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Created October 10, 2015 18:14
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React js dev workflow gulp file
var gulp = require('gulp'),
source = require('vinyl-source-stream'),
browserify = require('browserify'),
watchify = require('watchify'),
gulpif = require('gulp-if'),
uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
streamify = require('gulp-streamify'),
notify = require('gulp-notify'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
livereload = require('express-livereload'),
extReplace = require('gulp-ext-replace'),
babelify = require('babelify'),
mergeStream = require('merge-stream'),
del = require('del'),
htmlReplace = require('gulp-html-replace'),
gulpConcat = require('gulp-concat'),
styl = require('gulp-stylus');
var globalOpts = {
srcDir : './src/',
appDir : './src/app/',
clientDir : './src/client/',
cssFile : './src/styles/main.styl',
cssGlob : './src/styles/**/*.styl',
assetsGlob : './src/assets/**/*',
buildDir: './build/',
htdocsDir: './build/htdocs',
deps: [
* The main gulp tasks
* taskName:dev for development
* taskName:dist for production
* Builds the app for development, including styles, livereload, server, and watches for changes
gulp.task('default', ['dev']);
gulp.task('dev', ['app:dev', 'html:dev', 'styles:dev', 'assets', 'watch:styles', 'serve']);
* Builds the app for production with minified code.
// gulp.task('dist', ['app:dist', 'html:dist', 'styles:dist', 'assets', 'server:dist']);
//sub tasks below
* Compiles the ReactJS app for development.
* Splits code into 2 bundles: app and development.
* Watches app bundle and regenrates on change.
* @see _process_bundle()
* @see _get_bundle()
gulp.task('app:dev', ['clean'], function(){
var bnls = _get_bundle(true, globalOpts.clientDir + 'main.jsx'),
stream = mergeStream(),
app, vendor;
watchify('update', function(){
_process_bundle(, 'APP', 'main.js', true);
app = _process_bundle(, 'APP', 'main.jsx', true),
vendor = _process_bundle(bnls.vendor, 'VENDOR', 'vendors.jsx', true);
return stream;
* Compiles the ReactJS app for production
gulp.task('app:dist', ['clean'], function(){
var bnls = _get_bundle(false, globalOpts.clientDir + 'main.jsx');
return _process_bundle(, 'APP', 'main.jsx', false);
/** Deletes the contents of the build/htdocs dir (except the css)*/
gulp.task('clean', function(){
return del([
'!' + globalOpts.htdocsDir + 'main.css',
globalOpts.htdocsDir + '**/*'
], {
dot: true
/** Deletes the css*/
gulp.task('clean:css', function(){
return del(globalOpts.htdocsDir + 'main.css');
* Copies the index.html (app entry point)
* Injects a live reload script.
gulp.task('html:dev', ['clean'], function(){
return gulp.src(globalOpts.clientDir + 'index.html')
'livereload': {
src: "document.write('<script src=\"http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1\"></' + 'script>')",
tpl: "<script>%s</script>"
'scripts': {
src: ['/vendors.js', '/main.js']
* Copies the production index.html to the htdocs folder (app entry point)
gulp.task('html:dist', ['clean'], function(){
return gulp.src(globalOpts.clientDir + 'index.html')
'scripts': {
src: ['/main.js']
* Runs the development server
gulp.task('serve', ['app:dev'], function(){
var server = require( globalOpts.srcDir + 'server/index.js')(true, globalOpts.htdocsDir);
livereload(server, {
watchDir: globalOpts.htdocsDir
server = server.listen(8889, function(){
console.log('Development server listening at http://localhost:%s', server.address().port);
/** Copies assets from the assets directory to the destination directory */
gulp.task('assets', ['clean'], function(){
return gulp.src(globalOpts.assetsGlob, {dot: true})
.pipe( gulp.dest(globalOpts.htdocsDir) );
/** Compiles un-minified styles for development */
gulp.task('styles:dev', ['clean:css'], function(){
return gulp.src(globalOpts.cssFile)
/** Compiles minified styles for production */
gulp.task('styles:dist', ['clean:css'], function(){
return gulp.src(globalOpts.cssFile)
compress: true
/** watches styles for changes, runs styles: task */
gulp.task('watch:styles', function(){
return, ['styles:dev']);
* Helper functions below
* Returns an object with the app bundle and (if dev) the vendor bundle
function _get_bundle(dev, src) {
var opts = {
entries: [src],
transform: [babelify],
extensions: ['.jsx'],
cache: {},
packageCache: {},
debug: dev,
fullPaths: dev
bundle = browserify(opts),
bundles = {};
if (dev === true) {
globalOpts.deps.forEach(function (dep) {
bundles.vendor = browserify({
debug: true,
require: globalOpts.deps
} = bundle
return bundles;
* Processes a bundle. Minifies when dev.
function _process_bundle(bnl, name, src, dev) {
var start =;
return bnl.bundle()
.on('error', gutil.log)
.pipe(gulpif(!dev, streamify(uglify())))
.pipe(gulp.dest( globalOpts.htdocsDir ) )
.pipe(notify(function () {
console.log(name + ' bundle built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
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