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Ognjen opejovic

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fideloper /
Last active August 15, 2024 11:40
Microsoft Graph API - oAuth apps with PHP and JWT certification authentication

Microsoft Graph API - oAuth apps with PHP and JWT certification authentication

If you've ever wanted to create an oAuth style application with Microsoft, you might have felt this pain before.

In true Enterprise Microsoft Fashion™, there's a lot going on.

This will be a bit long because of that. I hope I haven't missed anything (but I'm sure I have)!

We'll be using PHP (Laravel in my case).

jamiebuilds /
Last active December 16, 2022 17:21
Value-derived types in TypeScript are super powerful, but you should be thoughtful in how/when you use them

Tradeoffs in value-derived types in TypeScript

Many of the more "advanced" typescript features can be used for creating "value-derived" types.

At its simplest form:

let vehicle = { name: "Van", wheels: 4 }
rodrigopedra / AppServiceProvider.php
Last active February 8, 2023 23:16
Laravel 8 Job Rate Limiter that can be used without Redis
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiter;
use Illuminate\Cache\RateLimiting\Limit;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
lorisleiva /
Last active May 13, 2024 14:20
This gist describes two processes allowing us to access the Google API and to register some webhooks

Access Google API credentials and domain verification

This gist describes two processes allowing us to access the Google API and to register some webhooks. At the end of both processes we will obtain all variable needed to start using their API and we will have whitelisted all necessary URL to get started. We will be using the Google Calendar API and the Google Plus API to access the email address of the user.

This gist has been created as an Appendix to this article (part 1) and this article (part 3).

Note that, I will be using a randomly generated ngrok domain during this presentation. Simply replace with your domain name

tiagocardosos / clear_binary_log_mysql.txt
Last active March 5, 2024 12:18
MySQL Clear Binary Log
Can I Remove MySQL Binary Log Yes, as long as the data is replicated to Slave server, it’s safe to remove the file. It’s recommend only remove MySQL Binary Log older than 1 month.
Besides, if Recovery of data is the main concern, it’s recommend to archive MySQL Binary Log.
There are several ways to remove or clean up MySQL Binary Log, it’s not recommend to clean up the file manually, manually means running the remove command.
Remove MySQL Binary Log with RESET MASTER Statement Reset Master statement is uses for new database start up during replication for Master and Slave server. This statement can be used to remove all Binary Log.
To clean up Binary Log on Master Server
squarism /
Last active September 22, 2024 18:32
An iTerm2 Cheatsheet

Tabs and Windows

Function Shortcut
New Tab + T
Close Tab or Window + W (same as many mac apps)
Go to Tab + Number Key (ie: ⌘2 is 2nd tab)
Go to Split Pane by Direction + Option + Arrow Key
Cycle iTerm Windows + backtick (true of all mac apps and works with desktops/mission control)
adamwathan /
Last active February 26, 2023 14:26
Useful CSS utilities for Vue.js cloaking

Handy helpers for controlling visibility of elements until Vue has compiled.

Use like:

<div v-cloak>
    <span class="v-cloak--inline">Loading...</span> <!-- Only displayed before compiling -->
    <span class="v-cloak--hidden">{{ post.title }}</span> <!-- Hidden until compiling is finished -->
AmrMekkawy / currency-dropdown-list.html
Last active April 8, 2023 15:03
Currency HTML "select" element (dropdown list)
<select name="">
<option value="USD" selected="selected">United States Dollars</option>
<option value="EUR">Euro</option>
<option value="GBP">United Kingdom Pounds</option>
<option value="DZD">Algeria Dinars</option>
<option value="ARP">Argentina Pesos</option>
<option value="AUD">Australia Dollars</option>
<option value="ATS">Austria Schillings</option>
<option value="BSD">Bahamas Dollars</option>
<option value="BBD">Barbados Dollars</option>
muffycompo / base64_url_safe.php
Created July 10, 2014 23:05
PHP Helper functions for Safe Base64 URL encode
function base64url_encode($data) {
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '=');
function base64url_decode($data) {
return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));