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Created December 17, 2020 17:27
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Determine rough estimates for material requirements
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Determine rough estimates for material requirements."""
from dataclasses import dataclass
from sympy import Symbol
class Body:
width: Symbol
length: Symbol
height: Symbol
density: Symbol
def mass(self):
return self.width * self.length * self.height * self.density
usage = f"""usage: {__file__} <width> <height> <mass> <wood_density> <weight_density>
width: Width of the block's square base [cm]
height: Height of the block [cm]
mass: Mass of the block [g]
wood_density: Density of the exterior wood material [g/cm3]
weight_density: Density of the interior weight material [g/cm3]
Calculate rough estimates for material requirements of a wood-block pattern
s: Width of the cubic weight [cm]
t_x: Wall thickness of the wood exterior along its width [cm]
t_z: Wall thickness of the wood exterior along its height [cm]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 6:
width, height, mass, wood_density, weight_density = sys.argv[1:6]
from sympy import solve, symbols
w, h, m, rho1, rho2 = symbols("w h m ρ_1 ρ_2", real=True, positive=True)
s, tx, tz = deps = symbols("s t_x t_z", real=True, positive=True)
wood_exterior = Body(w, w, h, rho1)
wood_interior = Body(s, s, s, rho1)
weight = Body(s, s, s, rho2)
mass_constraint = wood_exterior.mass - wood_interior.mass + weight.mass - m
position_constraint_xy = 2 * tx + s - w
position_constraint_z = 2 * tz + s - h
equations = [
{w: width, h: height, m: mass, rho1: wood_density, rho2: weight_density}
for eqn in (mass_constraint, position_constraint_xy, position_constraint_z)
soln = solve(equations, deps, dict=True,)
if not soln:
print("Unable to solve.")
print(f"s: {soln[0][s]:.2f} cm")
print(f"t_x: {soln[0][tx]:.2f} cm")
print(f"t_z: {soln[0][tz]:.2f} cm")
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