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Created May 24, 2013 20:21
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My notes from the third day of presentations at Drupalcon Portland 2013

#Notes from Drupalcon Portland, Thursday May 23, 2013

##Drupal Lifecycle Management, or How to Keep Your Dev Swagger After Launch

  • Fast solutions ignoring best practices often make problems worse
    • Series of small mistakes under pressure add up to a bigger problem.
    • Do not hack solutions together
  • Git
    • Use a "bare" repo to coordinate and run hooks
    • Deploy scripts can be written in any language that can be executed from the shell (php, rb, py, bash, whatever)
    • Tag deployments and other important events
  • Jenkins
    • Allows you to define "jobs" and allows you to run them, can be used for continuous integration
    • Java based
    • Built in REST api for integration with other tools
  • BDD
    • Much better for high level testing of functionality
    • Behat
      • Some work has been done for proper Drupal/Behat integration/best practices
  • Drush Aliases
    • You should be able to get drush access w/o ssh
  • You don't need to own all this yourself, use 3rd party services

##Using The Drupal 8 Configuration Management System

  • Everything from this talk is subject to change
  • All configuration in common system
    • Views
    • image styles
    • permissions/roles
    • content types and fields
    • settings
    • etc
  • Configuration in files
    • Elimintates ~ 50 tables from database
    • Some may remain for upgrade path purposes even if they aren't used
  • Transferring configuration files
    • config_[hash] directory created containing configuration
      • randomized name to make it harder to locate for security
      • hash is different per installation
      • protected by .htaccess
      • Good to relocate outside of web root
    • active is live, staging is for imporing new configurations
    • can set which is live in settings.php
    • active in your dev environment should deploy to staging on your live site
    • Two directory system is to avoic conflicts when someone may be updating configuration through the GUI at the same time you are updating
    • Import changed/updated/removed configuration through GUI
      • Change diff can be viewed in GUI
      • You hae to import all staged changes or none of it. You can't cherry pick
    • Expectation is that contrib modules will expand on this functionality and ui
  • Internationalization
    • Contextually change configuration
  • Things to come
    • Patch in place to create snapshots between configuration changes so you can see what has been changed
      • See when a client has made a change without your knowledge
    • Patch submitted to add 1 click exporting/importing site configuration as a tar ball
      • An API would be provided for this so it can be done through Drush or other tools
  • $conf array in settings.php still exists for env specific settings
    • If a setting exists in $conf then it is the setting that will be used over anything in CMI
    • Work will likely happen on a "Context" module to make it easier to work with env specific configuration settings
  • There is a system that exists to hold env specific state settings and values that do not need to be deployed, ex: last time cron ran
  • Currently you can't undo a configuration change
    • Rational is that in some cases it's impossible (fields and other things that trigger a change to the database)
  • Of course this comes with a performance hit
    • Configuration is cached but boostrapping still involves multiple database hits
  • Memory impact is lowered, configuration can be granularly loaded instead of all at once

##TAP Into Museums

  • TAP is an open source set of tools for mobile tours of museums
  • Authoring layer is Drupal
  • Content layer is TourML
  • Multiple tours can be grouped into Tour sets
  • Application layer can be iOS, Android, whatever
    • User can type in stop code on keypad and get information about that stop on the tour
    • User can list all stops on tour
    • User can view all stops plotted on a map
  • Authoring form uses OpenLayer map to plot stops
  • is the main repository
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