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Forked from bennadel/test.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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// Include module references.
var fileSystem = require( "fs" );
var stream = require( "stream" );
var util = require( "util" );
var chalk = require( "chalk" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// I am a Transform stream (writable/readable) that takes input and finds matches to the
// given regular expression. As each match is found, I push each match onto the output
// stream individually.
function RegExStream( pattern ) {
// If this wasnt' invoked with "new", return the newable instance.
if ( ! ( this instanceof RegExStream ) ) {
return( new RegExStream( pattern ) );
// Call super-constructor to set up proper options. We want to set objectMode here
// since each call to read() should result in a single-match, never a partial match
// of the given regular expression pattern.
objectMode: true
// Make sure the pattern is an actual instance of the RegExp object and not just a
// string. This way, we can treat it uniformly later on.
if ( ! ( pattern instanceof RegExp ) ) {
pattern = new RegExp( pattern, "g" );
// Since the patter is passed-in by reference, we need to create a clone of it
// locally. We're doing to be changing the RegExp properties and we need to make
// sure we're not breaking encapsulation by letting the calling scope alter it.
this._pattern = this._clonePattern( pattern );
// I hold the unprocessed portion of the input stream.
this._inputBuffer = "";
// Extend the Transform class.
// --
// NOTE: This only extends the class methods - not the internal properties. As such we
// have to make sure to call the Transform constructor (above).
util.inherits( RegExStream, stream.Transform );
// I clone the given regular expression instance, ensuring a unique refernce that is
// also set to include the "g" (global) flag.
RegExStream.prototype._clonePattern = function( pattern ) {
// Split the pattern into the pattern and the flags.
var parts = pattern.toString().slice( 1 ).split( "/" );
var regex = parts[ 0 ];
var flags = ( parts[ 1 ] || "g" );
// Make sure the pattern uses the global flag so our exec() will run as expected.
if ( flags.indexOf( "g" ) === -1 ) {
flags += "g";
return( new RegExp( regex, flags ) );
// I finalize the internal state when the write stream has finished writing. This gives
// us one more opportunity to transform data and push values onto the output stream.
RegExStream.prototype._flush = function( flushCompleted ) {
logInput( "@flush - buffer:", this._inputBuffer );
var match = null;
// Loop over any remaining matches in the internal buffer.
while ( ( match = this._pattern.exec( this._inputBuffer ) ) !== null ) {
logInput( "Push( _flush ):", match[ 0 ] );
this.push( match[ 0 ] );
// Clean up the internal buffer (for memory management).
this._inputBuffer = "";
// Signal the end of the output stream.
this.push( null );
// Signal that the input has been fully processed.
// I transform the given input chunk into zero or more output chunks.
RegExStream.prototype._transform = function( chunk, encoding, getNextChunk ) {
logInput( ">>> Chunk:", chunk.toString( "utf8" ) );
// Add the chunk to the internal buffer. Since we might be matching values across
// multiple chunks, we need to build up the buffer with each unused chunk.
this._inputBuffer += chunk.toString( "utf8" );
// Since we don't want to keep building a large internal buffer, we want to pair-
// down the content that we no longer need. As such, we're going to keep track of the
// the position of the last relevant index so that we can drop any portion of the
// content that will not be needed in the next chunk-processing.
var nextOffset = null;
var match = null;
// Loop over the matches on the buffered input.
while ( ( match = this._pattern.exec( this._inputBuffer ) ) !== null ) {
// If the current match is within the bounds (exclusive) of the input buffer,
// then we know we haven't matched a partial input. As such, we can safely push
// the match into the output.
if ( this._pattern.lastIndex < this._inputBuffer.length ) {
logInput( "Push:", match[ 0 ] );
this.push( match[ 0 ] );
// The next relevant offset will be after this match.
nextOffset = this._pattern.lastIndex;
// If the current match butts up against the end of the input buffer, we are in
// danger of an invalid match - a match that will actually span across two (or
// more) successive _write() actions. As such, we can't use it until the next
// write (or finish) event.
} else {
logInput( "Need to defer '" + match[ 0 ] + "' since its at end of the chunk." );
// The next relevant offset will be BEFORE this match (since we haven't
// transformed it yet).
nextOffset = match.index;
// If we have successfully consumed a portion of the input, we need to reduce the
// current input buffer to be only the unused portion.
if ( nextOffset !== null ) {
this._inputBuffer = this._inputBuffer.slice( nextOffset );
// If no match was found at all, then we can reset the internal buffer entirely. We
// know we won't need to be matching across chunks.
} else {
this._inputBuffer = "";
// Reset the regular expression so that it can pick up at the start of the internal
// buffer when the next chunk is ready to be processed.
this._pattern.lastIndex = 0;
// Tell the source that we've fully processed this chunk.
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Create an input stream from the file system.
var inputStream = fileSystem.createReadStream( "./input.txt" );
// Create a Regular Expression stream that will run through the input and find matches
// for the given pattern - "words".
var regexStream = inputStream.pipe( new RegExStream( /\w+/i ) );
// When the regex stream is ready, start reading-in word matches.
function() {
var content = null;
// Since the RegExStream operates on "object mode", we know that we'll get a
// single match with each .read() call.
while ( content = ) {
logOutput( "Pattern match: " + content.toString( "utf8" ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// I log the given input values with a distinct color.
function logInput() {
var chalkedArguments = arguments ).map(
function( value ) {
return( chalk.magenta( value ) );
console.log.apply( console, chalkedArguments );
// I log the given output values with a distinct color.
function logOutput() {
var chalkedArguments = arguments ).map(
function( value ) {
return( chalk.bgMagenta.white( value ) );
console.log.apply( console, chalkedArguments );
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