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Created September 4, 2011 14:26
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Dawn of the nth Day
module Main where
import System( getArgs )
import Data.Char
import Control.Exception (bracket_)
import qualified UI.HSCurses.Curses as Curses
import qualified UI.HSCurses.CursesHelper as CursesH
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
start = do
args <- getArgs
hremain <- hoursremain
dsin <- daysin
let tday = days (fromIntegral dsin) 1
Curses.keypad Curses.stdScr True
Curses.echo False False
Curses.cBreak True
hasColors <- Curses.hasColors
if hasColors
then do
Curses.initPair (Curses.Pair 1) (CursesH.white) (
return ()
return ()
Curses.wclear Curses.stdScr
(sizeY, sizeX) <- Curses.scrSize
Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr ((sizeY `div` 2)-1) ((sizeX `div` 2) - (length((tday)!!0) `div` 2 ))
Curses.wAddStr Curses.stdScr ((tday)!!0)
Curses.attrOn (Curses.setBold Curses.attr0 True)
Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr ((sizeY `div` 2)) ((sizeX `div` 2) - (length((tday)!!1) `div` 2 ))
Curses.wAddStr Curses.stdScr ((tday)!!1)
Curses.attrOff (Curses.setBold Curses.attr0 True)
Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr ((sizeY `div` 2)+1) ((sizeX `div` 2) - (length(hremain) `div` 2 ))
Curses.wAddStr Curses.stdScr (hremain)
Curses.wMove Curses.stdScr (sizeY-1) ((sizeX `div` 2) - (length(continue) `div` 2 ))
Curses.wAddStr Curses.stdScr continue
return ()
loop num = do
c <- Curses.getch
Curses.attrSet Curses.attr0 (Curses.Pair 1)
if Curses.decodeKey c == Curses.KeyChar 'q'
then return()
else loop (num + 1)
end = do
return ()
main = do
bracket_ start end (loop 0)
firstday = (2011,9,1) --set this to the first day of internship
lastday = (2011,9,30) --set this to the last day of internship
boobday :: IO (Integer, Int, Int)
boobday = getCurrentTime >>= return . toGregorian . utctDay
monthdays month year = gregorianMonthLength year month
daysin :: IO (Int)
daysin = do
bd <- boobday
return $ diffdays firstday bd
hoursleft :: IO (Int)
hoursleft = do
bd <- boobday
return $ diffhours bd lastday
hoursremain :: IO (String)
hoursremain = do
hl <- hoursleft
return $ '-':(show hl)++" Hours Remain-"
daysleft :: IO (Int)
daysleft = do
bd <- boobday
return $ diffdays bd lastday
diffdays (x,y,z) (x',y',z') = foldr (+) 0 [ monthdays m x | m<-[y..y'-1] ] + (z'-z) +1
diffhours a b = 24*(diffdays a b)
days :: Integer -> Integer -> [String]
days x y = "Dawn of":("The "++lcap(concat(daystring(show x)))):("-"++show (24*(y-x)+24)++" Hours Remain-"):[]
lcap :: String -> String
lcap x = toUpper(head x):tail x
continue :: String
continue = "Press Q to continue."
daystring :: String -> [String]
daystring [] = []
daystring x | ((length x == 4) && (tail x == "000")) = dig(head x):"-thousandth day":[]
| ((length x == 4) && (head (tail x) == '0')) = dig(head x):"-thousand-and-":daystring(tail(tail x))
| (length x == 4) = dig(head x):"-thousand, ":daystring(tail x)
| ((length x == 3) && (tail x == "00")) = dig(head x):"-hundredth day":[]
| (length x == 3) = dig(head x):"-hundred-and-":daystring(tail x)
| ((length x == 2) && (head x == '0')) = daystring(tail x)
| ((length x == 2) && (head x /= '1') && (tail x /= "0") ) = dig2(head x):daystring(tail x)
| ((length x == 2) && (head x /= '1')) = x0(x):"Day":[]
| (length x == 2) = teen(x):"Day":[]
| (length x == 1) = dig1(x):"Day":[]
dig :: Char -> String
dig x = ["one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"] !! (digitToInt(x)-1)
x0 :: String -> String
x0 x = ["twentieth ","thirtieth ","fourtieth ","fiftieth ","sixtieth ","seventieth ","eightieth ","ninetieth "] !! round((read(x)/10)-2)
dig2 :: Char -> String
dig2 x = ["twenty-","thirty-","fourty-","fifty-","sixty-","seventy-","eighty-","ninety-"] !! (digitToInt(x)-2)
teen :: String -> String
teen x = ["tenth ","eleventh ","twelfth ","thirteenth ","fourteenth ","fifteenth ","sixteenth ","seventeenth ","eighteenth ","nineteenth "] !!(read(x)-10)
dig1 :: String -> String
dig1 x = ["first ","second ","third ","fourth ","fifth ","sixth ","seventh ","eighth ","ninth "] !! (read(x)-1)
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