes.


Draws a dark box with optional borders.



Draws a colored box with an automatic color using the type's hashcode.


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This file doesn't seem to do what it's supposed to. The DarkBoxAttribute() method doesn't even exist in it and there is not mention of color anywhere in the file.

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oxysoft commented Nov 10, 2020

Sorry, I think I mixed it up with another script. I will update this soon, sorry for the confusion.

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No worries, thanks for putting it up to begin with. I just had to say something since I was really looking forward to implementing the Colorbox into some editors. :D

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I think it still isn't updated with the correct script.

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Any progress?

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oxysoft commented Jun 28, 2021

I finally got around to doing this, thanks to your reminder. The file was on my old annoying laptop, so I've been procrastinating and kept forgetting about it. Enjoy!

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