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Created April 16, 2018 13:30
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Prompt for powershell that imitates robbierussel oh-my-zsh theme, including basic git branch support.
function prompt {
$ESC = [char]27
$p = Split-Path -leaf -path (Get-Location)
$branch = $(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) -replace "refs/heads/"
if ($branch) {
$branch = "$ESC[34mgit:($ESC[0m$ESC[31m$branch$ESC[0m$ESC[34m)$ESC[0m "
"$ESC[1m$ESC[32m$([char]0x279C)$ESC[0m $ESC[36m$p$ESC[0m $branch$ESC[0m"
Set-Alias st subl.exe
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orgmir commented Apr 16, 2018

This code lands in the $profile file, which probably needs to be created:

new-item -itemtype file -path $profile -force
notepad $PROFILE

Notepad should open up and you can copy+paste the snipped there!

This file is also where you can add alias, so I've added one for sublime text (which is already in my path)

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