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Created July 5, 2013 21:57
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Save ondrasek/5937505 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple AppleScript script to create tags for OmniFocus tasks / projects in Evernote. Simply select any task (I am using this for groups) in OmniFocus and execute the script. It will create a tag based on the task name (the tag name needs to be specified in square brackets), put the tag under its parent project tag (created for OmniFocus parent…
-- Simple script to create tag for OmniFocus group (and its project). Tag names are to be specified
-- in square brackets.
-- Copyright © Ondrej Krajicek,
-- version 0.1
-- Public domain. If you find this useful, please mention my contribution.
set DEBUG to false
-- Notebook to hold notes.
set notebookName to "Projects"
-- Parent tag to look for and create group / project tags bellow.
set PARENT_TAG_NAME to "omnifocus"
-- Name of the current task selected in OmniFocus.
set currentTaskName to ""
-- Parent Project Name.
set parentProjectName to ""
-- Name of the parent tag.
set parentTag to missing value
-- Name of the newly create tag.
set ourTagName to ""
-- Reference to the created tag.
set ourTag to missing value
tell application "OmniFocus"
-- Currently selected task (from:
tell front document
tell (first document window whose index is 1)
set theSelectedItems to selected trees of content
if ((count of theSelectedItems) < 1) then
display alert "You must first select a single task." message "Select a single task before running this script." as warning
end if
if ((count of theSelectedItems) > 1) then
display alert "You must select only one task." message "Select a single task before running this script." as warning
end if
end tell
end tell
set theSelectedTask to value of item 1 of theSelectedItems
set currentTaskName to name of theSelectedTask
set parentProject to parent task of theSelectedTask
set parentProjectName to name of parentProject
end tell
-- Extract tag name from task name (should be in square brackets).
set text item delimiters to {"[", "]"}
set ourTagName to text item 2 of currentTaskName
on error
set ourTagName to ""
end try
if (ourTagName is equal to "") then
display alert "No tag name specified." message "You need to specify tag name in square brackets." as warning
end if
-- Extract project tag name from project name. If project name does not contain […], the entire project name is used as tag name.
set text item delimiters to {"[", "]"}
set ourProjectName to text item 2 of parentProjectName
on error
set ourProjectName to ""
end try
if (ourProjectName is equal to "") then
copy parentProjectName to ourProjectName
end if
set ourTagName to ourProjectName & "/" & ourTagName
if (DEBUG) then
display dialog "The extracted project tag name is: " & ourProjectName & "."
display dialog "The extracted tag name is: " & ourTagName & "."
end if
tell application "Evernote"
-- Locate the tag.
set ourTag to tag named ourTagName
on error
set ourTag to missing value
end try
if (ourTag is equal to missing value) then
if (DEBUG) then
display dialog "The tag: " & ourTagName & " has not been found."
end if
-- Tag does not exist, we need to create it under parent tag.
set parentTag to tag named PARENT_TAG_NAME
if (parentTag is equal to missing value) then
display alert "Parent tag not found." message "Parent tag: " & PARENT_TAG_NAME & " not found in Evernote." as warning
end if
-- Create the tag under parentTag
set ourProjectTag to make tag with properties {name:ourProjectName, parent:tag named PARENT_TAG_NAME}
on error
-- The tag probably already exists.
set ourProjectTag to tag named ourProjectName
set parent of ourProjectTag to parentTag
on error
set ourProjectTag to missing value
end try
end try
set ourTag to make tag with properties {name:ourTagName, parent:ourProjectTag}
end if
-- Check again for ourTag, should exist by now.
if (ourTag is equal to missing value) then
display alert "Invalid tag." message "The tag: " & ourTagName & " does not exist even though we have tried to create it."
end if
-- Check whether there already are some notes. If not, ask an create the first one.
set ourNotes to find notes "tag:" & ourTagName
if (length of ourNotes is greater than 0) then
set question to display dialog "Do you want to create new note?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2
set query to button returned of question
set query to "Yes"
end if
if (query is equal to "Yes") then
if (DEBUG) then
display dialog "Creating new note."
end if
set {year:y, month:m, day:d} to (current date)
tell (y * 10000 + m * 100 + d) as string to text 1 thru 4 & "-" & text 5 thru 6 & "-" & text 7 thru 8
set currentDateText to result
set ourNewNote to create note with text "New note for OmniFocus project: " & ourTagName title currentDateText & ": New Empty Note!" tags ourTag notebook notebookName
end if
-- Open the note collection for the tag.
set collWindow to open collection window with query string "tag:" & ourTagName
set visible of collWindow to true
end tell
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