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Last active July 10, 2017 13:38
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Laravel 5.2 - Eloquent query with nested Where and orWhere like variables
$results = ClinicalStudy::where( function( $query ) use ( $data )
$query->where('brief_title', 'like', $data['query'] .'%')
->orWhere('source', 'like', $data['query'] .'%')
->orWhere('brief_summary', 'like', $data['query'] .'%')
->orWhere('detailed_description', 'like', $data['query'] .'%');
if ( $data['overall_status'] ) {
$results = $results->where('overall_status', $data['overall_status']);
if ( $data['gender'] ) {
$results = $results->where('gender', $data['gender']);
$output['count'] = $results->count();
$output['hits'] = $results
->skip( $offset )
->take( intval( $data['hitsPerPage'] ) )
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