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Rust & Go-style return types in Python

Rust-style Result type in Python

Lightweight, generic result type à la Rust. (Sometimes you just want errors as values.)

Note: There is a full-on package that does this, with all the other Rust niceties of .unwrap_or(), etc. But if all you need is the basics, this is a zero-dependency approach in like 8 lines of actual code.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Ok[T]:
    value: T

class Err[E]:
    value: E

type Result[T, E] = Ok[T] | Err[E]

# --- Example -----------------------------------------------------------------
def fn(x: bool) -> Result[int, str]:
    if x:
        return Ok(1)
        return Err("woah")

y = fn(True)
match y:
    case Ok(value):
        print(value + 1)
    case Err(err):

If you want a few of the quality-of-life features so you con't have to constantly pattern match:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal, Never

class UnwrapError(Exception):

class Ok[T]:
    value: T

    def unwrap(self) -> T:
        return self.value

    def unwrap_or(self, value: T) -> T:
        return self.value

    def ok(self) -> T:
        return self.value

    def err(self) -> None:
        return None

    def is_ok(self) -> Literal[True]:
        return True

    def is_err(self) -> Literal[False]:
        return False

class Err[T, E]:
    value: E

    def unwrap(self) -> Never:
        raise UnwrapError(self.value)

    def unwrap_or(self, value: T) -> T:
        return value

    def ok(self) -> None:
        return None

    def err(self) -> E:
        return self.value

    def is_ok(self) -> Literal[False]:
        return False

    def is_err(self) -> Literal[True]:
        return True

type Result[T, E] = Ok[T] | Err[T, E]

def fn(x: int) -> Result[int, str]:
    if x > 0:
        return Ok(x)
        return Err("woah")

assert fn(1).unwrap() == 1
    _ = fn(-1).unwrap()
    raise AssertionError
except UnwrapError:

assert fn(1).unwrap_or(3) == 1
assert fn(-1).unwrap_or(3) == 3

assert fn(1).ok() == 1
assert fn(-1).ok() is None

assert fn(1).err() is None
assert fn(-1).err() == "woah"

assert fn(1).is_ok() is True
assert fn(-1).is_ok() is False

assert fn(1).is_err() is False
assert fn(-1).is_err() is True

Go-style result, err return type in Python

Lightweight, generic result type à la golang.

mypy isn't able to infer without requiring a redundant assert1. I can't figure out how to get a type safe exact go-style implementation, but there's an option below that delays unpacking of the result tuple.

from typing import TypeVar

from typing_extensions import TypeIs

T = TypeVar("T")
E = TypeVar("E")

Ok = tuple[T, None]
Err = tuple[None, E]
Result = Ok[T] | Err[E]

# --- Example -----------------------------------------------------------------
def fn(x: bool) -> Result[int, str]:
    if x:
        return 1, None
        return None, "woah"

# unfortunately mypy can't figure this out:
def main_fail() -> None:
    result, err = fn(True)
    if err is not None:
    print(result + 1)  # error: Operator "+" is not supported for "None"

# --- Example (with assert) ---------------------------------------------------
# so we have to assert, which kind of defeats the point...
def main_pass_with_assert() -> None:
    result, err = fn(True)
    if err is not None:
    assert result is not None
    print(result + 1)

# --- Example (with TypeIs) ---------------------------------------------------
# we could delay unpacking and use a TypeIs function, but then we have to unpack
# the tuple in both branches...
# (I think it's up to personal preference if you prefer this or the assert approach)
def is_err(result: Result[T, E]) -> TypeIs[Err[E]]:
    _, err = result
    return err is not None

def main_pass_with_typeis() -> None:
    result = fn(True)  # can't unpack or we lose result <-> err type relationship
    if is_err(result):
        _, err = result
    value, _ = result
    print(value + 1)


  1. I think this is due to the limitations of Python's current type system, as described in PEP-724. That PEP was withdrawn, but there's a new one, PEP-742, which has been accepted and created TypeIs.

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