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Last active September 15, 2024 21:20
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My Video or


(shown in the video but not described here)

  • have a Linux server
  • forward ports 80 and 443 of your Linux Server on your Router
  • install Docker
  • install Nginx Proxy Manager as a container
  • set up and enable your host in Nginx Proxy Manager
  • install GnuTLS certtool ( apt install gnutls-bin )

Creating root CA certificate

$ mkdir certs/
$ cd certs/

Generate root CA key

$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256r1 | openssl ec -out ca.key

Create root CA certificate using generated key, will be valid for 10 years. It does not matter what you type in as an input.

$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.pem

Creating client certificates and bundles


  • client name - unique name for your client (ex. Smartphone)
  • client serial - unique client ID number (ex. 01), increment it with each client creation
  • challenge password - password used when importing the client certificate, can't be longer than 20 bytes

Generate client key

$ openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256r1 | openssl ec -out <client name>.key

Create client Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

$ openssl req -new -key <client name>.key -o <client name>.csr

When asked:

  • Keep common name the same as <client name>.
  • Provide a <challenge password>.
  • Leave the optional company name empty.

Generate client Certificate by signing client CSR with CA root. It will be valid for one year.

$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in <client name>.csr -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca.key -set_serial <client serial> -out <client name>.crt

Export p12 bundle

$ certtool --load-privkey <client name>.key --load-certificate <client name>.crt --load-ca-certificate ca.pem --to-p12 --outder --outfile <client name>.p12 --p12-name "<client name>" --hash SHA1 --pkcs-cipher 3dec-pkcs12 --password <challenge password>

Repeat that for each client you want to create incrementing <client serial> by one.

Changing Nginx Proxy Manager configuration


  • ca path - path to mounted ca.pem file in your container.

Mount certs/ca.pem in your Nginx Proxy Manager container under <ca path>.

In the web interface navigate to your Proxied Host, click Edit, then Advanced.

In Custom Nginx Configuration add:

ssl_client_certificate <ca path>;
ssl_verify_client on;

Make sure you have Force SSL option enabled for your Host.

And save.

That's it :)

References and Resources

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9dc commented Sep 15, 2024

$ openssl req -new -key <client name>.key -out <client name>.csr
is the correct cmd, at least
$ openssl req -new -key <client name>.key -o <client name>.csr
did not work for me.
thanks for the guide!

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olokelo commented Sep 15, 2024

@9dc not sure why, the docs do have -out option however your comment may help someone who encounters similar issue.

Thank you for using my guide and I hope you'll have good experience with mTLS :)

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