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Created April 3, 2014 00:42
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the ajaxify plugin taylored for the tably plugin
The Ajaxify Plugin (Taylored for Tably)
Author: Josh McDonald
Twitter: @onestepcreative
This plugin allows you to make an Ajax
request to get 'html' and parse it to the
page with simple data attributes.
;(function($, window, document, undefined) {
'use strict';
CrystalCore.libs.ajaxify = {
name : 'ajaxify',
version : '2.1.T',
init: function(scope, settings) {
// TODO: Are more init methods needed?
var self = this;
var options = {};
if(typeof settings === 'object') {
$.extend(true, options, settings);
} else if(typeof settings === 'string') {
options.url = settings;
// Create new instance
new Ajaxify(scope, options);
var Ajaxify = function(elem, settings) {
var self = this;
self.options = {
scoped : 'body',
// default ajax options
url : null,
data : null,
type : 'GET',
dataType : 'html',
// the elements to handle
elem : '.ajaxify',
replace : false,
loader : null,
// callbacks to handle data
before : null,
success : null,
failure : null,
carry : true,
// local storage options
cached : false,
key : settings.url,
duration : 3,
// animation options
effect : 'flash',
speed : 500,
// data cleaning options
clean : {
links : true,
images : true
// Merge default options with options passed
$.extend(true, self.options, settings);
self.init = function() {
// Create new event when ajaxify starts
// If no url is provided, get out
if(self.options.url === null) { return; }
// Get cache data from localStorage if it exists
var _cache = self.cache.get(self.options.key);
// Get the cache ttl stamp from localStorage
var _ttl = self.cache.get(self.options.key + '_ttl');
// If cache data
if(_cache) {
// If success option is set
if(typeof self.options.success === 'function') {
// Run success callback on cached data
} else {
// Parse cached data with default callback
} else {
// Make ajax request for data & parse it
self.request = function() {
// Create new event when the ajax request starts
// Build oobject of only ajax settings
var ajaxOpts = {
url : self.options.url,
type : self.options.type,
dataType : self.options.dataType,
beforeSend : self.options.before,
success : self.options.success,
fail :,
// Create a defferred object from Ajax call
var ajaxified = $.ajax(ajaxOpts);
// The done callback handles callbacks when ajax is complete
ajaxified.done(function(response) {
var data = (response.results) ? response.results[0] : response;
// If response is empty, trigger custom event & exit
if(!response.results[0]) {
// Fire new event when the ajax request is done
$(window).trigger('ajaxify.responseError', {
name: 'responseError',
msg : 'The ajax response was empty. Please try again.',
desc: 'Make sure the URL is typed correctly, and can be accessed from your browser.'
return false;
//data = data.replace(/<script[^>]+?\/>|<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/gi, '');
// Get rid of extra spaces and line breaks
data = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
// If caching set to true
if(self.options.cached) {
// Store cache in localStorage with options
self.cache.set(self.options.key, data);
// Only run success methods if they are set in options
if(typeof success === 'function') {
// Run the success callback provided in iotions
} else {
//'data', data);
// Run the ajaxify parse method
// The fail callback handles callbacks when ajax fails, statusText) {
// Create new event when the ajax request starts
// Only run failure methods if they are set in options
if(typeof failure !== 'function') { return; }
// Run the failure callback provided in options
fail(response, statusText);
self.cache = {
set: function(key, data) {
// If caching is set to false, get out
if(!self.options.cached) { return; }
// Set a time(in hours) to hold the cache
var ttl = localStorage.getItem(key + '_ttl');
dev.log('ttl', ttl);
// Create a json string before caching
var data = JSON.stringify(data);
// Run a try / catch to catch exceptions
try {
// Set data to the localStorage cache
localStorage.setItem(key, data);
} catch(e) {
// Remove incomplete data from cache
// Remove cache copy with a _ttl stamp
localStorage.removeItem(key + '_ttl');
// If cache error is setup, run it
if(self.options.cacheError) {
// Call the error callback method set in options
self.options.cacheError(e, key, data);
// If no ttl is set, or it is expired
if(!ttl || ttl === 'expired') {
// Setup a cache copy with a timestamp, to reference later
localStorage.setItem(key + '_ttl', +new Date() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * self.options.duration);
return data;
get: function(key) {
// If caching is set to false, get out
if(!self.options.cached) { return; }
// Lookup the cache by key option in localStorage
var _cache = localStorage.getItem(key);
// Time remaining before our cache expires
var ttl = localStorage.getItem(key + '_ttl');
// If the cache data is expired, get rid of it
if(ttl && ttl < +new Date()) {
// Remove the cache data from localStorage
// Set ttl to expired
ttl = 'expired';
// Parse the cache JSON string before returning
_cache = JSON.parse(_cache);
return _cache;
destroy: function(key) {
// Destroy the cache data from localStorage
// Destroy the cache copy with timestamp
localStorage.removeItem(key + '_ttl');
self.clean = {
links: function(data) {
// PERF: use nativ for loop, not .each()
if(!self.options.clean.links) { return; }
// Setup base url to create links
var base = CrystalCore.urlBuilder(self.options.url);
// Make sure data is a jQuery object
var data = self.isJquery(data);
// Get all the links from data
var links = data.find('a');
// Loop through all found links
links.each(function() {
// A single link from data
var link = $(this);
// The single link's hrefs
var lurl = link.attr('href');
// The single link's target
var ltar = link.attr('target');
// Make sure link's href is a string
if(typeof lurl === 'string') {
// If link is not already absolute
if(lurl.substring(0, 4) !== 'http') {
// Build new absolute link
var abso = base + lurl;
// Set absolute href to link
link.attr('href', abso);
return data;
images: function(data) {
if(!self.options.clean.images) { return; }
// PERF: use nativ for loop, not .each()
// Setup base url to create img src
var base = CrystalCore.urlBuilder(self.options.url);
// Make sure data is a jQuery object
var data = self.isJquery(data);
// Get all the images from data
var images = data.find('img');
// Loop through all found images
images.each(function() {
// A single image from data
var img = $(this);
// The single link's hrefs
var iurl = img.attr('src');
// Make sure link's href is a string
if(typeof iurl === 'string') {
// If link is not already absolute
if(iurl.substring(0, 4) !== 'http') {
// Build new absolute link
var abso = base + iurl;
// Set absolute href to link
img.attr('src', abso);
return data;
self.parse = function(data) {
// Make sure data is a jQuery object
var data = self.isJquery(data);
// If clean links option is true
if(self.options.clean.links) {
// Clean all links inside of data
data = self.clean.links(data);
// If clean images option is true
if(self.options.clean.images) {
// Clean all images inside of data
data = self.clean.images(data);
// Get all elements on the page to append to
var elems = $(self.options.scoped).find(self.options.elem);
// Cache the element array length for better perf
var count = elems.length;
// Cache the iterator for better perf
var i = 0;
// Loop through all 'elems' found on the page
for(i; i < count; i++) {
// The element to append data to
var recieve = $(elems[i]);
// Elements store in the 'data-ajaxify' attr
var ajaxify = recieve.attr('data-ajaxify');
// Element to append to the page
var arrive = data.find(ajaxify);
// If the 'arrive' element wasn't found, custom event & exit
if(arrive.length === 0) {
// Fire new event when the ajax request is done
$(window).trigger('error.ajaxify', {
name: 'elementNotFound',
msg : 'There was a problem loading this content. Please try again.',
desc: 'The element from "data-ajaxify" could not be located in the ajax response. Check spelling and selector type.'
return false;
// If effect option is set to 'flash'
if(self.options.effect === 'flash') {
// Show data on the page with now animation
self.effects.flash(recieve, arrive);
// If effect option is set to 'fade'
if(self.options.effect === 'fade') {
// Fade in the content to the page
self.effects.fade(recieve, arrive);
// Append the ajax flag
if(!recieve.attr('data-ajaxified', 'true')) { recieve.attr('data-ajaxified', 'true') };
$(function() {
// Fire custom event when plugin is done & doc is ready
self.domStore = function(key, value) {
self.effects = {
flash: function(recieving, arriving) {
// If the replace option is set to true
if(self.options.replace) {
// Replace content with new content
} else {
// Append new content to elem
fade: function(recieving, arriving) {
// Hide the content so we can fade it
// If the replace option is set to true
if(self.options.replace) {
// Replace content with new content, fade in
} else {
// Append new content to elem, fade in
self.isJquery = function(data) {
// If data is already a jQuery object
if(data instanceof jQuery) {
// Do nothing different
data = data;
} else {
// Convert to jQuery object
data = $(data);
return data;
})(jQuery, this, this.document);
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