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Last active December 16, 2015 01:19
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WorldBank API
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class WorldBankDataProvider
static member GetDataContext: () -> WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+WorldBankDataService
class WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes
class WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+WorldBankDataService : FDR.WorldBank.WorldBankData
member Countries: WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+Countries with get
member Regions: WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+Regions with get
member Topics: WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+Topics with get
class WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+Indicators : FDR.WorldBank.Indicators
member Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrolment, preprimary, national source (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross intake ratio in grade 1, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross intake ratio in grade 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rate of out of school children, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for primary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Progression to secondary school, national source (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary education, new teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, new entrants, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary education, classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary education, new classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, mathematics: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, language: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Last study on effective learning time and teacher attendance (year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, pupils, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, new teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, new classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower Secondary education, new entrants, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary education, pupils, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lower secondary education, teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public spending on total education (% of total public spending): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public spending on basic education (% of public spending on total education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public recurrent spending on total education (% of total public recurrent spending): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public recurrent spending on basic education (% of public recurrent spending on total education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by World Bank (including GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Canada to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Spain to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, BEI to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, France to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CEIB to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ILO to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, India to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Flanders to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GPE to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to total education executed by UNICEF (excluding GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education from WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education from the Global Partnership for Education (via UNICEF and WB) to Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid for total education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by World Bank (GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID and ChildFund Australia to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, private donors to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, BEI to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AusAID to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID (World Bank) to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, France to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CEIB to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Australia to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ILO to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Italy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, India to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, South Korea to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid to basic education executed by UNICEF in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ChildFund NZAID and UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AUSAID to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International aid for basic education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coordinating agency of Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Donor members in Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Civil society organizations in Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Date of last Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Date of next Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Starting year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ending year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Supervising or managing entity (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Modality (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Total disbursements as of 12/2011 (USD millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Annual disbursements (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Endorsement of Education Sector Plan (year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Previous allocation - Approval (year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Previous allocation - Amount disbursed (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Approval (year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Total indicative amount (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Starting year of implementation period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Ending year of Implementation period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Signature date (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current allocation - Closing date (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Administration of school leaving exams (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Participation in international tests (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Brevet des colleges in Central African Republic, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), mean score of all subjects: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, English, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS in Georgia, grade 4, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - overall (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, mean competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Chemistry, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in lowest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Physics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in lowest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade) (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, average of all subjects, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, Terminale (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), minimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, minimum competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, minimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3 Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in highest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in highest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Baccalaureate in Central African Republic, exam at the end of secondary education, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), mean score of all subjects: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - access and retrieve (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (minimal competency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, mean competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, French, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 2, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, end of 1st degree certificate, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Biology, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - integrate and interpret (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (proficiency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 3, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Chemistry, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - reflect and evaluate (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, French, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 4, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ in Zambia, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Physics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 8, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - continuous texts (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 9, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (minimal competency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, proficient competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Senegal, CM1, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 5, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, average of all subjects, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above minimum competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - non-continuous texts (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (proficiency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, proficient competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Senegal, CM1, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 6, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Côte d'Ivoire, CP2 and CM1, French and Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, English, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS in Moldova, grade 4, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Senegal, Mathematics, (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Georgia, grade 9, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (minimal competency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Moldova, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Senegal, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Biology, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in lowest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, world around us (proficiency): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS in Moldova, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Realization of national assessments (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Administration of oral reading fluency tests (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Alignment of aid to education (% of total international aid to education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coordinated technical cooperation (% of total cooperation to education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Use of public financial management country systems (% of total international aid to education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Use of procurement country systems (% of total international aid to education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of parallel implementation units, education sector: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Aid provided through program based approaches (% of international aid to education): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 01.Number of Exporters: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 26.Export Value per Incumbent: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 27.Export Value per Incumbent: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 28.Export Value per Incumbent: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 29.Export Value per Incumbent: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 30.Export Value per Incumbent: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 31.Growth of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 32.Growth of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 33.Growth of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 34.Growth of Incumbents: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 35.Growth of Incumbents: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 36.Growth of Survivors: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 37.Growth of Survivors: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 38.Growth of Survivors: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 39.Growth of Survivors: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 40.Growth of Survivors: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 02.Number of Entrants: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 03.Number of Exiters: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 04.Number of Survivors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 05.Number of Incumbents: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 06.Export Value per Exporter: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 07.Export Value per Exporter: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 08.Export Value per Exporter: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 09.Export Value per Exporter: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 10.Export Value per Exporter: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 11.Export Value per Entrant: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 12.Export Value per Entrant: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 13.Export Value per Entrant: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 14.Export Value per Entrant: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 15.Export Value per Entrant: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 16.Export Value per Exiter: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 17.Export Value per Exiter: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 18.Export Value per Exiter: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 19.Export Value per Exiter: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 20.Export Value per Exiter: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 21.Export Value per Survivor: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 22.Export Value per Survivor: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 23.Export Value per Survivor: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 24.Export Value per Survivor: First Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 25.Export Value per Survivor: Third Quartile: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural machinery, tractors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total food (cereals and non-cereal) food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-cereal food aid deliveries (FAO, tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertilizer consumption (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertilizer consumption (% of fertilizer production): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Barley (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Fonio (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Millet (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Maize (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Rice, paddy (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Sorghum (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Producer Price for Wheat (per tonne, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wood charcoal production quantity (tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wood fuel production quantity (CUM, solid volume units): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural land (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural land (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural land (% of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arable land (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arable land (hectares per person): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arable land (% of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under barley production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal cropland (% of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under cereal production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Permanent cropland (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Permanent cropland (% of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arable and permanent cropland (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land area where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under fonio production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest area (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest area (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest area (% of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural area irrigated (ha): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land area equipped for irrigation (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under millet production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under maize production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average precipitation in depth (mm per year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under rice production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under sorghum production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land area (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land area (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural machinery, tractors per 100 sq. km of arable land: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Land under wheat production (hectares): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture production index (1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Barley production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal production index (1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crop production index (2004-2006 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fonio production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food production index (2004-2006 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crop production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Livestock production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-food production index (gross, 1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Livestock production index (2004-2006 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Millet production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maize production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross non-food production index (1999-2001 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sorghum production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat production (metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Barley seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fonio seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Millet seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maize seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sorghum seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat seed quantity (FAO, metric tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Surface area (ha): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Surface area (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Barley yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fonio yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Millet yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maize yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sorghum yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat yield (kg per hectare): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Safety Nets - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Safety Nets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Insurance - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Insurance (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of All Social Protection - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - All Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- All Social Protection (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Aluminum, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 41.Herfindahl-Hirschman Index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 42.Share of top 1% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 43.Share of top 5% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 44.Share of top 25% Exporters in TEV (Total Export Value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 45.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 46.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 47.Number of HS6 Products per Exporter: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 48.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 49.Number of Destinations per Exporter: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 50.Number of Destinations per Exporter: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 51.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 52.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 53.Number of Exporters per HS6 Product: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 54.Number of Exporters per Destination: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 55.Number of Exporters per Destination: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 56.Number of Exporters per Destination: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bananas, EU, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bananas, US, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 20-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 20-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 25-29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 25-29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 30-34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 30-34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 75+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousands (age 15+), 75+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 20-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 20-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 25-29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 25-29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 30-34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 30-34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 75+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of primary schooling, 75+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 20-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 20-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 25-29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 25-29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 30-34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 30-34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 75+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of total schooling, 75+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 20-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 20-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 25-29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 25-29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 30-34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 30-34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 75+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of secondary schooling, 75+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, completed tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15-19, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 15+, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 20-24, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25-29, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 25+, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 30-34, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 35-39, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 40-44, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 45-49, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 50-54, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 55-59, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 60-64, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 65-69, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 70-74, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, female, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member percentage of population (15+), 75+, total, incomplete tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 20-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 20-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 25-29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 25-29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 30-34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 30-34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 75+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member average years of tertiary schooling, 75+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Barley, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, beef, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade in services (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural tractors, exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural tractors, exports: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal exports quantity (FAO, tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest products imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Hazardous pesticides imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pesticides imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food imports excluding fish (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total agricultural imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Communications, computer, etc. (% of service imports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income payments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other income payments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Insurance and financial services (% of service imports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods imports (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Service imports (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Royalty and license fees, payments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of total services (Debit, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transport services (% of service imports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Travel services (% of service imports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Migrant remittance outflows (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private current transfers, payments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Workers' remittances, payments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personal transfers and compensation of employees, paid (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Services, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Services, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Services, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Other, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current account balance (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current account balance (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current account balance (% of GNP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current account balance excluding net official capital grants (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service not paid (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt Service not paid: Arrears Accumulation (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net income (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net income (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net trade in goods and services (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net trade in goods (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net errors and omissions, adjusted (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capital flows not elsewhere included (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other capital flows, net (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign direct investment, net (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign direct investment (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other long-term inflows, net (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private capital flows, total (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private capital flows, total (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Portfolio investment, excluding LCFAR (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Changes in net reserves (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net current transfers (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net current transfers (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net capital account (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Grants (disbursements) from new commitments (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current Account Balance, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current Account Balance, %GDP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net Exports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net Exports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade Balance, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade Balance, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services Balance, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services Balance, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net Exports Other, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural tractors, imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural tractors, imports: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal imports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cereal imports quantity (FAO, tonnes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest products exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Hazardous pesticides exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pesticides exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food exports excluding fish (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Grants, excluding technical cooperation (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Technical cooperation grants (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total agricultural exports (FAO, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ICT service exports (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ICT service exports (% of service exports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Communications, computer, etc. (% of service exports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income receipts (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods, services, income and workers' remittances (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Insurance and financial services (% of service exports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods exports (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Service exports (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Royalty and license fees, receipts (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods, services and income (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transport services (% of service exports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Travel services (% of service exports, BoP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary income on FDI (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Portfolio equity, net inflows (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current transfers, receipts (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Migrant remittance inflows (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Migrant remittance inflows (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Official transfers, current and capital (Credit, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Workers' remittances, receipts (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personal transfers and compensation of employees, received (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personal transfers and compensation of employees, received (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Workers' remittances, receipts (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Services, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Services, BOP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Services, BOP, deflator, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Other, BOP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 57.Firm Entry Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 58.Firm Exit Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 59.Firm Survival Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 60.Share of Entrants in TEV (Total Export Value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 61.2-year Firm Survival Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 62.3-year Firm Survival Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, chicken, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member S&P Global Equity Indices (annual % change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Market capitalization of listed companies (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Market capitalization of listed companies (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Listed domestic companies, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stocks traded, total value (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stocks traded, total value (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stocks traded, turnover ratio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coal, Australia, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cocoa, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coconut oil, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coffee, Arabica, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coffee, Robusta, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Copper, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Copra, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cotton, A Index, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPI Price, nominal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPI Price, % y-o-y, median weighted, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPI Price, nominal, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPI Price, % y-o-y, nominal, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, Brendt, $/bbl, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, Dubai, $/bbl, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, avg, spot, $/bbl, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, WTI, $/bbl, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 63.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 64.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 65.Product Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 66.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 67.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 68.Product Entry Rate of Survivors: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 69.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 70.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 71.Share of New Products in TEV of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 72.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 73.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 74.Share of New Products in TEV of Survivors: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 75.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 76.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 77.Product Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 78.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 79.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 80.Product Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DAP, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Third-party approval if 1 worker is dismissed?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Third-party approval if 9 workers are dismissed?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed-term contracts prohibited for permanent tasks?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maximum working days per week: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Minimum wage for a 19-year old worker or an apprentice (US$/month): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Notice period for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 20 years of tenure, in salary weeks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Notice period for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 5 years of tenure, in salary weeks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Third-party notification if 1 worker is dismissed?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Third-party notification if 9 workers are dismissed?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paid annual leave for a worker with 20 years of tenure (in working days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paid annual leave for a worker with 5 years of tenure (in working days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Premium for night work (% of hourly pay) in case of continuous operations: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Premium for work on weekly rest day (% of hourly pay) in case of continuous operations: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Priority rules for redundancies?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retraining or reassignment obligation before redundancy?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Weeks of severance pay for redundancy of experienced workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Severance pay for redundancy dismissal (for a worker with 5 years of tenure, in salary weeks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Australia (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Austria (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Belgium (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Canada (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, European Union institutions (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Switzerland (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Germany (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Denmark (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Spain (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Finland (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, France (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United Kingdom (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Greece (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Ireland (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Italy (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Japan (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Korea, Rep. (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Luxembourg (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Netherlands (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Norway (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, New Zealand (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Portugal (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Sweden (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, Total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net bilateral aid flows from DAC donors, United States (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bilateral, sector-allocable ODA to basic social services (% of bilateral ODA commitments): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA provided, to the least developed countries (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA provided to the least developed countries (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA provided, total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA provided, total (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA provided, total (constant 2008 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bilateral ODA commitments that is untied (% of bilateral ODA commitments): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 092.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 060.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 156.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 028.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 124.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 188.Gross Public Sector Debt, Domestic creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 095.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 063.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 159.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 031.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 127.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 191.Gross Public Sector Debt, Foreign currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 094.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 062.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 158.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 030.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 126.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 190.Gross Public Sector Debt, Domestic currency US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 065.Gross Budgetary Central Government Debt (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 033.Gross Central Government Debt (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 129.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 001.General Govt. Public Sector Debt (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 097.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 161.Gross Public Sector Debt (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 093.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 061.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 157.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 029.General Govt. Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 125.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 189.Gross Public Sector Debt, External creditors US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 087.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 055.Currency and deposits (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 151.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 023.Currency and deposits (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 074.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 042.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 138.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 010.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 106.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 170.Currency and deposits (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 081.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 049.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 145.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 017.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 113.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 177.Currency and deposits (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 119.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 183.Currency and deposits (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 088.Debt securities (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 056.Debt securities (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 152.Debt securities (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 024.Debt securities (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 075.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 043.Debt securities (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 139.Debt securities (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 011.Debt securities (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 107.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 171.Debt securities (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 082.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 050.Debt securities (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 146.Debt securities (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 018.Debt securities (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 114.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 178.Debt securities (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 096.Gross Budg. Central Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 064.Central Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 160.Gross Financial Public Corporations Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 032.General Govt. Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 128.Gross Nonfinancial Public Corporations Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 192.Gross Public Sector Debt Securities at market value US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 120.Debt securities (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 184.Debt securities (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 090.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 058.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 154.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 026.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 077.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 045.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 141.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 013.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 109.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 173.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 084.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 052.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 148.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 020.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 116.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 180.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 122.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 186.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 089.Loans (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 057.Loans (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 153.Loans (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 025.Loans (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 076.Loans (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 044.Loans (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 140.Loans (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 012.Loans (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 108.Loans (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 172.Loans (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 083.Loans (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 051.Loans (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 147.Loans (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 019.Loans (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 115.Loans (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 179.Loans (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 121.Loans (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 185.Loans (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 091.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 059.Other accounts payable (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 155.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 027.Other accounts payable (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 078.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 046.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 142.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 014.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 110.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 174.Other accounts payable (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 085.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 053.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 149.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 021.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 117.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 181.Other accounts payable (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 123.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 187.Other accounts payable (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 086.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCGGB) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 054.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 150.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 022.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDGG) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 080.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 048.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 144.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 016.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 112.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 176.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 118.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDNFPC) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 182.Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (PSDT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 072.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDCGGB, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 040.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDCG, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 136.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDFPC, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 008.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDGG, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 073.With payment due in one year or less (PSDCGGB, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 041.With payment due in one year or less (PSDCG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 137.With payment due in one year or less (PSDFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 009.With payment due in one year or less (PSDGG, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 105.With payment due in one year or less (PSDNFPC, LT, <1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 169.With payment due in one year or less (PSDT, LT,<1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 079.With payment due in more than one year (PSDCGGB, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 047.With payment due in more than one year (PSDCG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 143.With payment due in more than one year (PSDFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 015.With payment due in more than one year (PSDGG, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 111.With payment due in more than one year (PSDNFPC, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 175.With payment due in more than one year (PSDT, LT, >1yr) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 104.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDNFPC, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 168.Long-term, by original maturity (PSDT, LT) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 067.Currency and deposits (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 035.Currency and deposits (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 131.Currency and deposits (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 003.Currency and deposits (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 099.Currency and deposits (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 163.Currency and deposits (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 068.Debt securities (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 036.Debt securities (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 132.Debt securities (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 004.Debt securities (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 100.Debt securities (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 164.Debt securities (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 070.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 038.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 134.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 006.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 102.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 166.Insurance, pensions, and standardized guarantee schemes (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 069.Loans (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 037.Loans (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 133.Loans (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 005.Loans (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 101.Loans (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 165.Loans (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 071.Other accounts payable (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 039.Other accounts payable (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 135.Other accounts payable (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 007.Other accounts payable (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 103.Other accounts payable (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 167.Other accounts payable (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 066.Short-term by original maturity (PSDCGGB, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 034.Short-term by original maturity (PSDCG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 130.Short-term by original maturity (PSDFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 002.Short-term by original maturity (PSDGG, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 098.Short-term by original maturity (PSDNFPC, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 162.Short-term by original maturity (PSDT, ST) US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exchange rate (IFS), LCU per USD, period average: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Official exchange rate, LCU per USD, period average: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exchange rate, new LCU per USD extended backward, period average: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exchange rate, old LCU per USD extended forward, period average: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stock Markets, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stock Markets, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LT Principal due per balance of payments account (BoP, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 027_T2_Total, Principal, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 081_T2_Total, Principal, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 036_T2_Total, Principal, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 090_T2_Total, Principal, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 108_T2_Total, Principal, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 099_T2_Total, Principal, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 045_T2_Total, Principal, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 054_T2_Total, Principal, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 117_T2_Total, Principal, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 063_T2_Total, Principal, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 126_T2_Total, Principal, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 072_T2_Total, Principal, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments, Total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 104_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 158_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 176_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 194_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 212_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 122_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 140_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Principal (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 077_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 095_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 149_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 167_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 185_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 203_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 113_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 131_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Principal (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 071_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 089_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 143_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 161_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 179_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 197_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 107_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 125_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Principal (GG) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 083_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 101_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 155_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 173_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 191_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 209_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 119_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 137_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Principal (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 074_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 092_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 146_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 164_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 182_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 200_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 110_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 128_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Principal (MA) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 080_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 098_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 152_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 170_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 188_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 206_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 116_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 134_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Principal (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 018_T2_Total, Principal Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IMF repurchases (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments on external debt, long-term + IMF (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments on external debt, long-term (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal repayments, PPG and PNG private creditors (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 024_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 078_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector,  Principal, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 033_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 087_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 105_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 096_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 042_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 051_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 114_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 060_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 123_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 069_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Principal, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 015_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector, Principal, Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (AMT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 021_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 075_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 030_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 084_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 102_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 093_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 039_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 048_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 111_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 057_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 120_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 066_T2_Public Sector, Principal, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 012_T2_Public Sector, Principal, Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 374_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 353_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 345_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 349_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 357_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 369_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 361_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 365_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 378_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Principal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal arrears, public and publicly guaranteed (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal arrears, official creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal arrears, private creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal forgiven (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal rescheduled (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal rescheduled, official (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Principal rescheduled, private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commitments, public and publicly guaranteed (COM, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commitments, IBRD (COM, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commitments, IDA (COM, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commitments, official creditors (COM, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commitments, private creditors (COM, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Deutsche mark (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Euro (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, French franc (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Japanese yen (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Multiple currencies (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, all other currencies (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, SDR (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Swiss franc (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, Pound sterling (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Currency composition of PPG debt, U.S. dollars (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt forgiveness or reduction (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements, Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements, Total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IMF purchases (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements on external debt, long-term + IMF (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements on external debt, long-term (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements, Short-term (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IDA grants (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements, PPG Multilateral creditors nonconcessional (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disbursements, PPG and PNG private creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (DIS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, concessional (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concessional debt (% of total external debt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt on Concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt on Concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt on Non-concessional terms (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt on Non-concessional terms to GDP (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt on Non-concessional terms to export ratio (% of exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Bilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 331_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Bonds and notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 309_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Bonds and notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 333_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Currency and deposits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 311_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Currency and deposits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 325_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Currency and deposits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 303_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Currency and deposits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 057_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 056_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 058_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 503_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 545_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 587_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 419_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 461_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 497_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 539_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 581_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 413_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 455_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 500_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 542_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 584_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 416_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 458_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 506_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 548_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 590_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 422_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 464_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 490_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 532_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 574_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 406_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 448_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 484_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 526_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 568_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 400_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 442_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 487_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 529_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 571_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 403_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 445_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 493_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 535_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 577_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 409_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 451_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Forwards (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 504_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 546_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 588_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 420_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 462_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 498_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 540_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 582_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 414_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 456_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 501_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 543_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 585_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 417_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 459_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 507_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 549_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 591_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 423_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 465_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 491_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 533_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 575_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 407_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 449_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 485_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 527_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 569_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 401_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 443_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 488_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 530_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 572_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 404_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 446_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 494_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 536_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 578_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 410_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 452_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors), Options (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 027_T1_Gross External Debt, Banks: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 239_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 256_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 222_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Banks (Banks, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total change in external debt stocks (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 066_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 063_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 472_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 514_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 556_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 388_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 430_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 466_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 508_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 550_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 382_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 424_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), General Government (GG) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 478_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 520_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 562_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 394_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 436_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 469_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 511_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 553_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 385_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 427_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Monetary Authorities (MA) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 475_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 517_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 559_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 391_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 433_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 069_T2_Gross External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 481_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 523_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 565_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 397_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 439_T2.1_Gross External Debt Foreign Currency and Foreign-Currency-Linked (FCFCL) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 001_T1_Gross External Debt, General.Government (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 231_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 248_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 214_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, General Government (GG, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 287_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 055_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 014_T1_Gross External Debt, Monetary.Authorities (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 235_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 252_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 218_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Monetary Authorities (MA, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 265_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 276_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 298_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Table 1.2): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 040_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.Sectors (Oth. Sectors, Table 1): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 243_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 260_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 226_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total per capita (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 502_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 544_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 586_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 418_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 460_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Banks) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 495_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 496_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 538_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 580_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 412_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 454_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (GG) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 537_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 499_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 541_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 583_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 415_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 457_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (MA) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 579_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 505_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 547_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 589_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 421_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 463_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 411_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 453_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Pay Foreign Currency (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 489_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 531_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 573_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 405_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 447_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Banks) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 482_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 483_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 525_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 567_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 399_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 441_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (GG) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 524_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 486_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 528_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 570_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 402_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 444_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (MA) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 566_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 492_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 534_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 576_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 408_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 450_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Oth. Sectors) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 398_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 440_T2.1_Notional Value of FCFCL Contracts with NonRes. To Receive Foreign Currency (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 247_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 264_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 230_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, (nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, Total to GDP (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks (% of exports of goods, services and income): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 160_T3_Total_Public and Publicly-Guranteed External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 212_T4_Total_Public and Publicly-Guranteed External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 060_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 061_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending), Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 336_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 314_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 059_T1_Gross External Debt, (Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending),: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Use of IMF credit (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 479_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 521_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 563_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 395_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 437_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 036_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 241_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 258_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 224_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Banks, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 010_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 233_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 250_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 216_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (GG, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 294_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Bonds and notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 023_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 237_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 254_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 220_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (MA, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 272_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Bonds and notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 283_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Bonds and notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 050_T1_Gross External Debt, Bonds.and.notes (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 245_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 262_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 228_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 038_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 025_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 274_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Currency and deposits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 052_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 480_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 522_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 564_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 396_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 438_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (Oth. Sectors), Debt liabilities to direct investors (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 337_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 315_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 340_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 318_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, Long-term debt including IMF credit (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 037_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 011_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 295_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 024_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 273_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 284_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 051_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 039_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 013_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 297_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Other debt liabilities (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 026_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 275_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Other debt liabilities (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 286_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Other debt liabilities (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 054_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 012_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (LT, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 296_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Trade credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 285_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Trade credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 053_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, long-term (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 035_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 068_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 065_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 474_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 516_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 558_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 390_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 432_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (LT) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 468_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 510_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 552_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 384_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 426_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, LT) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 471_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 513_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 555_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 387_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 429_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, LT) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 477_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 519_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 561_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 393_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 435_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (LT) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 009_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 293_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH) (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 022_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 271_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 282_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 049_T1_Gross External Debt, Long-term (LT, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 010_T1_Nonguaranteed Private Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 009_T1_Nonguaranteed Private Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 031_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 018_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 269_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Currency and deposits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 280_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Trade credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 044_T1_Gross External Debt, Currency.and.deposits (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 033_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 242_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 259_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 225_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Banks, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 007_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 234_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 251_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 217_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (GG, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 020_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 238_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 255_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 221_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (MA, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 047_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities:Arears (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 246_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 263_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 229_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Arrears (if applicable) (Oth. Sectors, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 034_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 008_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 021_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 048_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities: Other (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, short-term (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 028_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 067_T2_Gross External Debt, Domestic.Currency.Debt (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 064_T2_Gross External Debt, Foreign.Currency.Debt (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 473_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 515_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 557_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 389_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 431_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL), Banks (ST) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 467_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 509_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 551_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 383_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 425_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (GG, ST) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 470_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 512_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 554_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 386_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 428_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (MA, ST) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 476_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Euro): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 518_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Yen): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 560_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Other): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 392_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (Total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 434_T2.1_Gross External Debt (FCFCL) (Oth. Sectors) (ST) (US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 002_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 288_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH) (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 015_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 266_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 277_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 041_T1_Gross External Debt, Short-term (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 244_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 261_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 227_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Short-term debt (% of total reserves): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Short-term debt (% of exports of goods, services and income): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Short-term debt (% of total external debt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 030_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 004_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 290_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 017_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 268_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 279_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 043_T1_Gross External Debt, Loans (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 029_T1_Gross External Debt, (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 240_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 257_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 223_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (Banks, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 003_T1_Gross External Debt, (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 232_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 249_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 215_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (GG, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 289_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Money market instruments (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 016_T1_Gross External Debt, (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 236_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, market price change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 253_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, market value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 219_T1.1_Traded Gross External Debt, Money market instruments (MA, nominal value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 267_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Money market instruments (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 278_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Money market instruments (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 042_T1_Gross External Debt, (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 032_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 006_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 292_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Other debt liabilities (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 019_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 270_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonbank financial corporations, Other debt liabilities (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 281_T1.2_Gross External Debt, Nonfinancial corporations, Other debt liabilities (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 046_T1_Gross External Debt, Other.debt.liabilities (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 005_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (ST, GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 291_T1.2_Gross External Debt, HH and nonprofit inst. serving, HH (NPISH), Trade credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 045_T1_Gross External Debt, Trade.credits (ST, Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 338_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 316_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 341_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 319_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 339_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 317_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 342_T1.3_Direct invest.: Intercompany lending (PrvtS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 320_T1.3_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending (PubS), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 332_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 310_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 324_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 302_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt forgiveness grants (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Multilateral debt (% of total external debt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG Multilateral on nonconcessional terms (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 323_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Money market instruments (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 301_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Money market instruments (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IBRD loans and IDA credits (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 328_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities:Arears (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 306_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities:Arears (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 321_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 299_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 335_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 313_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 327_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 305_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 329_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Other debt liabilities: Other (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 307_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Other debt liabilities: Other (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 161_T3_Paris Club member creditors 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 165_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 167_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 166_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 162_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 164_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 163_T3_Paris Club member creditors, Public Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt outstanding and disbursed, PPG and PNG private creditors (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 206_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 208_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Other (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 151_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 153_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 152_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Banks (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 148_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 150_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 149_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Bilat. (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 200_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Bonds and Notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 202_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Currency & Deposits (LT) 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 194_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Currency & Deposits (ST) 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 209_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 207_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 210_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 211_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Intercompany Lending, Other (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 201_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 193_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 330_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS) (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 192_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Money Mrkt. Inst. (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 145_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 147_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult. (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 146_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Mult. (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 197_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities, Arrears (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 204_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities (LT) 6/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 198_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities, Other (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 196_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Other Liabilities (ST) 6/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 154_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 156_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 155_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Others (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 322_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS) (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 203_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Trade Credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 195_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Trade Credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 157_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 159_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 158_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector Traded-debt securitires (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, long-term private sector (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 205_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private, Direct investment: Intercompany lending 7/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 006_T1_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 199_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 005_T1_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 191_T4_Publicly Guaranteed Private (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 144_T3_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 190_T4_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 184_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending Debt, liabilities to affiliated enterprises (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 186_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Other (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 135_T3_Public Sector, Banks: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 137_T3_Public Sector, Banks (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 136_T3_Public Sector, Banks (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 132_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral creditors 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 134_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral Creditors (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 133_T3_Public Sector, Official Bilateral Creditors (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 178_T4_Public Sector, Bonds and Notes (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, long-term public sector (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 183_T4_Public Sector, Direct investment: Intercompany lending 7/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 003_T1_Public Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 177_T4_Public Sector (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 002_T1_Public Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 169_T4_Public Sector (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 128_T3_Public Sector External Debt: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 168_T4_Public Sector External Debt 3/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 180_T4_Public Sector, Currency & Deposits (LT) 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 172_T4_Public Sector, Currency & Deposits (ST) 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 187_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Debt liabilities to direct investors (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 185_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (AE): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 188_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Arrears (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 189_T4_Public Sector, Intercompany Lending, Other (DI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 179_T4_Public Sector, Loans (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 171_T4_Public Sector, Loans (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 308_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS) (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 170_T4_Public Sector, Money Market (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 129_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 131_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 130_T3_Public Sector, Multilateral Creditors (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 175_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities, Arrears (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 182_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities (LT) 6/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 174_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities (ST) 6/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 176_T4_Public Sector, Other Liabilities, Other (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 138_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 140_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 139_T3_Public Sector, Other Creditors (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 300_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS) (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 181_T4_Public Sector, Trade Credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 173_T4_Public Sector, Trade Credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 141_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 143_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 142_T3_Public Sector,Traded-debt securitires (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Present value of external debt (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Present value of external debt (% of exports of goods, services and primary income): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Present value of external debt (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Present value to nominal value of debt (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Residual, debt stock-flow reconciliation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 334_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Trade credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 312_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Trade credits (LT): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 326_T1.3_Publicly Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt (PrvtS), Trade credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 304_T1.3_Public Sector External Debt (PubS), Trade credits (ST): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt stocks, variable rate (DOD, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 649_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 648_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 650_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 618_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 592_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 646_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 605_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 631_T3.1_ST Debt Remaining Maturity (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 652_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors, Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 653_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors, Other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 651_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis, Debt liabilities to direct investors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 627_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 601_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 614_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 641_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Bonds and notes (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 629_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 616_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 643_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Currency and deposits (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 628_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 602_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 615_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 642_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Loans (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 630_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 604_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 617_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 645_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Other debt liabilities (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 603_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Trade credits (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 644_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less, Trade credits (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 626_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 600_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 613_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 640_T3.1_LT debt obligations due for payment within one year or less (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 622_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 609_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 635_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Currency and deposits (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 624_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 598_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 611_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 638_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities:Arears (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 625_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 599_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 612_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 639_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities: Other (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 619_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 593_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 647_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, ST on an original maturity basis: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 606_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 632_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 657_T3.1_Total Short-Term (ST) External Debt (remaining maturity basis): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 621_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 595_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 608_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 634_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Loans (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 620_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 594_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 607_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 633_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Money market instruments (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 623_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (Banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 597_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 610_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 637_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Other debt liabilities (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 596_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Trade credits (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 636_T3.1_ST debt on an original maturity basis, Trade credits (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 655_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less, Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 656_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less, Debt liabilities to direct investors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 654_T3.1_Direct Inv.: Intercompany lending, LT obligations due for payment within one yeare or less: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt buyback (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt stock reduction (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total stock of arrears (principal and ineterest payments) (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjustment to Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt stock rescheduled (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grace period on new external debt commitments (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grace period on new external debt commitments, official (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grace period on new external debt commitments, private (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grant element on new external debt commitments (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grant element on new external debt commitments, official (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average grant element on new external debt commitments, private (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt relief committed under HIPC initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2008 NPV terms: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt relief delivered in full under MDRI initiative, cumulative US$ in end-2008 NPV terms: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Status under enhanced HIPC initiative: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 355_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 347_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 351_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 359_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 371_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 363_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 367_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 376_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 380_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Interest on arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjustments to scheduled interest (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest due, total long-term and short term, including IMF per BOP (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average interest on new external debt commitments (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average interest on new external debt commitments, official (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average interest on new external debt commitments, private (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 028_T2_Total, Interest, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 082_T2_Total, Interest, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 037_T2_Total, Interest, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 091_T2_Total, Interest, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 109_T2_Total, Interest, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 100_T2_Total, Interest, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 046_T2_Total, Interest, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 055_T2_Total, Interest, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 118_T2_Total, Interest, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 064_T2_Total, Interest, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 127_T2_Total, Interest, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 073_T2_Total, Interest, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt, total (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 105_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 159_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 177_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 195_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 213_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 123_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 141_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Interest (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 078_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 096_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 150_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 168_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 186_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 204_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 114_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 132_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks, Interest (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 072_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 090_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 144_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 162_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 180_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 198_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 108_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 126_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government, Interest (GG) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 084_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 102_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 156_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 174_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 192_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 210_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 120_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 138_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending, Interest (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 075_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 093_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 147_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 165_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 183_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 201_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 111_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 129_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities, Interest (MA) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 081_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 099_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 153_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 171_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 189_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 207_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 117_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 135_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors, Interest (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt (% of exports of goods, services and income): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 019_T2_Total, Interest Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IMF charges (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments, Long-term debt including IMF credit (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt, long-term (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments on external debt, short-term (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments, PPG and PNG Private creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 025_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 079_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 034_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 088_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 106_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 097_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 043_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 052_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 115_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 061_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 124_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interrest, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 070_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector, Interest, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 016_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector, Interest, Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (INT, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 022_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 076_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 031_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 085_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 103_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 094_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 040_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 049_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 112_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 058_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 121_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 067_T2_Public Sector, Interest, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 013_T2_Public Sector, Interest, Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 375_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises, Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 354_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks, Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 346_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (GG), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 350_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (MA), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 358_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 370_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NPISH), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 362_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NBFC), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 366_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors) (NFC), Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 379_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors, Interest: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest arrears, public and publicly guaranteed (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net change in interest arrears (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest arrears, official creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest arrears, private creditors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest forgiven (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest rescheduled (capitalized) (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest rescheduled, official (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest rescheduled, private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average maturity on new external debt commitments (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average maturity on new external debt commitments, official (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average maturity on new external debt commitments, private (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, bilateral (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Portfolio investment, bonds (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net flows on external debt, total (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net flows on external debt, long-term (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net flows on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net flows on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net flows on external debt, short-term (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, IAEA (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, IFAD (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, IMF concessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, IMF nonconcessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, IBRD (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, IDA (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, multilateral (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, others (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member EBRD, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IFC, private nonguaranteed (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commercial banks and other lending (PPG + PNG) (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, RDB concessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net financial flows, RDB nonconcessional (NFL, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNAIDS (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNICEF (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNHCR (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNDP (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNECE (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNFPA (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNPBF (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNRWA (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, UNTA (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, WFP (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official flows from UN agencies, WHO (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net transfers on external debt, total (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net transfers on external debt, long-term (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net transfers on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net transfers on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (NTR, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official development assistance and official aid received (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of GNP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, all donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official development assistance and official aid received (constant 2010 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for Malaria control, all donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% exports and imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total ODA Private Net, all donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of central government expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from other donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from other donors (constant 2008 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for administrative costs of donors, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for general budget support, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for commodity and general program assistance, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for developmental food aid/food security assistance, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for other commodity assistance, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for all sectors and functions, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received per capita from DAC donors(current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for action related to debt, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for banking & financial services, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for business & other services, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for economic infrastructure, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for communications, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for energy, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for transport and storage, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic education, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for education, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for post-secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for secondary education, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for education (level unspecified), DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for humanitarian aid, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for disaster prevention & preparedness, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for emergency response, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for reconstruction relief and rehabilitation, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for government & civil society, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for conflict, peace and security, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for general government and civil society, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for basic health, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for health, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for general health, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from DAC donors (constant 2008 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for multisector, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for general environment protection, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for other multisector initiatives, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for population programmes and reproductive health, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for fishing, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for forestry, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for production sectors, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, mining and construction, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for construction, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for industry, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for mineral resources and mining, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for trade policy and regulations, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for tourism sector, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total ODA Private Net, DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for refugees in donor countries, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for support to non-governmental organizations, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for social infrastructure & services, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for total sector allocable, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for unallocated/unspecified support, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross ODA aid disbursement for water supply and sanitation, DAC donors total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from DAC donors (% of recipient's GDI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from multilateral donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received per capita from multilateral donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from multilateral donors (constant 2008 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from multilateral donors (% of gross capital formation): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for STD control including HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ODA aid disbursements for Social mitigation of HIV/AIDS, Multilateral donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from non-DAC donors (constant 2008 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total ODA Private Net, non-DAC donors (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received from non-DAC bilateral donors (% of gross capital formation): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official aid received (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official aid received (constant 2010 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official development assistance received (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of gross capital formation): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net official development assistance received (constant 2010 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of imports of goods and services): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net ODA received (% of central government expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service to export ratio, ex-post (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjustments to scheduled debt service (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bilateral concessional (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 026_T2_Total Debt Service, 0 to 3 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 080_T2_Total Debt Service, 3rd yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 035_T2_Total Debt Service, 4 to 6 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 089_T2_Total Debt Service, 4th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 107_T2_Total Debt Service, 5 to 10 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 098_T2_Total Debt Service, 5th yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 044_T2_Total Debt Service, 7 to 9 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 053_T2_Total Debt Service, 10 to 12 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 116_T2_Total Debt Service, 10 to 15 yr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 062_T2_Total Debt Service, 13 to 18 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 125_T2_Total Debt Service, 15 plus: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 071_T2_Total Debt Service, 19 to 24 Months: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service on external debt, total (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 103_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 157_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 175_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 193_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 211_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 121_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 139_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Total (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 076_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 094_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 148_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 166_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 184_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 202_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 112_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 130_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Banks (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 070_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 088_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 142_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 160_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 178_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 196_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 106_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 124_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, General.Government (GG) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 082_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 100_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 154_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 172_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 190_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 208_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 118_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 136_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Dir. Inv. Intercomp. Lending (Oth. Sectors) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 073_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 091_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 145_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 163_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 181_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 199_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 109_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 127_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Monetary.Authorities (MA) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 079_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (Immediate quarter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 097_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (0-3 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 151_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (10-12 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 169_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (13-18 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 187_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (19-24 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 205_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (2 years or more): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 115_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (4-6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 133_T3_Debt-Service Payment Schedule, Other.Sectors (Banks) (7-9 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total debt service (% of exports of goods, services and income): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total debt service (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total debt service (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 017_T2_Total Debt Service, Immediate qtr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IMF repurchases and charges (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service on external debt, long-term (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service on external debt, private nonguaranteed (PNG) (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service (PPG and IMF only, % of exports, excluding workers' remittances): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service on external debt, public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public and publicly guaranteed debt service (% of exports, excluding workers' remittances): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IBRD (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, IDA (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Multilateral debt service (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Multilateral debt service (% of public and publicly guaranteed debt service): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, multilateral concessional (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, official creditors (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, bonds (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, commercial banks (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service, PPG and PNG private creditors (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, bonds (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PNG, commercial banks and other creditors (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, other private creditors (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 023_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 0 to 3 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 077_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt,  3rd yr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 032_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 4 to 6 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 086_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 4th yr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 104_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 5 to 10 yr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 095_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 5th yr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 041_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 7 to 9 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 050_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 10 to 12 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 113_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 10 to 15 yr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 059_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 13 to 18 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 122_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 15 plus 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 068_T2_Publicly-Guarranteed Private Sector External Debt, 19 to 24 Months 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 014_T2_Publicly-Guaranteed Private Sector External Debt, Immediate qtr 5/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPG, private creditors (TDS, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 020_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 0 to 3 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 074_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 3rd yr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 029_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 4 to 6 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 083_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 4th yr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 101_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 5 to 10 yr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 092_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 5th yr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 038_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 7 to 9 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 047_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 10 to 12 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 110_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 10 to 15 yr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 056_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 13 to 18 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 119_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 15 plus 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 065_T2_Public Sector External Debt, 19 to 24 Months 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 011_T2_Public Sector External Debt, Immediate qtr 4/: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debt service, reduction in arrears/prepayments (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 373_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to affiliated enterprises: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 381_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 352_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Banks: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 344_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, General Government (GG): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 372_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Direct Inv.: Intercompany Lending (DIICL): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 348_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Monetary Authorities (MA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 356_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears, Other Sectors (Oth. Sectors): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 368_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), HH and nonprofit inst. serving HH (NPISH): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 360_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Nonbank financial corporations (NBFC): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 364_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (Oth. Sectors), Nonfinancial corporations (NFC): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 377_T1.4_Gross External Debt Arrears (DIICL), Debt liabilities to direct investors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total amount of debt rescheduled (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Undisbursed external debt, total (UND, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Undisbursed external debt, official creditors (UND, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Undisbursed external debt, private creditors (UND, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, current US$, millions, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, constant US$, millions, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports Merchandise, Customs, Price, US$, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 81.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 82.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 83.Destination Entry Rate of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 84.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 85.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 86.Destination Entry Rate of Survivors: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 87.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 88.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 89.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 90.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 91.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 92.Share of New Destinations in TEV of Survivors: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 93.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 94.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 95.Destination Exit Rate of Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 96.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Mean: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 97.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: Median: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 98.Destination Survival Rate of 2-year Incumbents: StDev: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture value added per worker (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, clay and glass industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, chemical industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, food industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, metal industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, other industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, paper and pulp industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, textile industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water pollution, wood industry (% of total BOD emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Organic water pollutant (BOD) emissions (kg per day per worker): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy production (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Access to electricity (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from coal sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from coal sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from oil, gas and coal sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household electrification rate (% of households): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from hydroelectric sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electric power transmission and distribution losses (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electric power transmission and distribution losses (% of output): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from natural gas sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from natural gas sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from nuclear sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from nuclear sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from oil sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from oil sources (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from renewable sources (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per unit of energy use (PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per unit of energy use (constant 2005 PPP $ per kg of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy imports, net (% of energy use): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy imports (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Alternative and nuclear energy (% of total energy use): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fossil fuel energy consumption (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy use (kg of oil equivalent) per $1,000 GDP (constant 2005 PPP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy use (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Combustible renewables and waste (metric tons of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Combustible renewables and waste (% of total energy): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electric power consumption (kWh): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electric power consumption (kWh per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy use (kg of oil equivalent per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Economically active population in agriculture (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Economically active population in agriculture, female (FAO, number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural population (FAO, number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Economically active population in agriculture, male (FAO, number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Animal species, threatened: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from cement production (thousand metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 intensity (kg per kg of oil equivalent energy use): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels, total (thousand metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from fossil-fuels (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (kt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from gaseous fuel consumption (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from gas flaring (thousand metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions (kg per 2000 US$ of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions (kt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (kt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from liquid fuel consumption (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions (kg per PPP $ of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (kt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from solid fuel consumption (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural methane emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural methane emissions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Methane emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy related methane emissions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industrial methane emissions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Methane emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural nitrous oxide emissions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nitrous oxide emissions in energy sector (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nitrous oxide emissions in industrial and energy processes (% of total nitrous oxide emissions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industrial nitrous oxide emissions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nitrous oxide emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PFC gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PM10, country level (micrograms per cubic meter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SF6 gas emissions (thousand metric tons of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bird species, threatened: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Disaster risk reduction progress score (1-5 scale; 5=best): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GHG net emissions/removals by LUCF (Mt of CO2 equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Droughts, floods, extreme temperatures (% of population, average 1990-2009): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (million metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from electricity and heat production, total (% of total fuel combustion): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (million metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from manufacturing industries and construction (% of total fuel combustion): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (million metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from other sectors, excluding residential buildings and commercial and public services (% of total fuel combustion): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from transport (million metric tons): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CO2 emissions from transport (% of total fuel combustion): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fish species, threatened: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Plant species (higher), threatened: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mammal species, threatened: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-agricultural population (FAO, number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population density (people per sq. km of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population living in slums, (% of urban population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rural population density (rural population per sq. km of arable land): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population in largest city: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population in the largest city (% of urban population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pump price for diesel fuel (US$ per liter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pump price for gasoline (US$ per liter): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Do legal provisions mandate equal pay for equal work (1=Yes, 0=No)?: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GEF benefits index for biodiversity (0 = no biodiversity potential to 100 = maximum): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual deforestation (% of change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water productivity, total (constant 2000 US$ GDP per cubic meter of total freshwater withdrawal): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual freshwater withdrawals, agriculture (% of total freshwater withdrawal): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual freshwater withdrawals, domestic (% of total freshwater withdrawal): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual freshwater withdrawals, industry (% of total freshwater withdrawal): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (billion cubic meters): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Annual freshwater withdrawals, total (% of internal resources): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Renewable internal freshwater resources, total (billion cubic meters): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Renewable internal freshwater resources per capita (cubic meters): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terrestrial protected areas (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Marine protected areas (sq. km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Marine protected areas (% of territorial waters): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan accounts, commercial banks (per 1,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan accounts, microfinance institutions (per 1,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 1,000 sq km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Automated teller machines (ATMs) (per 100,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank capital to assets ratio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commercial bank branches (per 1000 sq km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commercial bank branches (per 100,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Borrowers from commercial banks (per 1,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of deposit accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Depositors with commercial banks (per 1,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan accounts with commercial banks per 1,000 adults: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Point-of-sale terminals (per 100,000 adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SME borrowers with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation borrowers with commercial banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SME deposit accounts with commercial banks (% of deposit accounts by non-financial corporations with commercial banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SME depositors with commercial banks (% of non-financial corporation depositors with commercial banks):: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SME loan accounts with commercial banks (% of loan accounts by non-financial corporations with commercial banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gold, valued at year-end London prices (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves (includes gold, current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves including gold valued at London gold price (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves includes gold (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves (% of total external debt): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves in months of imports: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves in months of imports of goods and services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total reserves minus gold (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs who have a female senior manager with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of female-owned SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of large enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (100+ employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of medium enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (20-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs who have a male senior manager with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of male-owned SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of small enterprises with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-19 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs with an outstanding loan or line of credit (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs who have a female senior manager with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of female-owned SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of large enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (100+ employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of medium enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (20-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs who have a male senior manager with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of male-owned SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of small enterprises with an account at a formal financial institution (5-19 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of SMEs with an account at a formal financial institution (5-99 employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fishmeal, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on private sector, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit to government, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on central government, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total assets, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net foreign assets, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on other official entities, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on nonmonetary financial institutions, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on private sector and other financial institutions, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on central government (annual growth as % of broad money): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit to private sector, stock (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (annual growth as % of broad money): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on governments and other public entities (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on governments and other public entities (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on governments, etc. (annual growth as % of M2): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on central government (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total assets (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net foreign assets (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net foreign assets (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit to other official entities, stock (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit to other private financial institutions, stock (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of M2): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on private sector (annual growth as % of broad money): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net domestic credit to rest of economy, stock (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money and quasi money (M2), flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other liabilities excluding M2, flow (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad money (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad money (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad money to total reserves ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad money growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money and quasi money (M2) (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money and quasi money (M2) as % of GDP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money and quasi money (M2) to total reserves ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money and quasi money growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Quasi money (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other liabilities excluding M2 (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central bank intervention rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving 4 or more program: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving 4 or more programs: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Consumer price index (2005 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inflation, consumer prices (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wholesale price index (2005 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deposit interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real deposit interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bond interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International interest rate, implicit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lending interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest rate spread (lending rate minus deposit rate, %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Money market rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Risk premium on lending (lending rate minus treasury bill rate, %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time deposits interest rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real interest on time deposit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on central government, etc. (% GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Claims on other sectors of the domestic economy (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Domestic credit provided by banking sector (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Banking survey: claims on private sector (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Liquid liabilities (M3) as % of GDP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Quasi-liquid liabilities (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Demand deposits (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time deposits (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjustments to foreign scheduled principal repayments (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current budget balance, including grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overall budget balance, including grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overall surplus/deficit, excluding current grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overall surplus/deficit, excluding all grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary balance, excluding interest (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government debt, monetary system credit (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government debt, other domestic (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt, end year (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External debt, end year (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total government debt (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government arrears on domestic debt (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government arrears on external debt (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External borrowing, net (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Domestic financing, monetary system credit (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other domestic borrowing (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Financing, including external capital grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total current grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External capital grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nontax receipts (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total revenue including current grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government revenue excluding all grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government revenues, excluding all grants (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total currrent revenues including current grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current revenue, excluding grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capital revenue (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Highest marginal tax rate, corporate rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Direct taxes (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on goods and services, GB (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Indirect taxes less subsidies (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on international trade, GB (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjustments to foreign scheduled debt service (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government debt service, external (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government consumption (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest on domestic debt (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest on external debt (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Subsidies (GFS, current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current expenditure, total (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other current transfers (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wages and salaries (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Defense expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure and net lending (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Research and development expenditure (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total capital expenditure and net lending (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Budgetary investment (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capital transfers (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fiscal balance, cash surplus/deficit (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cash surplus/deficit (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government debt, total (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central government debt, total (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net incurrence of liabilities, domestic (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net incurrence of liabilities, foreign (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Grants and other revenue (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Grants and other revenue (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Social contributions (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Social contributions (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total revenue (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total revenue (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue, excluding grants (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue, excluding grants (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue, excluding grants (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on exports (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on exports (% of tax revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on goods and services (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on goods and services (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on goods and services (% value added of industry and services): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Customs and other import duties (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Customs and other import duties (% of tax revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on international trade (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on international trade (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other taxes (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other taxes (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax revenue (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax revenue (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Taxes on income, profits and capital gains (% of total taxes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Compensation of employees (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Compensation of employees (% of expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods and services expense (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods and services expense (% of expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments (% of revenue): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest payments (% of expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other expense (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other expense (% of expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expense (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expense (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expense (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Subsidies and other transfers (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Subsidies and other transfers (% of expense): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 10th pillar: Market size: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 11th pillar: Business sophistication: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 12th pillar: Innovation: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1st pillar: Institutions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 2nd pillar: Infrastructure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3rd pillar: Macroeconomic stability: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 4th pllar: Health and primary education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 5th pillar: Higher education and training: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 6th pillar: Goods market efficiency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 7th pillar: Labor market efficiency: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 8th pillar: Financial market sophistication: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 9th pillar: Techonological readiness: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Global Competitiveness Index (GCI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Innovation and sophistication factors (weighted index 11th pillar to 12 th pillar): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Basic requirements (weighted index 1st pillar to 4th pillar): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Efficiency enhancers (weighted index 5th to 10th pillar): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Global Competitive Index (GCI) rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per Capita, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real GDP per Capita (real local currency units, various base years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, female (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, no-school, male (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member primary completion rate, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member primary completion rate, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member primary completion rate, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, primary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GPI for gross enrollment rate, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GPI for net enrollment rate, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, primary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, female (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, primary, male (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate, secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GPI for gross enrollment rate,secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GPI for net enrollment rate, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrollment rate, secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 0-4): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 5-9): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 10-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 25-29): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 30-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 35-39): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 40-44): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 45-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 50-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 55-59): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 60-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 65-69): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 70-74): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, female (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population by educational attainment, secondary, male (aged 75+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank accounts per 1000 adults (commercial banks-bank survey): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank branches per 100,000 adults (commercial banks): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with line of credit to total firms (all firms) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Small firms with line of credit to total small firms (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adults with an account at a formal fin. inst. to total adults (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adults saving at a fin. inst. in the past year to total adults (Household survey) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adults borrowing from a formal fin. inst. in the past year to total adults  (HH survey) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value traded of top 10 traded companies to total value traded (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Market cap. outside of top 10 largest companies to total market cap. (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Corporate bonds to total bonds and notes outstanding (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank private credit to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deposit money bank assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-bank financial institutions assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deposit money bank assets to deposit money bank assets and central bank assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Liquid liabilities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Central bank assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mutual fund assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Financial system deposits to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Life insurance premium volume to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-Life insurance premium volume to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Insurance company assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private credit by deposit money banks and other financial institutions to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pension fund assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stock market capitalization to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stock market total value traded to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding domestic private debt securities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding domestic public debt securities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding international private debt decurities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding international public debt securities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International debt issues to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross portfolio equity liabilities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross portfolio equity assets to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross portfolio debt liabilities to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net interest margin (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lending-deposit spread (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-interest income to total income (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overhead costs to total assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Return on assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Return on equity (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to income ratio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit to government and state-owned enterprises to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Stock market turnover ratio (value traded/capitalization) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member December Consumper Price Index (2005=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average Consumer Price Index (2005=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average consumer price Index (annual % change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank concentration (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank deposits to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member H-statistic: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lerner index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Boone indicator: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 5-bank asset concentration (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Liquid liabilities in millions 2000 USD: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loans from non-resident banks (net) to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loans from non-resident banks (amounts outstanding) to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Offshore bank deposits to domestic bank deposits (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Remittance inflows to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Consolidated foreign claims of BIS-reporting banks to GDP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of foreign banks among total banks (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of foreign bank assets among total bank assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of listed companies per 10,000 people: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank Z-score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank non-performing loans to gross loans (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank capital to total assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank credit to bank deposits (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Liquid assets to deposits and short term funding (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Provisions to non-performing loans (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Volatility of stock price index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General Govt. Balance, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General Govt. Balance, %GDP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General Govt. Balance, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gold, $/toz, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Groundnut oil, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption (number of surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Control of Corruption (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness (number of surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Effectiveness (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability/No Violence (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability/No Violence (number of surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability/No Violence (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality (number of surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law (number off surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Corruption Perceptions Index (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Corruption Perceptions Index (score): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability (estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability (number of surveys/polls): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability (standard error): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Primary completion rate. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Secondary completion rate. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DHS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gross attendance rate. Post Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Primary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net attendance rate. Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Net intake rate for the first grade of primary education. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Proportion of out-of-school. Primary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Dropped out. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Late entry. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Typology of out-of-school children. Primary. Never in school. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Primary completion rate. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Secondary completion rate. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Transition rate. Primary to Secondary. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Average years of schooling by age group. Age 15-19. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 1: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 2: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 3: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Quintile 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Rural: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MICS: Gini coefficient of average years of schooling. Age 15+. Urban: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Beverages, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Open Budget Index Overall Country Score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Protecting investors, director liability index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business extent of disclosure index (0=less disclosure to 10=more disclosure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ease of doing business index (1=most business-friendly regulations): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Protecting investors, investor protection index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New businesses registered (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Protecting investors, shareholder suits index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Protecting investors (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Closing a business, cost (% of estate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Closing a business, time (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Closing a business, recovery rate (cents on the dollar): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Closing a business (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Corruption (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crime (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Finance (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms that share or own their own generator (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to Obtain Import License: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Practices Informal Sector (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Access to Land (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor skills (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Courts (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to Obtain Operating License: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Licenses & Permits (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Losses Due to Theft, Robbery, Vandalism, and Arson Against the Firm (% of Sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to Obtain Construction-related Permit: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Policy uncertainty (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax administration (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax rates (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Customs & trade regulations (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transportation (% of managers surveyed ranking this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get a Construction Permit (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit depth of information index (0=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Getting credit, legal rights index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private credit bureau coverage (% of adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public credit registry coverage (% of adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Getting credit (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average time to clear exports through customs (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average time to clear imports from customs (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to build a warehouse (% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures required to build a warehouse (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to build a warehouse (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to breakage or spoilage (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Products shipped to supply domestic markets lost due to theft (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to enforce a contract (% of claim): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures required to enforce a contract (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to enforce a contract (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Delay in obtaining an electrical connection (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity from Generator (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Power outages in firms in a typical month (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average duration of power outages (hours): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to get electricity (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firing cost (weeks of wages): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees offered formal training (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to export (US$ per container): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade: Cost to export (US$ per container): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade: Cost to import (US$ per container): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Documents to export (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade: Documents to import (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time to export (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade: Time to export (day): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade: Time to import (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with a Checking or Savings Account (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age of firm (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with annual Financial Statement reviewed by External Auditor (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms using banks to finance investment (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms identifying practices of competitors in the Informal Sector as a major constraint (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms identifying corruption as a major constraint (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an operating license: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying corruption as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to secure government contract: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value of gift expected to secure a government contract (% of contract value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to public officials "to get things done": FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an electrical connection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a water connection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get a construction permit: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms expected to give gifts to get an import license: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying the courts system as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bribery index (% of gift or informal payment requests during public transactions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Informal payments to public officials (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Dealing with construction permits, cost (% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with Line of Credit or Loans from Financial Institutions (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Losses due to theft, robbery, vandalism, and arson (% sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms paying for security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Security costs (% of annual sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member If the establishment pays for security, average security costs (% of annual sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Losses due to theft and vandalism against the firm (% of annual sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member If there were losses, average losses due to theft and vandalism (% of annual sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Products shipped to supply domestic markets that were lost due to theft (% of product value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying crime, theft and disorder as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Believing the court system is fair, impartial and uncorrupted (% of firms identifying this as a major contraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms that trade identifying customs & trade regulations as a major constraint (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to obtain an operating license (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electricity (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms using email to communicate with clients/suppliers (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of permanent, full time employees: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of skilled production employees: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of seasonal/temporary, full-time employees: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of unskilled production workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exporter firms (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age of the establishment (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of private domestic ownership in a firm (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of private foreign ownership in a firm (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of government/state ownership in a firm (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of a firm held by the largest owner(s) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with legal status of publicly listed company: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with legal status of privately held Limited Liability Company: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with legal status of Sole Proprietorship: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with legal status of Partnership: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with legal status of Limited Partnership: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with female top manager (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Full time female workers (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of investment financed internally (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of loans requiring collateral (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms using banks to finance investments: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms using banks to finance working capital: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with a bank loan/line of credit: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with a checking or savings account: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying access to finance as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of sales sold on credit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of investment financed by banks (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms not needing a loan: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms whose recent loan application was rejected: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of investment financed by supplier credit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of investment financed by equity or stock sales (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of investment financed by other financing (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of working capital financed by banks (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of working capital financed by supplier credit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of working capital financed by other financing (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Access to finance (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms that use material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Functioning of the courts (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms formally registered when operations started (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with female participation in ownership: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of permanent full-time workers that are female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of permanent full-time non-production workers that are female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with a female top manager: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms that do not report all sales for tax purposes (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms competing against unregistered or informal firms: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying practices of competitors in the informal sector as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms formally registered when they started operations in the country: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of years firm operated without formal registration: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to obtain an electrical connection (upon application): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of electricity from a generator (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member If a generator is used, average proportion of electricity from a generator (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying transportation as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying electricity as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of products lost to breakage or spoilage during shipping to domestic markets (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of electrical outages in a typical month: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of a typical electrical outage (hours): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member If there were outages, average duration of a typical electrical outage (hours): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Losses due to electrical outages (% of annual sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of water insufficiencies in a typical month: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms owning or sharing a generator: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services Firms Competing Against Unregistered or Informal Firms (% of service firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with an internationally-recognized quality certification: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms with an annual financial statement reviewed by external auditors: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capacity utilization (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms using technology licensed from foreign companies: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms having their own Web site: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms using e-mail to interact with clients/suppliers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ISO certification ownership (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor regulations (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor skill level (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business Licensing and Permits (% of firms Identifying this as major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Years of experience of the Top Manager working in the firm's sector: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing access to finance as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing labor regulations as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing political instability as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing practices of the informal sector as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing tax administration as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing tax rates as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing transportation as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing access to land as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing business licensing and permits as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing corruption as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing courts as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing crime, theft and disorder as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing customs and trade regulations as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing electricity as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms choosing inadequately educated workforce as their biggest obstacle: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value lost due to electrical outages (% of sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enterprise ownership - Government/state (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enterprise ownership - Other (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enterprise ownership - Private Foreign (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enterprise ownership - Private Domestic (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Largest shareholder ownership (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Dealing with construction, procedures (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to obtain an import license: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to obtain an operating license: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to obtain a construction-related permit: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying business licensing and permits as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Senior management time spent dealing with the requirements of government regulation (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of visits or required meetings with tax officials: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member If there were visits, average number of visits or required meetings with tax officials: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying tax rates as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying tax administration as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms Formally Registered when Started Operations in the Country (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms Paying for Security (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Security costs (% of sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax Administration (% of firms identifying this as major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax rates (% of firms identifying this as major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms using technology licensed from foreign companies (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to clear direct exports through customs: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms exporting directly or indirectly (at least 1% of sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms using material inputs and/or supplies of foreign origin: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days of inventory of main input: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms exporting directly (at least 1% of sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Days to clear imports from customs: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of total sales that are domestic sales (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of total sales that are exported directly (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of total sales that are exported indirectly (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of total inputs that are of domestic origin (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of total inputs that are of foreign origin (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying customs and trade regulations as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms offering formal training (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transportation (% of firms identifying this as a major constraint): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms using its own website (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms offering formal training: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying an inadequately educated workforce as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of temporary workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of permanent full-time workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of unskilled workers (out of all production workers) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of workers offered formal training (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of permanent skilled production workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of permanent unskilled production workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of permanent production workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of permanent non-production workers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Years of the top manager's experience working in the firm's sector: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percent of firms identifying labor regulations as a major constraint: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of years firms operated without formal registration: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Dealing with construction permits (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to secure a Government contract (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to get electricity(% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures required to connect to electricity (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to connect to electricity (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Management time dealing with officials (% of management time): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Incidence of Graft index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to import (US$ per container): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Documents to import (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time to import (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get an Import License (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Resolving insolvency: cost (% of estate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time to resolve insolvency (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Resolving insolvency: recovery rate (cents on the dollar): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enforcing contracts (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enforcing contracts, cost (% of claim): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Strength of legal rights index (0=weak to 10=strong): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to enforce a contract (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employing workers (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rigidity of employment index (0=less rigid to 100=more rigid): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employing workers, redundancy (weeks of wages): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employing workers, difficulty of redundancy index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employing workers, difficulty of hiring index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employing workers, rigidity of hours index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures to enforce a contract (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures required to build a warehouse (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to build a warehouse (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loans requiring collateral (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get an Operating License (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Extent of director liability index (0 to 10): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Extent of disclosure index (0 to 10): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Strength of investor protection index (0 to 10): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ease of shareholder suits index (0 to 10): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost of registering property (% of property value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to register property (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures to register property (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Registering property (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Minimum paid-in capital required to start a business (% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Minimum capital for starting a business (% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to start a business (% of income per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost of business start-up procedures (% of GNI per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to start a business (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Start-up procedures to register a business (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Starting a business (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost to register property (% of property value): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures required to register property (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to register property (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Domestic Sales (% sales): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time to prepare and pay taxes (hours): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Firms expected to give gifts in meetings with tax officials (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor tax and contributions (% of commercial profits): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paying taxes, labor tax and contributions (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of times firms spent in meetings with tax officials: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paying taxes, other taxes (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other taxes payable by businesses (% of commercial profits): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tax payments (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paying taxes, profit tax (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Profit tax (% of commercial profits): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total tax rate (% of commercial profits): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Paying taxes (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Delay in obtaining a mainline telephone connection (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get a phone connection (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trading across borders (rank): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value of collateral needed for a loan (% of the loan amount): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value of gift expected to secure Government Contract (% of Contract): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Delay in obtaining a water connections (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected to give gifts to get a water connection (% of firms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average duration of insufficient water supply (hours): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time required to build a warehouse (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Procedures to build a warehouse (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Information and communication technology expenditure per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Information and communication technology expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Information and communication technology expenditure (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Investment in energy with private participation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Investment in telecoms with private participation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Investment in transport with private participation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Investment in water and sanitation with private participation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Fats and oils, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertilizers, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Grains, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Metals and minerals, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Base Metals, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Foreign Reserves, Months Import Cover, Goods: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-energy commodities, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Other food, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw:2 Oth raw materials, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Scientific and technical journal articles: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Patent applications, nonresidents: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Patent applications, residents: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trademark applications, aggregate direct: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trademark applications, Madrid: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trademark applications, direct nonresident: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trademark applications, direct resident: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trademark applications, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industrial Production, constant US$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industrial Production, constant US$, seas. adj.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member State institutions with adequately established/differentiated power structure index (1=lowest; 10=highest): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA business regulatory environment rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA debt policy rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA economic management cluster average (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA policy and institutions for environmental sustainability rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA quality of budgetary and financial management rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA financial sector rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA fiscal policy rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA building human resources rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member IDA resource allocation index (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA macroeconomic management rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA quality of public administration rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA social protection rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA public sector management and institutions cluster average (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA policies for social inclusion/equity cluster average (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA structural policies cluster average (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA trade rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CPIA transparency, accountability, and corruption in the public sector rating (1=low to 6=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Effective and accountable government index (0=lowest; 7=highest): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public access to information index (0=lowest; 100=highest): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overall level of statistical capacity (scale 0 - 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Burden of customs procedure, WEF (1=extremely inefficient to 7=extremely efficient): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Quality of port infrastructure, WEF (1=extremely underdeveloped to 7=well developed and efficient by international standards): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Interest Rates (10YR): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw materials, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Iron ore, cents/dmtu, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Iron ore, $/dmt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sovereign Bond Interest Rate Spreads, basis points over US Treasuries: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Air transport, registered carrier departures worldwide: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Air transport, freight (million ton-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Air transport, passengers carried: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Access to an all-season road (% of rural population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector diesel fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector diesel fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road density (km of road per 100 sq. km of land area): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector energy consumption (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector energy consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector energy consumption (% of total energy consumption): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Roads, goods transported (million ton-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Roads, paved (% of total roads): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Roads, passengers carried (million passenger-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector gasoline fuel consumption (kt of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Road sector gasoline fuel consumption per capita (kg of oil equivalent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Roads, total network (km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Railways, goods transported (million ton-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Railways, passengers carried (million passenger-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rail lines (total route-km): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Liner shipping connectivity index (maximum value in 2004 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Container port traffic (TEU: 20 foot equivalent units): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Motor vehicles (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Passenger cars (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vehicles (per km of road): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular subscriptions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone subscribers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (off-peak rate - current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular - price of 3-minute local call (peak rate - current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular monthly subscription (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular postpaid connection charge (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile cellular prepaid connection charge (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personal computers (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personal computers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone average cost of call to US (US$ per three minutes): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (off-peak rate - current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate - current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business telephone connection charge (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business telephone connection charge (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business telephone monthly subscription (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Business telephone monthly subscription (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Residential telephone connection charge (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Residential telephone connection charge (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone faults cleared by next working day (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone faults (per 100 mainlines): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed telephone service investment (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed telephone service investment (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone lines: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone lines (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone mainlines (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue from fixed telephone service (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue from fixed telephone service (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Residential monthly telephone subscription (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Residential monthly telephone subscription (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population coverage of mobile cellular telephony (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile communication investment (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile communication investment (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue from mobile communication (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revenue from mobile communication (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet subscribers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet subscribers (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broadband subscribers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet connection charge (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secure Internet servers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secure Internet servers (per 1 million people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed broadband Internet monthly subscription (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internet users: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internet users, female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internet users, male (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internet users (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internet users (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public payphones: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public payphones (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Homes with a personal computer (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Daily newspapers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Households with a radio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of radio sets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Radio sets (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Households with a telephone (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total annual investment in telecom (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total revenue from all telecommunication services (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile and fixed-line telephone subscribers (per 100 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telephone (mainlines and mobile phone) subscribers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unmet demand (% of waiting list to number main fixed telephone lines in operation): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telecommunication equipment - import (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Telecommunication equipment - export (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw:1 Timber, 2000=100, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Aluminum, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bananas, EU, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bananas, US, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Barley, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, beef, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, chicken, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coal, Australia, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cocoa, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coconut oil, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coffee, Arabica, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coffee, Robusta, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Copper, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Copra, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cotton, A Index, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, Brendt, $/bbl, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, Dubai, $/bbl, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, avg, spot, $/bbl, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Crude oil, WTI, $/bbl, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DAP, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fishmeal, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gold, $/toz, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Groundnut oil, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Beverages, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Energy, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Fats and oils, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertilizers, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Grains, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Metals and minerals, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Base Metals, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Non-energy commodities, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Food: Other food, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw:2 Other raw materials, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw materials, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Iron ore, cents/dmtu, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Iron ore, $/dmt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agr: Raw:1 Timber, 2000=100, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, sheep, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lead, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logs, Cameroon, $/cum, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logs, Malaysia, $/cum, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maize, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas, Europe, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas LNG, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas, US, $/mmbtu, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nickel, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Oranges, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Palm oil, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Phosphate rock, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Palmkernal oil, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Plywood, cents/sheets, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Potassium Chloride, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thailand, 5%, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Vietnamese, 5%, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thailand, 25%, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thai, A1.Special, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rubber, Singapore, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rubber, TSR20, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sawnwood, Cameroon, $/cum, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sawnwood, Malaysia, $/cum, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Shrimp, Mexico, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Silver, cents/toz, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sorghum, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybean meal, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybean oil, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybeans, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel cr coilsheet, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel hr coilsheet, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel, rebar, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel wire rod, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, EU, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, US, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, world, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, auctions (3) average, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Colombo auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Kokata auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Mombasa auctions, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tin, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tobacco, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TSP, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Urea, E. Europe, bulk, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, Canada, $/mtv, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, US, HRW, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, US, SRW, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Woodpulp, $/mt, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Zinc, cents/kg, constant 2000$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Meat, sheep, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lead, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member London Interbank Offered 3-month rates (LIBOR): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member London Interbank Offered 6-month rates (LIBOR): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Unemp benefits and ALMP - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Unemp benefits and ALMP: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Unemp benefits and ALMP (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population only receiving Labor Market: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population only receiving Labor Market: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 3rd grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 4th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for 6th grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 3rd grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 3rd grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 4th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the reading scale for 6th grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE: 6th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LLECE:Mean performance on the science scale for 6th grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the French language scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the French language scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the French language scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students above the Knowledge Base Rate on the mathematics scale (above 40% of answers correct) (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: 5th grade students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (less than 25% of answers correct) (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PASEC: Mean performance on the mathematics scale (100 points) for 5th grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS:Students reaching the advanced international benchmark in reading achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS: Fourth grade students who did not reach the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the high international benchmark in reading achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS: Fourth grade students reaching the intermediate international benchmark in reading achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS:Students reaching the low international benchmark in reading achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PIRLS:Mean performance on the reading scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the reading scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the science scale: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the science scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the science scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PISA:Mean performance on the science scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the mathematics scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the mathematics scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the highest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Students at the lowest level of proficiency on the reading scale (%), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member SACMEQ:Mean performance on the reading scale, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for fourth grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of mathematics achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the mathematics scale for eighth grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Fourth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for fourth grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the advanced international benchmark of science achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Eighth grade students reaching the low international benchmark of science achievement (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TIMSS:Mean performance on the science scale for eighth grade students, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logs, Cameroon, $/cum, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logs, Malaysia, $/cum, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lead time to export, median case (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lead time to import, median case (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Efficiency of customs clearance process (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Quality of trade and transport-related infrastructure (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Ease of arranging competitively priced shipments (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Competence and quality of logistics services (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Overall (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Frequency with which shipments reach consignee within scheduled or expected time (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Logistics performance index: Ability to track and trace consignments (1=low to 5=high): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad Money (M2) to foreign reserves, ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Broad Money (M2) to monetary base, ratio (M2 multiplier): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maize, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sustainable Economic Opportunity: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Human Development: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Participation and Human Rights: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Safety and Rule of Law: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Overall: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arms imports (constant 1990 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Armed forces personnel, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Military expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Military expenditure (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Military expenditure (% of central government expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Arms exports (constant 1990 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member MUV 2000=100: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-19, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-44, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-64, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15+, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 15+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 20 - 24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25 - 29, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25+, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 25+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 30 - 34, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 35-39, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 35-39, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 35-39, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 40-44, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 40-44, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 40-44, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-49, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-49, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-49, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-64, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 45-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 50-54, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 50-54, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 50-54, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 55-59, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 55-59, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 55-59, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 60-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 60-64, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 60-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65-69, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65-69, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65-69, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65+, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 65+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 70-74, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 70-74, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 70-74, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 75-79, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 75-79, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 75-79, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 80+, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 80+, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member mean years of schooling, 80+, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-19, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-44, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 15+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, noedu: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24,total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 20 - 24, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25 - 29, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 25+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 30 - 34, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 35-39, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 40-44, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-49, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 45-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 50-54, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 55-59, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 60-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65-69, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 65+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 70-74, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 75-79, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member population in thousand, 80+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-19, total, tertiaryr: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-44, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 15+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 20 - 24, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25 - 29, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 25+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 30 - 34, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 35-39, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 40-44, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-49, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 45-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 50-54, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 55-59, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 60-64, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65-69, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 65+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 70-74, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 75-79, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, female, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, male, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, total, no education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, female, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, male, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, total, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, female, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, male, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, total, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, female, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, male, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member proportion, 80+, total, tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General government final consumption expenditure (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure plus discrepancy, per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure per capita (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure per capita growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (current international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Household final consumption expenditure, PPP (constant 2005 international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure, etc. (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Final consumption expenditure (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure deflator (base year varies by country): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national expenditure (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and non-financial services, growth (%, constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export price index (goods and services, 2000=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of goods and services (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - central government (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - central government (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - central government (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - central government (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - general government (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - general government (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - general government (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - general government (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - state and local government (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - state and local government (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - state and local government (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public enterprises (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public enterprises (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public enterprises (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - private sector (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - private sector (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation, private sector (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public sector (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public sector (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDFI - public sector (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross public investment (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Changes in inventories (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Changes in inventories (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Changes in inventories (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks public sector (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks public sector (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks, public sector (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks, private sector (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks, private sector (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in stocks, private sector (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross capital formation (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import price index (goods and services 2000=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports of goods and services (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise trade to GDP ratio (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External balance on goods and services (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External balance on goods and services (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External balance on goods and services (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External balance on goods and services (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade of goods and services (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trade (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terms of trade index (2000=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government Consumption deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption (implicit price deflator contant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private Consumption deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nominal Effecive Exchange Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports, GNFS (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports GNFS deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross Domestic Expenditure (GDE) (real 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross Domestic Expenditure (GDE) (real local currency units, various base years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed Investment, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed Investment, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed Investment, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed Investment, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross Fixed Investment (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fixed Investment deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Estimated Capital stock (real 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Estimated Capital stock (real local currency units, various base years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in Inventories, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in Inventories, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in Inventories, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in Inventories, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Change in Inventories deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Investment, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Investment, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Investment, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Investment, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Investment deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports, GNFS (implicit price deflator constant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Imports GNFS deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas, Europe, $/mmbtu, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas LNG, $/mmbtu, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas, US, $/mmbtu, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nickel, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population not receiving Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population not receiving Social Protection: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real agricultural GDP per capita growth rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real agricultural GDP growth rates (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agriculture, value added (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value added, manufacturing growth rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value added, mining and quarrying (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Industry, value added (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Chemicals (% of value added in manufacturing): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food, beverages and tobacco (% of value added in manufacturing): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Machinery and transport equipment (% of value added in manufacturing): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other manufacturing (% of value added in manufacturing): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Textiles and clothing (% of value added in manufacturing): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value added, services and etc growth rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Services, etc., value added (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Value added, services (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: education expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: education expenditure (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: carbon dioxide damage (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: consumption of fixed capital (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: mineral depletion (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: energy depletion (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: particulate emission damage (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: gross savings (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: net national savings (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted savings: net national savings (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net national income (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net national income (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net national income (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net savings, excluding particulate emission damage (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural support estimate (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports as a capacity to import (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Coal rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP deflator (base year varies by country): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Discrepancy in expenditure estimate of GDP (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross value added at factor cost (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross value added at factor cost (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross value added at factor cost (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross value added at factor cost (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Forest rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mineral rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP deflator, index (2000=100; US$ series): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP deflator, period average (LCU index 2000=100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP growth (annual%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, PPP (current international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, PPP (constant 2005 international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP deflator, end period (base year varies by country): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Natural gas rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita, PPP (current international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per capita, PPP annual growth (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Oil rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total natural resources rents (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, private (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, private (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, public (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, public (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, public (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings, total (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic savings (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic income (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross domestic income (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI, Atlas method (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI, PPP (current international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita growth, Atlas method (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GNI per capita, PPP (current international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross savings (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross savings (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross savings (% of GNI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, including net current transfers (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross savings (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, private (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, private (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, public (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, public (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national savings, public (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national disposable income (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national income (constant 2000 US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross national income (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net income from abroad (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net income from abroad (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net income from abroad (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Indirect taxes (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Indirect taxes (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net taxes on products (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net taxes on products (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net taxes on products (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Subsidies (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Subsidies (current LCU; from SNA): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net current transfers from abroad (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net current transfers from abroad (current LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net current transfers from abroad (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terms of trade adjustment (constant LCU): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Discrepancy, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Discrepancy, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Discrepancy, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Discrepancy, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Discrepancy deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Output gap, %: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, current US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, current LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, PPP basis, current intl $, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, constant LCU, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, PPP basis, constant intl $, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP (implicit price deflator contant 2005 USD): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP deflator, LCU: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP, PPP basis, deflator: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP Potential, constant US$, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Estimated Potential GDP (real local currency units, various base years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Countries categorized as offshore financial centers by the IMF and the Financial Stability Forum (FSF): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving only 1 program: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving 1 program: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Oranges, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DEC alternative conversion factor (LCU per US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPP conversion factor (GDP) to market exchange rate ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PPP conversion factor, private consumption (LCU per international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Palm oil, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member LCU: Euro: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member DEC exchange rate (LCU per US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, end period): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Phosphate rock, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Palmkernal oil, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Plywood, cents/sheets, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise Import Price Index, US$ (Keyfitz-Savescu): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Potassium Chloride, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-1 Country with operational national development strategies (rating): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-10a Donor missions co-ordinated (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-10b Country-analysis co-ordinated (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-11 Existence of a monitorable performance assessment framework (rating): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-12 Existence of a mutual accountability review (rating): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-2a Country financial management systems reliability (rating): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-2b Country procurement systems reliability (rating): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-3 Government budget estimates comprehensive and realistic (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-4 Technical assistance aligned and co-ordinated with country programmes (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-5a Aid for government sectors uses country public finanacial management systems (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-5b Aid for government sectors uses country procurement systems (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-6 Project implementation units parallel to country structures (number): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-7 Aid disbursements on schedule and recorded by government (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-8 Bilateral aid that is untied (percent): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member PDI-9 Aid provided in the framework of programme-based appproaches (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactures value index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactured exports unit value (MUV) index (% change): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real effective exchange rate index (2005 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise Export Price Index, US$ (Keyfitz-Savescu): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Real Effective Exchange Rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Private Transfers - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Private Transfers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Private Transfers (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thailand, 5%, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Vietnamese, 5%, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thailand, 25%, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rice, Thai, A1.Special, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rule of Law: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Regulatory Quality: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rubber, Singapore, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rubber, TSR20, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Cash Transfer - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Cash Transfer (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of In-Kind - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - In-Kind: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- In-Kind (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Family/Child allowances - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Family/Child allowances: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Family/Child allowances (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of other SSN - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - other SSN: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- other SSN (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Public Works - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Public Works: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Public Works (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of School-feeding - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - School-feeding: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- School-feeding (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Pension - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Social Pension: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Social Pension (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Conditional Cash Transfer - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Conditional Cash Transfer: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Conditional Cash Transfer (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving SSN and other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving SSN and other: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population only receiving All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population only receiving All Social Safety Nets: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sawnwood, Cameroon, $/cum, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sawnwood, Malaysia, $/cum, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of young literate females to males (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of education, compulsory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans ages 10-14: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male primary enrollment (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%), path to goal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male secondary enrollment (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male tertiary enrollment (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Public and private. All programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupil-teacher ratio. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, preprimary (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net enrolment rate. Pre-primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of private enrolment. Pre-primary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in pre-primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in pre-primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage female teachers. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary school starting age (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross primary graduation ratio, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross primary graduation ratio, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross primary graduation ratio, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary completion rate, female (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary completion rate, male (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group), path to goal: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate (%), primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate (%), primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate (%), primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, duration (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, pupils: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Student enrollment, primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, pupils (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupil-teacher ratio, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary, female (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary, male (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected primary completion rate, female (% of population at theoretical entrance age): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected primary completion rate, male (% of population at theoretical entrance age): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected primary completion rate (% of population at theoretical entrance age): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross intake rate in grade 1, female (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross intake rate in grade 1, male (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross intake rate in grade 1, total (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary, female (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary, male (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate in grade 1, female (% of official school-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate in grade 1, male (% of official school-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate in grade 1 (% of official school-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to grade 5, female (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to grade 5, male (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to grade 5, total (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to last grade of primary, female (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to last grade of primary, male (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Persistence to last grade of primary, total (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, primary, female (% of female enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, primary, male (% of male enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, primary, total (% of total enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trained teachers in primary education, female (% of female teachers): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trained teachers in primary education, male (% of male teachers): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Trained teachers in primary education (% of total teachers): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, teachers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in primary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary education, teachers (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school age children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, female (% of primary school age children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary, male (% of primary school age children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children out of school, primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children out of school, primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children out of school, primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected years of schooling: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected years of schooling, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected years of schooling, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary school starting age (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, duration (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of 2A lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of education, upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, pupils: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Student enrollment, secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, pupils (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, general pupils: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, general pupils, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, general pupils (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupil-teacher ratio, secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, vocational pupils: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, vocational pupils, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vocational and Technical enrollment (% of total secondary enrollment), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate (%), lower secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrollment rate (%), upper secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary, female (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary, male (% net): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Progression to secondary school, female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Progression to secondary school, male (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Progression to secondary school (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, secondary, female (% of female enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, secondary, male (% of male enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters, secondary, total (% of total enrollment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers (% trained), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers (% trained), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers (% trained): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Secondary education, teachers (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross tertiary graduation ratio (first degree), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Student enrollment, tertiary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Student enrollment, tertiary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Girls enrollment share (%), tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Student enrollment, tertiary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, tertiary (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates, tertiary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in agriculture, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in agriculture (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in education, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in education (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates, tertiary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in agriculture (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in education (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in health (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in humanities and arts (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in science (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in social science, business and law (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female share of graduates in services (%, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Girls graduates share (%), tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in health, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in health (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in humanities and arts, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in humanities and arts (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in unknown or unspecified fields (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in science, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in science (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in social science, business, law, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in social science, business, law (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in services, female (% of total female graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in services (% of total graduates, tertiary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private enrollment share (%), tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tertiary education, teachers: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tertiary education, teachers (% female): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public current education expenditure, primary (% of current education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public current education expenditure, secondary (% of current education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public current education expenditure, tertiary (% of current education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public current education expenditure (% of total education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of public expenditure for primary education (% of public education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Spending on teaching materials, primary (% of primary expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of public expenditure for secondary education (% of public education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Spending on teaching materials, secondary (% of secondary expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teachers' salaries (% of current education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of expenditure for tertiary education (% of total education expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public spending on education, total (% of government expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public spending on education, total (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public education expenditure, % of GNI: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public education expenditure per student (% of p.c. GDP), all levels: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female legislators, senior officials and managers (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of women in ministerial level positions (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female professional and technical workers (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inpatient admission rate (% of population ): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Condom use, population ages 15-24, female (% of females ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Condom use, population ages 15-24, male (% of males ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Condom use with non regular partner, % adults(15-49), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Hospital, average length of stay (days): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of infant deaths: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cause of death, by injury (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of under-five deaths: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cause of death, by non-communicable diseases (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of neonatal deaths: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adults (ages 15+) living with HIV: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member AIDS estimated deaths (UNAIDS estimates): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Women's share of population ages 15+ living with HIV (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV prevalence rate, adult 15-49 years (%; low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, female child (per 1,000 female children age one): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, male child (per 1,000 male children age one): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, under-5, female (per 1,000): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, under-5, male (per 1,000): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Met need for contraception (% of married women ages 15-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved water source, rural (% of rural population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved water source, urban (% of urban population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved water source (% of population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children (0-14) living with HIV: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, young women 15-24 years (%; high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, young women 15-24 years (%; low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, female (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, ages 15-24, female (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS, ages 15-24, male (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, young men 15-24 years (%; high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, young men 15-24 years (%; low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of HIV, male (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV prevalence among 15-to-24-year-old pregnant women in capital city (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people with advanced HIV infection): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member AIDS deaths in adults and children (high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member AIDS deaths in adults and children (low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member AIDS deaths in adults and children: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of females ages 15-49 having comprehensive correct knowledge about HIV (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of males ages 15-49 having comprehensive correct knowledge about HIV (2 prevent ways and reject 3 misconceptions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections (0-14 years), high estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections (0-14 years), low estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections (0-14 years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections, high estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections, low estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New HIV infections: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Orphans 0-17 years currently living (high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Orphans 0-17 years currently living (low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Orphans 0-17 years currently living: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children orphaned by HIV/AIDS: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%; high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%; low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member HIV positive pregnant women receiving antiretrovirals, using WHO/UNAIDS methodology (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adults (ages 15+) and children (0-14 years) living with HIV: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member People living with HIV/AIDS, total (high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member People living with HIV/AIDS, total (low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member People living with HIV/AIDS, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Immunization, Pol3 (% of one-year-old children): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Hospital beds (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Community health workers (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Midwives (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nurses and midwives (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Nurses (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Physicians (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Reported clinical malaria cases (total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deaths among children under five years of age due to malaria (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Reported malaria deaths (total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Notified cases of malaria (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Households with one or more insect-treated mosquito net (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Use of insecticide-treated bed nets (% of under-5 population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pregnant women who took at least 2 doses of intermittent preventative treatment (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Use of preventive treatment for malaria (% of pregnant women): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of maternal deaths: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of weeks of maternity leave: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lifetime risk of maternal death (1 in: rate varies by country): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Lifetime risk of maternal death (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maternal leave benefits (% of wages paid in covered period): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of anemia among pregnant women (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Smoking prevalence, males (% of adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population using solid fuels, total (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved sanitation facilities, rural (% of rural population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Improved sanitation facilities, urban (% of urban population with access): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pregnant women receiving prenatal care of at least four visits (% of pregnant women): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pregnant women receiving prenatal care (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ARI treatment (% of children under 5 taken to a health provider): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exclusive breastfeeding (% of children under 6 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Low-birthweight babies (% of births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age, female (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age, male (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, weight for age (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malaria cases reported: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maternal mortality ratio (modeled estimate, per 100,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Maternal mortality ratio (national estimate, per 100,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of overweight, female (% of female population ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of overweight, male (% of male population ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of overweight, female (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of overweight, male (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, height for age, female (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, height for age, male (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Malnutrition prevalence, height for age (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of wasting, female (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of wasting, male (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of wasting (% of children under 5): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis treatment success rate (% of registered cases): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis case detection rate (%, all forms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Incidence of tuberculosis, high uncertainty bound (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Incidence of tuberculosis, low uncertainty bound (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis death rate (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people, high uncertainty bound (per 100,000 population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Deaths due to tuberculosis among HIV-negative people, low uncertainty bound (per 100,000 population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis prevalence rate (per 100,000 population, WHO): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis prevalence rate, high uncertainty bound (per 1000,000 population, WHO): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tuberculosis prevalence rate, low uncertainty bound (per 1000,000 population, WHO): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Newborns protected against tetanus (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outpatient visits per capita: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member External resources for health (% of total expenditure on health): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of total expenditure on health): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-pocket health expenditure (% of private expenditure on health): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Government health expenditure per capita (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure per capita, PPP (constant 2005 international $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, private (% of total health expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, private (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Private prepaid plans (% of private expenditure on health): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, private (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, public (% of total health expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, public (% of government expenditure): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, public (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Social Security expenditure on health (% government expenditure on health): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Health expenditure, total (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Shrimp, Mexico, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by second 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by third 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by fourth 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by highest 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by highest 10%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by lowest 10%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Income share held by lowest 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at $2.5 a day (PPP) (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at $2 a day (PPP) (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at $4 a day (PPP) (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at $5 a day (PPP) (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day (PPP) (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at $2 a day (PPP) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at $2.5 a day (PPP) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at $4 a day (PPP) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at $5 a day (PPP) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at $1.25 a day (PPP) (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GINI index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at national poverty line (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty line (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of poor at $1.25 a day (PPP) (millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of poor at $2 a day (PPP) (millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of poor at $2.5 a day (PPP) (millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of poor at $4 a day (PPP) (millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of poor at $5 a day (PPP) (millions): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at rural poverty line (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at rural poverty line (% of rural population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty gap at urban poverty line (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty headcount ratio at urban poverty line (% of urban population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Old Age Contributory - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Old Age Contributory: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Old Age Contributory (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 1st 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 2nd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 3rd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 4th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Beneficiaries' per capita transfer held by 5th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 1st 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 2nd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 3rd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 4th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Benefits held by 5th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 1st 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 2nd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 3rd 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 4th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program beneficiaries in 5th 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Cost-benefit ratio - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Concentration index - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 10% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member CGH held by poorest 20% population - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 1st 20% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 2nd 20% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 3rd 20% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 4th 20% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Program participation by 5th 20% - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expenditures in benefits of Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security - 1st 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security - 2nd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security - 3rd 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security - 4th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member (%) Generosity of Social Security - 5th 20%: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gini inequality reduction (%) - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Headcount reduction (%) - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Poverty Gap reduction (%) - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % benefits held by non poor -Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of non poor beneficiaries - Social Security: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Targeting Differential (coverage of the poor minus leakage)- Social Security (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving All Social Insurance and Labor Market: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving All Social Insurance and Labor Market: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Silver, cents/toz, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population only receiving All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population only receiving All Social Insurance: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in agriculture, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in agriculture, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in agriculture (% of economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, agriculture, female (% of female employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, agriculture, male (% of male employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment in agriculture (% of total employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of women employed in the nonagricultural sector (% of total nonagricultural employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employers, female (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employers, male (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employers, total (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Own-account workers, female (% of employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Own-account workers, male (% of employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Self-employed, female (% of females employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Self-employed, male (% of males employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Self-employed, total (% of total employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total employment, total (ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time-related underemployment, female (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time-related underemployment, male (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Time-related underemployment, (% of employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Union members (% of total paid employees): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vulnerable employment, female (% of female employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vulnerable employment, male (% of male employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vulnerable employment, total (% of total employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wage and salaried workers, female (% of females employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wage and salary workers, male (% of males employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wage and salaried workers, total (% of total employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contributing family workers, female (% of females employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contributing family workers, male (% of males employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contributing family workers, total (% of total employed): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per person employed (constant 1990 PPP $): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member GDP per person employed (annual % growth): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, industry, female (% of female employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, industry, male (% of male employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment in industry (% of total employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Informal employment, female (% of total nonagricultural employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Informal employment, male (% of total nonagricultural employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in manufacturing, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in manufacturing, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in manufacturing (% of economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male wages in manufacturing (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in services, female (% of female economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in services, male (% of male economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Child employment in services (% of economically active children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, services, female (% of female employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employees, services, male (% of male employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Employment in services (% of total employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work (housework and child care), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work (housework and child care), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, female (% of female children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, male (% of male children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, study and work, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, study and work, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, study and work (% of children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, work only, female (% of female children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, work only, male (% of male children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, work only (% of children in employment, ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Children in employment, total (% of children ages 7-14): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force (15-24 years), female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force (15-24 years), female (% of total labor force 15-24 years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force (15-24 years), total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force (15-24 years), male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force (15-24 years), male (% of total labor force 15-24 years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 25-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 25-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 25-34): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 25-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 25-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 25-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 35-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 35-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 35-54): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 55-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 55-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 55-64): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 65+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 65+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 65+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male labor force participation rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor participation rate, total (% of total population ages 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labour force, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labour force, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Part time employment, female (% of total female employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Part time employment, male (% of total male employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Part time employment, female (% of total part time employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Part time employment, total (% of total employment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with primary education, female (% of female labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with primary education, male (% of male labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with primary education (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with secondary education, female (% of female labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with secondary education, male (% of male labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with secondary education (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with tertiary education, female (% of female labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with tertiary education, male (% of male labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force with tertiary education (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force, female (% of total labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Labor force, male (% of total labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ratio of female to male youth unemployment rate (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Long-term unemployment, female (% of female unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Long-term unemployment, male (% of male unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with primary education, female (% of female unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with primary education, male (% of male unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with primary education (% of total unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with secondary education, female (% of female unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with secondary education, male (% of male unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with secondary education (% of total unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with tertiary education, female (% of female unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with tertiary education, male (% of male unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment with tertiary education (% of total unemployment): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, female (% of female labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, male (% of male labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unemployment, total (% of total labor force): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Emigration rate of tertiary educated (% of total tertiary educated population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net migration: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Refugee population by country or territory of asylum: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Refugee population by country or territory of origin: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International migrant stock, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International migrant stock (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of people who are undernourished: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of undernourishment (population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Depth of hunger (kilocalories per person per day): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Consumption of iodized salt (% of households): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (% of children ages 6-59 months): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sorghum, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybean meal, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybean oil, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Soybeans, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Completeness of infant death reporting (% of reported infant deaths to estimated infant deaths): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Completeness of total death reporting (% of reported total deaths to estimated total deaths): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Antenatal care coverage provided by a skilled health provider, at least one visit (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Antenatal care coverage provided by any provider (skilled or unskilled), at least four visits (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, condom (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contraceptive use among married women 15-49 years old, modern method (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Contraceptive prevalence (% of women ages 15-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mortality rate, infant, male (per 1,000 live births): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Life expectancy at birth, female (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Life expectancy at birth, total (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Life expectancy at birth, male (years): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age at first marriage, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age at first marriage, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fertility rate, total (births per woman): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Survival to age 65, female (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Survival to age 65, male (% of cohort): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wanted fertility rate (births per woman): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Female headed households (% of households with a female head): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Women who were first married by age 18 (% of women ages 20-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teenage mothers (% of women ages 15-19 who have had children or are currently pregnant): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-4, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14, female (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14, male (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 0-14 (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population 0-24 (% of total population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3- 5, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3- 5, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3- 5, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4- 6, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4- 6, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4- 6, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 5-9, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5- 9, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 5-9, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5- 9, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5- 9, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-10, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-10, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-10, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-11, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-11, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5-11, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6- 9,female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6- 9, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6- 9, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-10, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-10, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-10, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-11, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-11, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-11, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-12, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-12, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6-12, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7- 9, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7- 9, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7- 9, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-10, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-10, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-10, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-11, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-11, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-11, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-12, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-12, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-12, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-13, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-13, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7-13, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 10-14, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-14, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages10-14, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-14, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-14, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-15, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-15, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-15, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-16, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-16, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-16, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-17, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-17, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-17, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10-18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-15, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-15, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-15, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-16, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-16, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-16, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-17, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-17, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-17, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11-18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-15, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-15, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-15, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-16, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-16, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-16, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-17, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-17, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-17, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12-18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-16, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-16, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-16, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-17, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-17, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-17, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-19, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-19, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14-19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-19, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-19, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15-24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15-24, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15-24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64, female (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64, male (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 15-64 (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 20-24, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 20-24, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 25-29, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 25-29, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of people living on less than $2.00 a day (PPP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 30-34, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 30-34, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 35-39, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 35-39, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 40-44, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 40-44, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 45-49, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 45-49, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 50-54, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 50-54, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 55-59, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 55-59, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 50-64, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 50-64, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65-69, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65-69, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above, female (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above, male (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 65 and above (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 70-74, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 70-74, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 75-79, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 75-79, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 80 and above, female (% of female population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population ages 80 and above, male (% of male population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 0, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 0, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 0, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 0, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 0, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 01, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 1, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 01, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 1, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 1, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 02, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 2, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 02, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 2, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 2, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 03, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 03, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 3, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 04, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 04, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 4, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 05, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 05, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 5, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 06, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 06, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 6, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 07, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 07, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 7, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 08, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 8, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 08, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 8, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 8, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 09, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 9, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 09, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 9, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 9, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 10, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 10, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 10, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 11, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 11, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 11, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 12, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 12, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 12, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 13, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 13, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 13, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 14, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 14, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 14, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 15, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 15, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 15, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 16, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 16, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 16, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 16, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 16, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 17, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 17, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 17, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 17, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 17, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 18, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 18, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 18, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 18, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 18, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 19, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 19, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 19, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 19, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 19, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 20, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 20, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 20, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 20, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 20, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 21, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 21, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 21, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 21, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 21, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 22, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 22, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 22, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 22, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 22, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 23, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 23, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 23, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 23, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 23, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 24, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 24, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 24, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 24, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 24, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 25, female, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 25, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age population, age 25, male, interpolated: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 25, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, aged 25, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sex ratio at birth (females per 1,000 males): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of people living on less than $1.25 a day (PPP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Age dependency ratio, young (% of working-age population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Researchers in R&D (per million people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Technicians in R&D (per million people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, female (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, male (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, pre-primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, pre-primary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, pre-primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Primary. Last Grade. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, primary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, primary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, primary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Completeness of birth registration, rural (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Completeness of birth registration, urban (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Completeness of birth registration (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rural population: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rural population growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Rural population (% of total population): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, low secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, low secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, low secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, upper secondary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, upper secondary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, upper secondary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, tertiary, female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, tertiary, total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, tertiary, male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Urban population growth (annual %): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Urban population: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Urban population (% of total): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Unmet need for contraception (% of married women ages 15-49): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Population, millions: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Water supply failure for firms receiving water (average days/year): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, number of arrivals: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, number of departures: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, receipts (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, receipts (% of total exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, receipts for passenger transport items (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, expenditures for passenger transport items (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, receipts for travel items (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, expenditures for travel items (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, expenditures (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International tourism, expenditures (% of total imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel cr coilsheet, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel hr coilsheet, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel, rebar, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Steel wire rod, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, EU, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, US, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Sugar, world, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, acutions (3) average, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Colombo auctions, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Kokata auctions, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tea, Mombasa auctions, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of phone outages (hrs): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise trade (% of GDP): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving 3 program: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving 3 programs: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tin, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of product (imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import product concentration index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import product diversification index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Commitments Index, all service sectors (0 least liberal to 100 most liberal): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods (excluding arms) admitted free of tariffs from developing countries (% total merchandise imports excluding arms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Goods (excluding arms) admitted free of tariffs from least developed countries (% total merchandise imports excluding arms): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise import price index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import price index, (nonfactor) services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, POL and other energy: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, food: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, capital goods: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise import volume index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index (2000 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, other consumer goods: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, (nonfactor) services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, manufactures: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, primary goods: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import volume index, intermediate goods: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products from developing countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products from least developed countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on clothing products from developing countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on clothing products from least developed countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Binding coverage, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bound rate, simple mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with international peaks, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with specific rates, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, manufactured products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Binding coverage, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bound rate, simple mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with international peaks, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with specific rates, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, all products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines bound, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Binding coverage, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bound rate, simple mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, dispersion around the mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff barriers, share of lines domestic peaks, primary (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with international peaks, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, simple mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, simple mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of tariff lines with specific rates, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tariff rate, most favored nation, weighted mean, primary products (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on textile products from developing countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on textile products from least developed countries (%): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural raw materials imports (% of merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member POL and other energy imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member POL and other energy imports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food imports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food imports (% of merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fuel imports (% of merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ICT goods imports (% total goods imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capital goods imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Capital goods imports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactures imports (% of merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ores and metals imports (% of merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports, WB (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from high-income economies (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports by the reporting economy (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise imports from developing economies within region (% of total merchandise imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Import value index (2000 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other consumer goods imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other consumer goods imports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, manufactures (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, manufactures (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, primary (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, primary (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, total (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intermediate goods imports, total (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commercial service imports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transport services (% of commercial service imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Travel services (% of commercial service imports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Tobacco, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Terms of Trade: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total Reserves: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member TSP, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise Terms of Trade (1987 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net barter terms of trade index (2000 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of population receiving 2 program: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member % of 1st 20% population receiving 2 programs: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of product (exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export product concentration index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export market destination concentration index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export product diversification index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Market export diversification index (0=less concentrated; 1=more concentrated): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Product export diversification index (0=less concentrated; 1=more concentrated): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise export price index (1987 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export price index, (nonfactor) services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 1 (volume index): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 2 (volume index): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 3 (volume index): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 4 (volume index): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export volume index, manufactures: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise export volume index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export volume index (2000 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export volume index, (nonfactor) services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export volume index, other primary commodities: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 1 (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 1 (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 2 (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 2 (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 3 (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 3 (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 4 (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Exports of commodity 4 (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Food exports (% of merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ICT goods exports (% of total goods exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Insurance and financial services (% of commercial service exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactures exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactures exports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Manufactures exports (% of merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to economies in the Arab World (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports, WB (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to high-income economies (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies outside region (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in East Asia & Pacific (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in Europe & Central Asia (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in Latin America & the Caribbean (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in Middle East & North Africa (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in South Asia (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies in Sub-Saharan Africa (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports by the reporting economy, residual (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports by the reporting economy (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Merchandise exports to developing economies within region (% of total merchandise exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export value index (2000 = 100): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other primary commodities exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Other primary commodities exports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Computer, communications and other services (% of commercial service exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Commercial service exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary commodities exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Primary commodities exports (constant US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member High-technology exports (current US$): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Transport services (% of commercial service exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Travel services (% of commercial service exports): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross intake ratio. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross entry ratio to lower secondary. General programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for expected primary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ending month of the academic year (Questionnaire A): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ending year of the academic year (Questionnaire A): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Starting month of the academic year (Questionnaire A): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Starting year of the academic year (Questionnaire A): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Starting age of compulsory education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Ending age of compulsory education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 1. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 2. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 3. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 4. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 5. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 6. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Drop-out rate. Primary. Grade 7. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Pre-primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Private: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in pre-primary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade unspecified. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Grade unspecified. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Private: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in primary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in lower secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupils of the official school age. Secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 10. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 10. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 8. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 8. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 9. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in secondary. Grade 9. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Private: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in total secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public and private. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in upper secondary. Public. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public and private. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public and private. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in post-secondary non tertiary. Public. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in education. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in education. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in science. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in science. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in agriculture. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in agriculture. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in health and welfare. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in health and welfare. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in services. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in services. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International (or internationally mobile) students. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in general programmes. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in general programmes. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 6 tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Enrolment in 6 tertiary. Public and private. Full and part time. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of new entrants to primary education with ECCE experience. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for expected gross primary graduation ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Expected gross primary graduation ratio. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Total secondary. General programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Post-secondary non-tertiary education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 5A: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 5B: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member International (or internationally mobile) students. Tertiary. % Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female students. Tertiary ISCED 6: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female graduates in tertiary education ISCED 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in education: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in humanities and arts: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in humanities and arts: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in social sciences, business and law: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in social sciences, business and law: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in science: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in science: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in engineering, manufacturing and construction: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in engineering, manufacturing and construction: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in agriculture: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in agriculture: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in health and welfare: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in health and welfare: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in services: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in unspecified and general programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of female tertiary enrolments (ISCED 5 and 6) in general and unspecified programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage female teachers. Lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage female teachers. Upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage female teachers. Post-secondary/non-tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in education. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in education. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in humanities and arts. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in social sciences, business and law. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in science. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in science. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in engineering, manufacturing and construction. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in agriculture. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in agriculture. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in health and welfare. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in health and welfare. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in services. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in services. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in unspecified programmes. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in general programmes. Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduates in general programmes. Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduation age population. Primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduation age population. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Graduation age population. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. Primary & Secondary combined. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross enrolment ratio. All levels combined (except pre-primary). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Lower secondary. All programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross enrolment ratio. Upper secondary. All programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross primary graduation ratio: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. General programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross lower secondary graduation ratio. All programmes. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for gross graduation ratio. Tertiary (ISCED 5A) first degree: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gross outbound enrolment ratio. Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Technical/vocational enrolment in lower secondary (ISCED 2) as % of total enrolment in lower secondary (ISCED 2): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Technical/vocational enrolment in upper secondary (ISCED 3) as % of total enrolment in upper secondary (ISCED 3): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Youth illiterate population. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Youth illiterate population. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Youth illiterate population. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adult illiterate population. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adult illiterate population. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adult illiterate population. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly illiterate population. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly illiterate population. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly illiterate population. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Youth illiterate population. % female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adult illiterate population. % female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly illiterate population. % female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for adult literacy rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for elderly literacy rate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Elderly (65+) literacy rate (%). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inbound mobility rate. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New entrants who have attended some ECCE programme. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New entrants who have attended some ECCE programme. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member New entrants to Grade 1 of primary education. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for net enrolment rate. Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for adjusted net enrolment rate. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Under age (-1). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Net intake rate. Primary. Over age (+1). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for net intake rate. Primary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for adjusted net intake rate. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Adjusted net intake rate (%). Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Over-age enrolment ratio. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Over-age enrolment ratio. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Over-age enrolment ratio. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outbound mobile students (students from a given country studying abroad). Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of primary school age enrolled in pre-primary education. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school children of lower secondary school age. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outbound mobility ratio (%). Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of private enrolment. Lower secondary. General programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of private enrolment. Lower secondary. Technical/vocational programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of private enrolment. Upper secondary. General programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of private enrolment. Upper secondary. Technical/vocational programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupil-teacher ratio. Lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Pupil-teacher ratio. Upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. All grades. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. All grades. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade unspecified. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in primary. Grade unspecified. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. All grades. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. All grades. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 10. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 10. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 9. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repeaters in secondary. Grade 9. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1.Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 1. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 2. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 3. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 4. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 5. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 6. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in primary. Grade 7. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % repeaters. All grades. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in lower secondary. All grades. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 1. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 2. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 3. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 4. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 5. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 6. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 7. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in secondary. Grade 8. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of repeaters in upper secondary. All grades. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 1. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 2. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 3. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 4. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 5. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 6. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Repetition rate in primary. Grade 7. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Share of primary school-age children enrolled in pre-primary education (%). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of primary school age (%). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Out-of-school rate for children of lower secondary school age (%). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Official entrance age. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Official entrance age. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Official entrance age. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Post-secondary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Post-secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School age population. Post-secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Pre-primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Primary to secondary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Primary to secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Primary to tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for school life expectancy. Tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member School life expectancy (years). Tertiary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Survival rate to grade 4. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Survival rate to grade 4. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for survival rate to grade 4: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Survival rate to grade 4. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for survival rate to grade 5: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for survival rate to last grade of primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in lower secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in total secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in upper secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. General programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in post-secondary. Public and private. Full and part-time. Technical/vocational programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in 5A tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Teaching staff in 5B tertiary. Public and private. Full and part-time. All programmes. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Number of students in tertiary education per 100,000 inhabitants. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 5A: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 5B: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Distribution of students (%). ISCED Level 6: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Entrance age of pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Entrance age of 3A upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Entrance age of 4A post-secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of 2A lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of 3A upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Duration of 4A post-secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for transition rate, primary to secondary, general programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for effective transition rate. Primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Effective transition rate from primary (ISCED 1) to secondary (ISCED 2). General programmes (%). Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Pre-primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Lower secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Gender parity index for % of trained teachers. Upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage of trained teachers. Upper secondary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Total: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Female: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Under-age enrolment ratio. Primary. Male: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Lower secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Upper secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education by level. Post secondary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure on education not allocated by level: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Pre-primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Primary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. All sources. All levels: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. All levels: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. International sources. All levels: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Private sources. All levels: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Current expenditure on education as % of GNI: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Public current expenditure on education as % of total current government expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in primary education. All personnel salaries: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in primary education. Teachers salaries: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in secondary education. All personnel salaries: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Percentage distribution of public current expenditure by purpose in secondary education. Teacher salaries: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure in pre-primary as % of total educational expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure in lower secondary as % of total educational expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure in upper secondary as % of total educational expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure in post secondary as % of total educational expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure not allocated by level as % of total educational expenditure: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on capital as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on total current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on other current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on salaries as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. ISCED 1,2,3,4.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on capital as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on total current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on other current expenditures as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Educational expenditure on salaries as a % of total educational expenditure on public institutions. Tertiary.: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Human development index (HDI): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Combined polity score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Institutionalized autocracy: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Institutionalized democracy: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Revised Combined Polity Score: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Urea, E. Europe, bulk, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability: Estimate: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability: Number of Sources: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Voice and Accountability: Standard Error: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Battle-related deaths (number of people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internally displaced persons (number, high estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Internally displaced persons (number, low estimate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Presence of peace keepers (number of troops, police, and military observers in mandate): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, Canada, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, US, HRW, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Wheat, US, SRW, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Woodpulp, $/mt, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Male-female gap in the percent of population (15+) with an account at a formal financial institution: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, income, bottom 40% (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account at a formal financial institution, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used for business purposes, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Debit card, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Credit card, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ deposits into account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 deposits into & withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 0 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 1-2 withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member 3+ withdrawals from account in a typical month, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of withdrawal from account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member ATM is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank teller is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Retail store is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, rural (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, urban (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, male (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, female (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, young adults (% with an account, age 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, older adults (% with an account, age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, primary education or less (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, secondary education or more (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Bank agent is main mode of deposit into account, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% with an account, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Checks used to make payments , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Electronic payments used to make payments, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive wages, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive government payments, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to receive remittances , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Account used to send remittances , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved any money in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for future expenses in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved for emergencies in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved at a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Saved using a savings club in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from a financial institution in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past yearq (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan through store credit in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from family or friends in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an employer in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Loan from an informal private lender in the past year, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to purchase a home , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for health insurance, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, rural (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, urban (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, male (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, female (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, young adults (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, older adults (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, primary education or less (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, secondary education or more (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Personally paid for agriculture insurance, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% who work in farming/fishing/forestry, age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for home construction, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan to pay school fees, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for health or emergencies, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Outstanding loan for funerals or weddings, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to pay bills, income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to send money , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , rural (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , urban (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , male (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , female (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , young adults (% ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , older adults (% age 25+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , primary education or less (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , secondary education or more (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , income quintiles I (lowest) and II (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Mobile phone used to receive money , income quintiles III, IV, and V (highest) (% age 15+): FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Total expenditure on educational institutions and administration as a % of GDP. Public sources. Tertiary: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Export Market Growth Index: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
member Zinc, cents/kg, current$: FDR.WorldBank.Indicator with get
class WorldBankDataProvider+ServiceTypes+IndicatorsDescriptions : FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorsDescriptions
member Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member School enrolment, preprimary, national source (% gross): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Gross intake ratio in grade 1, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Gender parity index for gross intake ratio in grade 1: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Rate of out of school children, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Gender parity index for primary completion rate: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Progression to secondary school, national source (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary completion rate, total, national source (% of relevant age group): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary education, new teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, new entrants, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary education, classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary education, new classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, mathematics: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Ratio of textbooks per pupil, primary education, language: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Last study on effective learning time and teacher attendance (year): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, pupils, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, new teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Primary education, new classrooms, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower Secondary education, new entrants, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary education, pupils, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Lower secondary education, teachers, national source: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Public spending on total education (% of total public spending): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Public spending on basic education (% of public spending on total education): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Public recurrent spending on total education (% of total public recurrent spending): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Public recurrent spending on basic education (% of public recurrent spending on total education): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADB to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by World Bank (including GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Canada to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Spain to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, BEI to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DANIDA to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Belgium to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, France to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, CEIB to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ILO to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, India to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Flanders to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GPE to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, KfW to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, DFID to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to total education executed by UNICEF (excluding GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Ireland to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education from WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education from the Global Partnership for Education (via UNICEF and WB) to Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Italy to Mozambique (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid for total education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Global Partnership for Education to Central African Republic (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (IDA) to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (European Union) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADB to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by World Bank (GPE funds) in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Aga Khan to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID and ChildFund Australia to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan Government to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by the European Commission in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, private donors to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, International NGOs to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, USAID to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DANIDA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, BEI to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, BADEA to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium (VLIR USO) to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (Humana People to People) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AusAID to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Moldova (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by ILO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CIDA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Belgium to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Open Society Foundations to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, AusAID (World Bank) to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Ireland to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, France to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, CEIB to Albania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ADPP (other donors) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Liberia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by AFD and French Embassy in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, French Embassy to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Australia to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, ILO to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Denmark to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AfDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DVV international to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Georgia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Kyrgyzstan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Germany (GIZ and KfW) to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by JICA in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Spanish Cooperation to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Italy to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, World Bank (IDA) to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, India to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, FSD to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IsDB to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AFD and French Embassy to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by Norway in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Rwanda (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sida to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education (CF and EPDF) to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Japan to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan's MoFA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cameroun (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, IMOA to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Finland to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Portuguese Cooperation to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Sweden to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by WFP in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Senegal (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, South Korea to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, JICA to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GIZ/BMZ to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Djibouti (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Guinea (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF (excluding Japan funds) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNESCO to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by UNESCO in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Mauritania (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, KfW to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, DFID to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank (including the Global Partnership for Education) to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, New Zealand to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Vietnam (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Zambia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Netherlands to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, European Commission to Burkina Faso (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Côte d'Ivoire (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, GPE Catalytic Fund to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Japan (via UNICEF) to Guinea Bissau (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid to basic education executed by UNICEF in Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, UNICEF to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Switzerland to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Sierra Leone (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, ChildFund NZAID and UNICEF to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, New Zealand to Afghanistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Italian Cooperation to Ethiopia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, AUSAID to Cambodia (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, WFP to Laos (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Global Partnership for Education to Madagascar (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, USAID to Malawi (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, Luxembourg to Niger (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to basic education, World Bank to Tajikistan (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid disbursed to total education, Portugal to Timor-Leste (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member International aid for basic education, disbursed (up to present year) and scheduled (next years), aggregation of reporting donors (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Coordinating agency of Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Donor members in Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Civil society organizations in Local Education Group (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Date of last Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Date of next Joint Education Sector Review (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Starting year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Ending year of current Education Sector Plan period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Supervising or managing entity (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Modality (1=text in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Total disbursements as of 12/2011 (USD millions): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Annual disbursements (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Endorsement of Education Sector Plan (year): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Previous allocation - Approval (year): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Previous allocation - Amount disbursed (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Approval (year): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Total indicative amount (USD million): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Starting year of implementation period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Ending year of Implementation period (year=full period in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Signature date (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Current allocation - Closing date (year=full date in notes): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Administration of school leaving exams (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Participation in international tests (yes=1, no=0, see notes if available): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Brevet des colleges in Central African Republic, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), mean score of all subjects: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, English, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PIRLS in Georgia, grade 4, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, English, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - overall (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, mean competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Chemistry, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in lowest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French and Mathematics, mean score at the end of year (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, Physics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in lowest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade) (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 12, average of all subjects, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above proficient levels (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, Terminale (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in medium level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member TIMSS in Ghana, grade 8, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), minimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 1, English, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, minimum competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Letters per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, minimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in higher level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3 Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Language, students in highest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Words per minute (mean): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Georgia, grade 9, Mathematics, students in highest level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Literacy in English, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, optimal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Albania, grade 9, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Baccalaureate in Central African Republic, exam at the end of secondary education, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), mean score of all subjects: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Cameroon, grades 2 and 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, English, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - access and retrieve (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 3, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (minimal competency): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, mean competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Madagascar, CM2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member SACMEQ in Mozambique, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Mauritania, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member SACMEQ in Malawi, standards 3,5,7, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, French, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 2, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Zambia, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Literacy in English, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Additions (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, maximal competency: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CP, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of primary (CEPE) in Guinea, CM2 (6 grade), success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CE2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Correct Multiplications (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of lower secondary (BEPC) in Guinea, 10 grade, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, Mathematics, under minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P3, Numeracy, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment at the end of secondary (BAC) in Guinea, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, end of 1st degree certificate, success rate (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member Making the Grade Scores in Ghana, P5, Numeracy, Zero score: FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CP2, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, primary (CEPE), minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Biology, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 4, Science (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P3, Mathematics, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CP2, French and Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - integrate and interpret (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Language (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Language (proficiency): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 4, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Niger, CM2, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes (SNERS) in Senegal, CE2, Mathematics, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Mathematics - Level 1, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Vietnam, grade 5, Reading - Level 3, scores in indicated level (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member SACMEQ in Zambia, grade 5, Reading (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Albania, grade 9 and 10, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Burkina Faso, CM1, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Côte d'Ivoire, lower secondary (BEPC), minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ethiopia, grade 10, Chemistry, optimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member TIMSS in Georgia, grade 8, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Ghana, P6, Mathematics, students above mean (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PASEC in Guinea, CM1, French (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member PISA in Kyrgyzstan, grades 8-9, Reading - reflect and evaluate (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Cambodia, grade 6, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Laos, grade 5, Mathematics (mean score): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
member National assessment for learning outcomes in Moldova, grade 9, minimal competency (%): FDR.WorldBank.IndicatorDescription with get
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