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Created January 30, 2020 21:45
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zigbee2mqtt in nixos
{pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {
inherit system;
}, system ? builtins.currentSystem}:
nodePackages = import ./default.nix {
inherit pkgs system;
nodePackages // {
zigbee2mqtt = nodePackages.package.override {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.nodePackages.node-gyp ];
{config, pkgs, lib, ...}:
nodePackages = import ./override.nix {
inherit pkgs;
{ = {
wantedBy = ["" ];
after = [ "" ];
description = "Run zigbee2mqtt as daemon";
serviceConfig = {
WorkingDirectory = ''${nodePackages.zigbee2mqtt}/lib/node_modules/zigbee2mqtt'';
ExecStart = ''${pkgs.nodejs-12_x}/bin/node index.js'';
StandardOutput = "inherit";
StandardError = "inherit";
Restart = "always";
User = "root";
StateDirectory = "zigbee 2mqtt";
#DeviceAllow = "/dev/ttyACM0 rw";
environment = { ZIGBEE2MQTT_DATA = "/var/lib/zigbee2mqtt"; };
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