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Created August 9, 2024 19:55
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Save opsb/b8e3478890e825f4fc2d136843537752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
final sqliteUrl = '';
void main() async {
final flutterPath = await _getFlutterInstallationPath();
if (flutterPath != null) {
print('Flutter is installed at: $flutterPath');
} else {
print('Flutter installation not found.');
final sqliteCoreFilename = getLibraryForPlatform();
final powersyncPath = await findWritablePath(flutterPath);
if (powersyncPath == null) {
print('No writable path found for placing the dynamic library.');
final sqliteCorePath = '$powersyncPath/$sqliteCoreFilename';
// Download dynamic library
await downloadFile("$sqliteUrl/$sqliteCoreFilename", sqliteCorePath);
final originalFile = File(sqliteCorePath);
try {
final newFileName = getFileNameForPlatform();
if (await originalFile.exists()) {
final targetPath = '$powersyncPath/$newFileName';
try {
// Rename the original file to the new file name within the writable directory
await originalFile.rename(targetPath);
print('File moved successfully to $targetPath');
} catch (e) {
throw Exception('Error moving file: $e');
} else {
throw Exception('File $sqliteCoreFilename does not exist.');
} on Exception catch (e) {
Future<String?> _getFlutterInstallationPath() async {
final result = await ? 'where' : 'which', ['flutter']);
if (result.exitCode == 0) {
return result.stdout.trim();
return null;
String getFileNameForPlatform() {
switch (Abi.current()) {
case Abi.macosArm64:
case Abi.macosX64:
return 'libpowersync.dylib';
case Abi.linuxX64:
case Abi.linuxArm64:
return '';
case Abi.windowsX64:
return 'powersync.dll';
throw Exception(
'Unsupported processor architecture "${Abi.current()}". '
'Please open an issue on GitHub to request it.',
Future<void> downloadFile(String url, String savePath) async {
print('Downloading: $url');
var httpClient = HttpClient();
var request = await httpClient.getUrl(Uri.parse(url));
var response = await request.close();
if (response.statusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
var file = File(savePath);
await response.pipe(file.openWrite());
} else {
print('Failed to download file: ${response.statusCode} ${response.reasonPhrase}');
String getLibraryForPlatform() {
switch (Abi.current()) {
case Abi.macosArm64:
return 'libpowersync_aarch64.dylib';
case Abi.macosX64:
return 'libpowersync_x64.dylib';
case Abi.linuxX64:
return '';
case Abi.linuxArm64:
return '';
case Abi.windowsX64:
return 'powersync_x64.dll';
case Abi.windowsArm64:
throw Exception('ARM64 Windows is not supported. '
'Please use an x86_64 Windows machine or open a GitHub issue to request it');
throw Exception(
'Unsupported processor architecture "${Abi.current()}". '
'Please open an issue on GitHub to request it.',
Future<String?> findWritablePath(String flutterPath) async {
final flutterDir = Directory(flutterPath).parent.parent;
final engineDir = getEngineDirForPlatform();
final pathsToCheck = [
flutterDir.path + '/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/$engineDir/',
flutterDir.path + '/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/$engineDir/Frameworks/',
flutterDir.path + '/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/$engineDir/../../../',
Directory(flutterPath).parent.path + '/lib',
for (final path in pathsToCheck) {
final directory = Directory(path);
if (await directory.exists() && directory.statSync().modeString().contains('w')) {
print('Found writable path: $path');
return path;
return null;
String getEngineDirForPlatform() {
switch (Abi.current()) {
case Abi.macosArm64:
case Abi.macosX64:
return 'darwin-x64';
case Abi.linuxX64:
return 'linux-x64';
case Abi.linuxArm64:
return 'linux-arm64';
case Abi.windowsX64:
return 'windows-x64';
case Abi.windowsArm64:
throw Exception('ARM64 Windows is not supported. '
'Please use an x86_64 Windows machine or open a GitHub issue to request it');
throw Exception(
'Unsupported processor architecture "${Abi.current()}". '
'Please open an issue on GitHub to request it.',
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