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Created October 20, 2018 00:04
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# Algebras: Free vs. Tagless Encoding
## The General Pattern
1. Define the algebra: _what_ we want to be able to do, but not _how_ we will do it.
2. Use the algebra to construct a program.
3. Create an interpreter of the algebra.
4. Run the program using the interpreter.
## Tagless encoding
Define the algebra:
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util.Try
trait DoSomethingAlgebra[F[_]] {
def doSomething(s: String): F[Int]
def doSomethingElse(i: Int): F[List[String]]
Use the algebra to construct a program:
// We constrain F to have a Monad, so we can compose multiple operations using a for-comprehension.
def taglessProgram[F[_] : Monad](s: String)(implicit alg: DoSomethingAlgebra[F]): F[List[String]] =
for {
i <- alg.doSomething(s)
ss <- alg.doSomethingElse(i)
} yield ss
Create an interpreter of the algebra:
implicit object tryTagless extends DoSomethingAlgebra[Try] {
def doSomething(s: String): Try[Int] =
def doSomethingElse(i: Int): Try[List[String]] =
Run the program using the interpreter:
// res0: Try[List[String]] = Success(
// List("whee!", "whee!", "whee!", "whee!", "whee!")
// )
## Free encoding
Define the algebra:
import cats.arrow._
// We create an algebraic data type for our operations, parameterized by operation output type.
sealed trait DoSomethingAlgebraF[A]
object DoSomethingAlgebraF {
case class DoSomething(s: String) extends DoSomethingAlgebraF[Int]
case class DoSomethingElse(i: Int) extends DoSomethingAlgebraF[List[String]]
// We wrap our algebra in the Free monad
type DoSomethingFreeAlgebra[A] = Free[DoSomethingAlgebraF, A]
// We create factory methods, sometimes called "smart constructors", to wrap each operation in Free.
object DoSomethingFreeAlgebra {
def doSomething(s: String): DoSomethingFreeAlgebra[Int] =
def doSomethingElse(i: Int): DoSomethingFreeAlgebra[List[String]] =
Use the algebra to construct a program:
def freeProgram(s: String): DoSomethingFreeAlgebra[List[String]] =
for {
i <- DoSomethingFreeAlgebra.doSomething(s)
ss <- DoSomethingFreeAlgebra.doSomethingElse(i)
} yield ss
Create an interpreter of the algebra:
def tryFree[A](freeProgram: DoSomethingAlgebraF[A]): Try[A] =
freeProgram match {
case DoSomethingAlgebraF.DoSomething(s) => Try(s.length)
case DoSomethingAlgebraF.DoSomethingElse(i) => Try(List.fill(i)("whee"))
Run the program using the interpreter:
// res1: Try[List[String]] = Success(
// List("whee", "whee", "whee", "whee", "whee")
// )
## Comparison
| For an algebra `Alg` with operations, where we interpret a program that outputs an `F[A]`: | Using the "tagless" encoding | Using the "free" encoding |
| algebras are | a trait `Alg[F]` <br/>, parameterized by _effect type_ `F[_]` | an algebraic data type `Alg[A]` <br/>, parameterized by _output type_ `A` |
| programs are encoded as | composed *functions* | composed *data* |
| interpreters for effect `F[_]` are | _implementations_ of `Alg[F]` | _functions_ of type `Alg[A] => F[A]` |
| concrete effect type `F[_]` is chosen | as the type parameter to the algebra | via the output type of the interpreter
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