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Last active December 27, 2018 15:52
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# VEXで下記のコードが事前に必要です。
# i[]@neighbours = neighbours(0, @ptnum);
# i@point_number = @ptnum;
# [ [0, 1], [0, 3] ...] というように、edgeとなるpointの組を返します。
# get_point_pair_for_edge("point_number", "neighbours")
def get_point_pair_for_edge(ptnum_attr_name, neighbours_attr_name):
# type: (str, str) -> List[List[int]]
import hou
from itertools import chain
node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()
result = [] # type: List[List[List[int]]]
for point in geo.points(): # type: hou.Point
neighbours = point.intListAttribValue(neighbours_attr_name) # type: Tuple[int]
point_pairs = [] # type: List[List[int]]
ptnum = point.attribValue(ptnum_attr_name)
for neighbour in neighbours: # type: int
point_pair = [ptnum, neighbour]
duplicated_point_pairs = list(chain.from_iterable(result))
edges = [list(x) for x in set(tuple(x) for x in duplicated_point_pairs)]
return edges
import hou
pwd = hou.pwd()
geo = pwd.geometry()
point_pairs = get_point_pair_for_edge("point_number", "neighbours")
edges = []
for point_pair in point_pairs:
p0 = geo.point(point_pair[0])
p1 = geo.point(point_pair[1])
edges.append(geo.findEdge(p0, p1))
print len(edges)
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