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pip install stellar-sdk==9.0.0b0
import time
from stellar_sdk import (
import requests
from stellar_sdk import Server
from stellar_sdk.client.requests_client import RequestsClient
session = requests.Session()
session.proxies = {
'https': 'http://your_proxy_ip:port',
import time
from stellar_sdk import Network, Keypair, TransactionBuilder
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.soroban import AuthorizedInvocation, ContractAuth, SorobanServer
from stellar_sdk.soroban.soroban_rpc import GetTransactionStatus
from stellar_sdk.soroban.types import Address, Bytes, Int128
rpc_server_url = ""
soroban_server = SorobanServer(rpc_server_url)
import time
from stellar_sdk import (
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.soroban import SorobanServer, ContractAuth, AuthorizedInvocation
from stellar_sdk.soroban.soroban_rpc import GetTransactionStatus
pip install git+
import binascii
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.soroban import SorobanServer
from stellar_sdk.soroban.exceptions import RequestException
rpc_server_url = ""
pip install git+
import time
from stellar_sdk import Network, Keypair, TransactionBuilder
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.authorized_invocation import AuthorizedInvocation
from stellar_sdk.contract_auth import ContractAuth
from stellar_sdk.soroban import SorobanServer
from stellar_sdk import Asset, Network, Address, utils
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
def get_asset_contract_id(asset: Asset, network_passphrase: str) -> str:
"""Get the contract id of the wrapped token contract."""
network_id_hash = stellar_xdr.Hash(Network(network_passphrase).network_id())
data = stellar_xdr.HashIDPreimage(
Install Stellar Python SDK from soroban branch:
pip install git+
import time
from stellar_sdk import Network, Keypair, TransactionBuilder
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.soroban import SorobanServer
from stellar_sdk.soroban.soroban_rpc import TransactionStatus
import time
from stellar_sdk import Network, Keypair, TransactionBuilder
from stellar_sdk import xdr as stellar_xdr
from stellar_sdk.soroban import SorobanServer
from stellar_sdk.soroban.soroban_rpc import TransactionStatus
from stellar_sdk.soroban_types import AccountIdentifier, InvokerSignature, Int64
rpc_server_url = ""
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, Any, Dict
from stellar_sdk import *
server = Server("")
# Preamble
def new_tx_builder(source: str) -> TransactionBuilder: