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Last active July 2, 2020 13:06
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import hashlib
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from binascii import unhexlify
# Retrieves DATALOCK values with AT^NVRDEX=50502,0,128
# Worst case scenario takes 44s on i7-7700K
def test_code(params):
text1, text2, min_code, max_code = params
for i in range(min_code, max_code):
tested_code = bytearray("{:08d}".format(i).encode('ascii'))
m = hashlib.sha256()
tested_code_256 = m.digest()
final_array = tested_code_256 + text2
m = hashlib.sha256()
final_256 = m.digest()
if final_256 == text1:
return i
def find_v4_code(text1, text2):
text1 = unhexlify(text1.replace(' ', ''))
text2 = unhexlify(text2.replace(' ', ''))
if len(text1) != 32 or len(text2) != 32:
print("bad length")
return -1
CODE_MAX = 100000000
STEP = int(CODE_MAX / cpu_count())
params = []
for i in range(0, cpu_count()):
min_code = STEP * i
max_code = STEP * (i + 1)
params.append((text1, text2, min_code, max_code))
with Pool(processes=cpu_count()) as pool:
for i in pool.imap_unordered(test_code, params, chunksize=1):
if i is not None:
return i
def test():
import time
start = time.time()
test1_text1 = "8F 29 FF 8E A8 CA 34 89 78 73 18 BA 9E F5 9C 64 0B A4 DB 81 DC 03 45 6E 72 DA EC 6A 0C 7C 90 65"
test1_text2 = "8B 8C F4 B5 AF 0C F2 2C FE E0 F4 46 9C CF 47 95 36 71 1F 1C BF 05 7F 84 AB A9 F2 92 89 33 3C 12"
end = time.time()
assert find_v4_code(test1_text1, test1_text2) == 0
print(f"test1 OK in {end - start} seconds")
start = time.time()
test2_text1 = "C3 39 93 98 47 F7 75 08 1E 65 EC 04 38 3A 45 A6 FA AF 46 4B 78 FF 53 FF 79 73 33 90 9D FF F1 6C"
test2_text2 = "B8 16 47 98 42 21 26 0E 86 1D A8 C8 E0 C2 0C FC 8F 2E A9 01 9D 58 05 3C 15 43 37 BC 95 66 E4 CF"
assert find_v4_code(test2_text1, test2_text2) == 99999999
end = time.time()
print(f"test2 OK in {end - start} seconds")
# test()
text1 = ""
text2 = ""
print(find_v4_code(text1, text2))
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