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Created May 25, 2022 07:55
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Create an AWS Lambda Layer that includes pandas and pyarrow
// Creating an AWS Lambda Layer with pandas and pyarrow is harder than it might seem,
// as simply `pip install pandas pyarrow` will lead to a deployment package that is > 250 MB
// which is not allowed by AWS Lambda.
// In this snippet, that deployment package is trimmed down, to make it fit (and still work)
import * as lambda from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda";
const layerInstallCommand = [
"mkdir /asset-output/python",
"pip install -r requirements.txt -t /asset-output/python",
"rm -rf /asset-output/python/botocore", // Lambda runtime already has boto itself
"rm -rf /asset-output/python/boto3", // Lambda runtime already has boto itself
"rm -rf /asset-output/python/bin", // No need to execute CLI binaries
"find /asset-output/python -name '*.so' -type f -exec strip \"{}\" \\;", // Not sure why this is needed, copied it from AWS Data Wrangler build
"find /asset-output/python -d -regex '.*/tests' -exec rm -r {} +", // Get rid of tests
"find /asset-output/python -d -regex '.*/__pycache__' -exec rm -r {} +", // Get rid of pycache
"find /asset-output/python -type f -regex '^.*\\.py[co]$' -delete", // Get rid of pycache
].join(" && "),
const pandasLayer = new lambda.LayerVersion(self, "PandasLayer", {
code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(
"../pandas_layer", // Point this at a directory with a requirements.txt file with pandas and pyarrow
bundling: {
image: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9.bundlingImage,
command: layerInstallCommand,
compatibleRuntimes: [lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9],
compatibleArchitectures: [
lambda.Architecture.X86_64, // Match this to the architecture of the machine where you are CDK synthing on (!)
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