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Last active January 30, 2017 16:05
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Save olvado/fee1b4415796c86afed6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Webpack config for es6 and rails, with linter
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"plugins": [
"env": {
"browser": true,
"node": true
"rules": {
"new-cap": 0,
"no-debugger": 0,
"strict": [2, "never"],
"quotes": [2, "single"],
"react/jsx-boolean-value": 1,
"react/jsx-quotes": 1,
"react/jsx-no-undef": 1,
"react/no-did-mount-set-state": 1,
"react/no-did-update-set-state": 1,
"react/no-multi-comp": 1,
"react/prop-types": 1,
"react/self-closing-comp": 1,
"react/wrap-multilines": 1
"globals": {
"FIREBASE": true
* @see
* for webpack configuration options
var path = require('path');
var node_modules_dir = path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules');
var javascripts_path = path.join(__dirname, 'app', 'assets', 'javascripts');
module.exports = {
devtool: 'inline-source-map',
entry: path.join(javascripts_path, '_application.js'),
output: {
filename: '[name].bundle.js',
path: javascripts_path
module: {
preLoaders: [{
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'eslint-loader',
include: javascripts_path,
exclude: [node_modules_dir]
loaders: [{
test: /\.js$/,
loaders: ['babel?stage=0&optional=runtime'],
include: javascripts_path,
exclude: [node_modules_dir]
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