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Last active May 9, 2016 19:38
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GADT typed Anons/Classes/
typedef DTag = Tag<Dynamic>; // kind of a defeat, but OK..
typedef Fruit = { tag: TagE<Fruit>, name: String, count: Int }
typedef Beverage = { tag: TagE<Beverage>, name: String, brand: String, liters: Float};
@:enum abstract TagE<T>(Int) {
var fruit: TagE<Fruit> = 1;
var beverage:TagE<Beverage> = 2;
typedef Tag<T> = { tag:TagE<T> };
class Test {
static var data : Array<DTag> = [
({ tag: fruit, name: "Apple", count: 5 } : Fruit ),
({ tag: fruit, name: "Orange", count: 3 } : Fruit ),
({ tag: beverage, name: "Sprite", brand: "Coca-Cola", liters: 2.5 } : Beverage )
static function resolve_tag<T:Tag<T>>(t:T) switch t.tag {
case fruit:
trace('${t.count} ${}(s)');
case beverage:
trace('${t.liters} liters of ${}');
static function main() for (item in data) resolve_tag( item );
// using plain enum
enum Tag<T> {
// also works with @:enum abstract
abstract Tag2<T>(Int) {
var a2:Tag2<Int> = 1;
var b2:Tag2<String> = 2;
// class version
class Tagged<T,U:Tag<T>> {
var tag:U;
var v:T;
function new(v:T,tag:U){
this.tag = tag;
this.v = v;
typedef T1<T> = Tagged<T,Tag<T>>;
// anon version
typedef Tagged2<T> = {
tag : Tag2<T>,
v : T
class Test2 {
static function tigtag<T>(t:T1<T>){
switch t.tag {
case a:
var i:Int = t.v;
case b:
var s:String = t.v;
static function tigtag2<T>(t:Tagged2<T>){
switch t.tag {
case a2:
var i:Int = t.v;
case b2:
var s:String = t.v;
static function main() {
trace("Haxe is great!");
tigtag( new Tagged(123,a) );
tigtag( new Tagged("stttringgg..",b) );
tigtag2( {v:123,tag:a2} );
tigtag2( {v:"string",tag:b2} );
// wrong usage:
// tigtag2( {v:1.2,tag:b2} ); // Tag2<String> should be Tag2<Float>
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