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Created December 30, 2018 13:26
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#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; ! is Alt. Alt +2 が押されるまで待機ということ。
SysGet, monitor1, Monitor, 1
SysGet, monitor2, Monitor, 2
SysGet, monitor3, Monitor, 3
; monitor_1_width := monitor1Right - monitor1Left
; monitor_2_width := monitor2Right - monitor2Left
; monitor_3_width := monitor3Right - monitor3Left
xcenter_of_monitor1 := (monitor1Left + monitor1Right) / 2
xcenter_of_monitor2 := (monitor2Left + monitor2Right) / 2
xcenter_of_monitor3 := (monitor3Left + monitor3Right) / 2
ycenter_of_monitor1 := (monitor1Top + monitor1Bottom) / 2
ycenter_of_monitor2 := (monitor2Top + monitor2Bottom) / 2
ycenter_of_monitor3 := (monitor3Top + monitor3Bottom) / 2
; monitor3 , monitor1 , monitor2 の順に配置している前提を置く。
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, x_before_move, y_before_move
; monitor3にいるなら monitor 1 へ移動
If (x_before_move <= monitor1Left)
x_after_move := xcenter_of_monitor1
y_after_move := ycenter_of_monitor1
MouseMove, x_after_move, y_after_move
; monitor1にいるなら monitor 2へ移動
else If (monitor1Left < x_before_move) and (x_before_move < monitor1Right)
x_after_move := xcenter_of_monitor2
y_after_move := ycenter_of_monitor2
MouseMove, x_after_move, y_after_move
; monitor2にいるなら monitor 3へ移動 (サイクル移動)
else if (monitor1Right < x_before_move)
x_after_move := xcenter_of_monitor3
y_after_move := ycenter_of_monitor3
MouseMove, x_after_move, y_after_move
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