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Forked from evkuzin/
Created May 20, 2021 21:51
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log_min_duration_statement = 0 and I/O impact

How to get an estimate of the impact of writing Postgres logs with log_min_duration_statement = 0:

  1. Do select pg_stat_statements_reset(); and wait N seconds (where N >> 60 – say 1-24 hours, covering typical busy hours). Remember when it was, and write down somewhere – this timestamp will be needed!

  2. Check if select count(*) from pg_stat_statements is lower than pg_stat_statements.max. If it's equal to it, then raise pg_stat_statements.max and restart with the step 1.

  3. Get the estimate:

  sum(calls * length(query)) as total_bytes,
  sum(calls * length(query)) / extract(epoch from now() - :'TS_PGSS_RESET') as bytes_per_sec
from pg_stat_statements;

-- this will give the number of bytes per second.

This is our estimate. The real load will be slightly higher due to:

  • presence of concrete parameter values (pg_stat_statements.query doesn't have them in general),
  • additional wrapping text for each query (log line prefix, keywords like LOG: duration: XXX ms statement: ),
  • additional messages (connection/disconnection, autovacuum, locks, tmp files logging, error messages, warning, etc).

Also, if pg_stat_statements.track = all, some queries might be counted multiple times.

Also, it is worth to take into account how the workload is usually distributed during a day / a week. For example, if you see that bytes_per_second is somewhat ~500kB/sec, this means that during the busiest hours, spikes of many MB/s might happen and this can cause significant impact on disks' performance.

Alternative query:

-- WARNING: this will be OK only if pg_stat_reset() and 
-- pg_stat_statements_reset() were last invoked at the same time !

with const(stats_since, "pg_stat_statements.max") as (
    (select stats_reset from pg_stat_database where datname = current_database()),
    (select setting from pg_settings where name = 'pg_stat_statements.max')
  (select stats_since from const),
  (select now() - stats_since from const) stats_age,
  count(*) as query_groups,
  (select "pg_stat_statements.max" from const),
  sum(calls * length(query)) as total_bytes,
  sum(calls * length(query)) / extract(epoch from now() - (select stats_since from const)) as bytes_per_sec
from pg_stat_statements

How to reset stats (fully) and remember reset time in psql var:

select now() as "TS_PGSS_RESET"
  pg_stat_reset_shared('archiver') a,
  pg_stat_reset_shared('bgwriter') b,
  --, pg_stat_kcache_reset() -- optional, uncomment if needed

select :'TS_PGSS_RESET' as reset_timestamp;

show blocked queries

SELECT     AS blocked_pid,
         blocked_activity.usename  AS blocked_user,     AS blocking_pid,
         blocking_activity.usename AS blocking_user,
         blocked_activity.query    AS blocked_statement,
         blocking_activity.query   AS current_statement_in_blocking_process
   FROM  pg_catalog.pg_locks         blocked_locks
    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity blocked_activity  ON =
    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks         blocking_locks
        ON blocking_locks.locktype = blocked_locks.locktype
        AND blocking_locks.database IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.database
        AND blocking_locks.relation IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.relation
        AND blocking_locks.tuple IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.tuple
        AND blocking_locks.virtualxid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.virtualxid
        AND blocking_locks.transactionid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.transactionid
        AND blocking_locks.classid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.classid
        AND blocking_locks.objid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objid
        AND blocking_locks.objsubid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objsubid
        AND !=
    JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity blocking_activity ON =
   WHERE NOT blocked_locks.granted;

How to kill pg backend

SELECT pg_cancel_backend(<pid of the process>);


SELECT pg_terminate_backend(<pid of the process>)

Show vacuum stats:

  now() - a.xact_start AS duration,
  coalesce(wait_event_type ||'.'|| wait_event, 'f') AS waiting,
  WHEN a.query ~*'^autovacuum.*to prevent wraparound' THEN 'wraparound'
  WHEN a.query ~*'^vacuum' THEN 'user'
  ELSE 'regular'
  END AS mode,
  p.datname AS database,
  p.relid::regclass AS table,
  pg_size_pretty(p.heap_blks_total * current_setting('block_size')::int) AS table_size,
  pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(relid)) AS total_size,
  pg_size_pretty(p.heap_blks_scanned * current_setting('block_size')::int) AS scanned,
  pg_size_pretty(p.heap_blks_vacuumed * current_setting('block_size')::int) AS vacuumed,
  round(100.0 * p.heap_blks_scanned / p.heap_blks_total, 1) AS scanned_pct,
  round(100.0 * p.heap_blks_vacuumed / p.heap_blks_total, 1) AS vacuumed_pct,
  round(100.0 * p.num_dead_tuples / p.max_dead_tuples,1) AS dead_pct
FROM pg_stat_progress_vacuum p
JOIN pg_stat_activity a using (pid)
ORDER BY now() - a.xact_start DESC;

Check for reindex

 select 'select * from pgstatindex('||quote_literal(schemaname||'.'||indexname)||')' 
 from pg_indexes where tablename = '<TABLENAME>';

And then reindex if nesessary

select 'reindex index CONCURRENTLY '||schemaname||'.'||indexname||';' 
from pg_indexes where tablename = '<TABLENAME>';

Show index in progress

select index_relid::regclass, 
        lockers_total||'/'||lockers_done as "lockers total/done", 
        CASE blocks_done
            WHEN 0 THEN 0
            ELSE blocks_done*100/blocks_total
        END as blocks_progress,
        CASE tuples_done
            WHEN 0 THEN 0
            ELSE tuples_done*100/tuples_total
        END as tuples_progress
from pg_stat_progress_create_index;

How many WAL files already done while recovering

ls -lah /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_wal/ | grep -A 100000 $(ps aux | grep recovering | \
grep -P ^postgres | awk '{print $14}') | wc -l
ls -lah /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_wal/ | grep -B 100000 $(ps aux | grep recovering | \
grep -P ^postgres | awk '{print $14}') | wc -l

rebalance partitions

=# CALL partman.partition_data_proc('public.table_name');
NOTICE:  Total rows moved: 0
NOTICE:  Ensure to VACUUM ANALYZE the parent (and source table if used) after partitioning data

create partitions with specific time

select partman.create_partition_time(‘public.table_name’, p_partition_times := ARRAY[‘2021-02-09 22:00:00’::timestamp without time zone]);

shell to container without docker|kubectl exec

# find node where is pod running
# f.e
NODE=$(kubectl get pods -n teamcity \
      -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.nodeName}' -l app=POD_LABEL)
# check ip address to sonnnect to the node:
ADDRESS=$(kubectl get nodes \
        -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(.type=="ExternalIP")].address}' \
ssh ${ADDRESS}
sudo -s
PID=$(docker ps -q | xargs docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}} {{.Name}}' | \
      grep POD_NAME | grep -v POD | cut -d' ' -f1)
nsenter -t ${PID} -a 
# if pod doesnt have a shell you can change root
# and provide host binaries with additional arg: --root=/

create flame grapf
 perf record -F 99 -a -g -o $FILE -C0-9 -- sleep 20
 perf script -i $FILE > ${FILE}_out
 ./ ${FILE}_out > ${FILE}_svg
 ./ ${FILE}_svg > ${FILE}.svg
 open ${FILE}.svg

Get all ips in sorted order

gcloud compute addresses list --project=${PROJECT} | \
      grep " 10."| awk '{print $2 ".\t" $1 "\t" $7}'| \
      sort -t . -k 2,2n -k 3,4n -k 4,4n| grep -e "\.15[0-9]"

capture http headers

sudo stdbuf -oL -eL /usr/sbin/tcpdump -A -s 10240 "tcp port 4080 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)" | egrep -a --line-buffered ".+(GET |HTTP\/|POST )|^[A-Za-z0-9-]+: " | perl -nle 'BEGIN{$|=1} { s/.*?(GET |HTTP\/[0-9.]* |POST )/\n$1/g; print }'

nginx json log

log_format logger-json-log escape=json 
 '"server port":"$server port",'
 '"server protocol":"$server protocol",'
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