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Last active August 14, 2024 19:50
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Save oxyflour/f98432aa400daa225d04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a typescript implement of hindley-milner type inference
// a typescript implement of hindley-milner type inference
// reference
/// <reference path="./lib.es6.d.ts" />
// ...
interface AstNode {
class Id implements AstNode {
constructor(public name: string) { }
toString() { return }
class Lambda implements AstNode {
constructor(public arg: Id, public body: AstNode) { }
toString() { return `(fn ${this.arg} => ${this.body})` }
class Apply implements AstNode {
constructor(public func: AstNode, public arg: AstNode) { }
toString() { return `(${this.func} ${this.arg})` }
class Let implements AstNode {
constructor(public variable: Id, public value: AstNode, public body: AstNode) { }
toString() { return `(let ${this.variable} = ${this.value} in ${this.body})` }
class Letrec implements AstNode {
constructor(public variable: Id, public value: AstNode, public body: AstNode) { }
toString() { return `(letrec ${this.variable} = ${this.value} in ${this.body})` }
// ...
interface AstType {
class TypeVariable implements AstType {
constructor() { }
toString() {
return this.instance ? this.instance.toString() :
instance: AstType
_name: string
get name() {
return this._name || (this._name = 't' + (TypeVariable.lastNameIndex ++))
static lastNameIndex = 0
class TypeOperator implements AstType {
constructor(public name: string, public types: AstType[ ]) { }
toString() {
if (this.types.length === 0)
else if (this.types.length === 2)
return `(${this.types[0]} ${} ${this.types[1]})`
return `${} ${this.types.join(' ')}`
const IntegerType = new TypeOperator('int', [ ])
const BoolType = new TypeOperator('bool', [ ])
const FunctionType = (from: AstType, to: AstType) => new TypeOperator('->', [from, to])
// ...
class TypeEnv {
constructor(public map: { [name: string]: AstType } = { }) {
get(name: any, nonGenerics: Set<AstType>) {
if (name in
return fresh([name], nonGenerics)
throw 'undefined symbol: ' + name
extend(name: any, val: AstType) {
return new TypeEnv(Object.assign({ },, { [name]:val }))
function analyse(node: AstNode, env: TypeEnv, nonGeneric: Set<AstType>) {
if (node instanceof Id) {
return env.get(, nonGeneric)
else if (node instanceof Apply) {
let funcType = analyse(node.func, env, nonGeneric),
argType = analyse(node.arg, env, nonGeneric),
retType = new TypeVariable()
unify(FunctionType(argType, retType), funcType)
return retType
else if (node instanceof Lambda) {
let argType = new TypeVariable(),
newEnv = env.extend(node.arg, argType),
newGeneric = new Set(Array.from(nonGeneric).concat(argType)),
retType = analyse(node.body, newEnv, newGeneric)
return FunctionType(argType, retType)
else if (node instanceof Let) {
let valType = analyse(node.value, env, nonGeneric),
newEnv = env.extend(node.variable, valType)
return analyse(node.body, newEnv, nonGeneric)
else if (node instanceof Letrec) {
let newType = new TypeVariable(),
newEnv = env.extend(node.variable, newType),
newGeneric = new Set(Array.from(nonGeneric).concat(newType)),
valType = analyse(node.value, newEnv, newGeneric)
unify(newType, valType)
return analyse(node.body, newEnv, nonGeneric)
else {
throw 'unhandled syntax node ' + node
function fresh(type: AstType, nonGeneric: Set<AstType>) {
const mappings: WeakMap<AstType, AstType> = new WeakMap()
function freshrec(type: AstType): AstType {
type = prune(type)
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
if (isGeneric(type, nonGeneric)) {
if (!mappings.has(type))
mappings.set(type, new TypeVariable())
return mappings.get(type)
else {
return type
else if (type instanceof TypeOperator) {
return new TypeOperator(,
else {
throw 'unexpected type to fresh'
return freshrec(type)
function unify(type1: AstType, type2: AstType) {
let t1 = prune(type1),
t2 = prune(type2)
if (t1 instanceof TypeVariable) {
if (t1 !== t2) {
if (occursInType(t1, t2))
throw 'recurive unification'
t1.instance = t2
else if (t1 instanceof TypeOperator && t2 instanceof TypeVariable) {
return unify(t2, t1)
else if (t1 instanceof TypeOperator && t2 instanceof TypeOperator) {
if ( !== || t1.types.length !== t2.types.length)
throw 'type mismatch: ' + t1 + ' != ' + t2
t1.types.forEach((t, i) => unify(t1.types[i], t2.types[i]))
else {
throw 'unexpected types to unify'
function prune(type: AstType) {
if (type instanceof TypeVariable && type.instance)
return type.instance = prune(type.instance)
return type
function isGeneric(type: TypeVariable, nonGenerics: Set<AstType>) {
return !occursInTypes(type, Array.from(nonGenerics))
function occursInType(type: TypeVariable, typeIn: AstType) {
typeIn = prune(typeIn)
if (typeIn === type)
return true
else if (typeIn instanceof TypeOperator)
return occursInTypes(type, typeIn.types)
return false
function occursInTypes(type: TypeVariable, types: AstType[]) {
return types.some(t => occursInType(type, t))
// ...
const type1 = new TypeVariable(),
type2 = new TypeVariable(),
type3 = new TypeVariable()
const env = new TypeEnv({
pair: FunctionType(type1, FunctionType(type2, new TypeOperator('*', [type1, type2]))),
cond: FunctionType(BoolType, FunctionType(type3, FunctionType(type3, type3))),
zero: FunctionType(IntegerType, BoolType),
pred: FunctionType(IntegerType, IntegerType),
times: FunctionType(IntegerType, FunctionType(IntegerType, IntegerType)),
0: IntegerType,
true: BoolType,
function parse(node): AstNode {
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
var head = node[0]
if (head === 'lambda' && node.length > 3)
return new Lambda(new Id(node[1]), parse(['lambda'].concat(node.slice(2))))
else if (head === 'lambda')
return new Lambda(new Id(node[1]), parse(node[2]))
else if (head === 'let')
return new Let(new Id(node[1]), parse(node[2]), parse(node[3]))
else if (head === 'letrec')
return new Letrec(new Id(node[1]), parse(node[2]), parse(node[3]))
else if (node.length > 2)
return new Apply(parse(node.slice(0, -1)), parse(node.slice(-1)[0]))
return new Apply(parse(node[0]), parse(node[1]))
else {
return new Id(node)
['letrec', 'factorial',
['lambda', 'n',
['cond', ['zero', 'n'],
['factorial', ['pred', 'n']]
['factorial', 0],
['lambda', 'x', ['pair', ['x', 0], ['x', true]]],
['pair', ['f', 0], ['f', true]],
['let', 'f',
['lambda', 'x', 'x'],
['pair', ['f', 0], ['f', true]],
['lambda', 'f', ['f', 'f']],
['let', 'g',
['lambda', 'f', 0],
['g', 'g'],
['lambda', 'g',
['let', 'f',
['lambda', 'x', 'g'],
['pair', ['f', 0], ['f', true]],
['lambda', 'f', 'g', 'a',
['g', ['f', 'a']],
].forEach(tree => {
let exp = parse(tree)
try {
console.log(exp + ' :: ' + analyse(exp, env, new Set()))
catch (e) {
console.log(exp + ' :: ' + (e.message || e))
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