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Last active August 23, 2024 12:18
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Fork custom commands

With custom commands, you are one shortcut away to run commands thanks to the Quick Launch (Ctrl+P, ⌘+P).

Custom commands can be configured in File > Preferences > Custom commands, or by editing the json file custom-commands.json located in AppData/Local/Fork on Windows and ~/Library/Application Support/com.DanPristupov.Fork/custom-commands.json on MacOS.

Please share your own custom commands :)

How to use

Fork commands are posted as comments on this gist. Press CTRL+F to search for commands.

Then, copy-paste the commands you need in custom-commands.json.

Make sure to close Fork before editing the json file.

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Here's mine:

Target Name Type Title Description Script Path Button 1 Button 2
Repository Show Unmerged Branches UI Show Unmerged Branches Which branch do you want to check for unmerged branches? $git branch --no-merged origin/develop -a branch --no-merged origin/master -a

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oktomus commented May 1, 2021

Thanks @russellweed, I will add it to the gist

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Lawendt commented May 21, 2021

It would be awesome to also provide the JSON of this commands. You can find it on windows on AppData\Local\Fork

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russellweed commented May 21, 2021

@Lawendt Thanks for the tip. Didn't know where they were stored.


    "name": "Show Unmerged Branches",
    "target": "repository",
    "ui": {
      "title": "Show Unmerged Branches",
      "description": "Which branch do you want to check for unmerged branches?",
      "buttons": [
          "title": "develop",
          "action": {
            "type": "process",
            "path": "$git",
            "args": "branch --no-merged origin/develop -a",
            "showOutput": true,
            "waitForExit": true
          "title": "master",
          "action": {
            "type": "process",
            "path": "$git",
            "args": "branch --no-merged origin/master -a",
            "showOutput": true,
            "waitForExit": true

I think this format just works better overall too, and makes contributing a lot easier.

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oktomus commented May 22, 2021

Great idea, I'm going to edit it
Thanks @Lawendt

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Lawendt commented May 22, 2021

Also sharing mine

Show which branches contain the selected commit:

    "name": "Which branches contain this commit",
    "target": "revision",
    "action": {
      "type": "process",
      "path": "$git",
      "args": "branch -a -r --contains $SHA",
      "showOutput": true,
      "waitForExit": true

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On macOS, it's located in ~/Library/Application Support/com.DanPristupov.Fork/custom-commands.json

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ewnu commented May 12, 2022

For making compact archive(respects .gitignore)

    "action" : {
      "showOutput" : false,
      "args" : "archive --format=tar.gz --output=$path\/$reponame_$sha.tar.gz $SHA",
      "path" : "$git",
      "type" : "process",
      "waitForExit" : true
    "name" : "Archive '$name'",
    "target" : "revision"

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ewnu commented May 12, 2022

Ask to run git gc --aggressive on this repository(It's located in 'Open In' menu)

    "target" : "repository",
    "ui" : {
      "buttons" : [
          "title" : "OK",
          "action" : {
            "showOutput" : false,
            "type" : "process",
            "waitForExit" : true,
            "args" : "gc --aggressive",
            "path" : "$git"
          "title" : "Cancel",
          "action" : {
            "type" : "cancel"
      "title" : "Garbage Collect",
      "description" : "Are you sure you want to run \"git gc --aggressive\" ?"
    "name" : "Garbage Collect"

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ewnu commented May 12, 2022

For macos, open this repo in kitty terminal

    "name" : "Open in Kitty",
    "target" : "repository",
    "action" : {
      "showOutput" : false,
      "waitForExit" : true,
      "type" : "process",
      "args" : "-n -a kitty $path --args -1 -d $path",
      "path" : "\/usr\/bin\/open"

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reggian commented Jun 9, 2022

Rebase Recursively
Commit context menu. Rebases the current branch onto the selected commit.

    "name" : "Rebase Recursively to Here",
    "target" : "revision",
    "ui" : {
      "description" : "Are you sure you want to rebase the current branch recursively onto this commit?",
      "buttons" : [
          "action" : {
            "args" : "rebase -r $SHA",
            "showOutput" : true,
            "path" : "$git",
            "type" : "process",
            "waitForExit" : true
          "title" : "Proceed"
          "title" : "Cancel",
          "action" : {
            "type" : "cancel"
      "title" : "Rebase Recursively"

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oktomus commented Jun 9, 2022


run amend

Amend your staged changes into the last commit.

    "name": "Amend",
    "target": "repository",
    "action": {
      "type": "process",
      "path": "$git",
      "args": "commit --amend --no-edit",
      "showOutput": false,
      "waitForExit": true

Commit summary

    "name": "Commit summary",
    "target": "repository",
    "action": {
      "type": "process",
      "path": "$git",
      "args": "show  --compact-summary",
      "showOutput": true,
      "waitForExit": true

For a specific file type:

    "name": "C# Commit summary",
    "target": "repository",
    "action": {
      "type": "process",
      "path": "$git",
      "args": "show  --compact-summary *.cs",
      "showOutput": true,
      "waitForExit": true

Show branches containing the selected commit

  "name": "Which branches contain this commit",
  "target": "revision",
  "action": {
    "type": "process",
    "path": "$git",
    "args": "branch -a -r --contains $SHA",
    "showOutput": true,
    "waitForExit": true

Show unmerged branches

show unmerged branches

    "name": "Show Unmerged Branches",
    "target": "repository",
    "ui": {
      "title": "Show Unmerged Branches",
      "description": "Which branch do you want to check for unmerged branches?",
      "buttons": [
          "title": "develop",
          "action": {
            "type": "process",
            "path": "$git",
            "args": "branch --no-merged origin/develop -a",
            "showOutput": true,
            "waitForExit": true
          "title": "master",
          "action": {
            "type": "process",
            "path": "$git",
            "args": "branch --no-merged origin/master -a",
            "showOutput": true,
            "waitForExit": true

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tadija commented Jun 28, 2022

"Open PR on Github" (for the selected commit):

  "action" : {
    "showOutput" : false,
    "type" : "sh",
    "waitForExit" : true,
    "script" : "pr_id=$(git log --oneline -n 1 $sha | grep -o '(#[0-9]\\+' | cut -c3- | tail -1)\nrepo_url=$(git config remote.origin.url | sed -e 's\/git@\/https:\\\/\\\/\/' -e 's\/\\.git$\/\/' | sed -E 's\/(\\\/\\\/[^:]*):\/\\1\\\/\/')\npr_url=$(echo $repo_url\/pull\/$pr_id)\nopen $pr_url"
  "name" : "Open PR on Github",
  "target" : "revision"

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matic1123 commented Nov 29, 2022

Ill share mine, for MacOS and JB users. Open in Rider and Open in WebStorm custom commands:

    "name" : "Open in Rider",
    "action" : {
      "type" : "sh",
      "script" : "~\/Library\/Application\\ Support\/JetBrains\/Toolbox\/scripts\/rider .",
      "showOutput" : false,
      "waitForExit" : true
    "target" : "repository"
    "target" : "repository",
    "name" : "Open in WebStorm",
    "action" : {
      "showOutput" : false,
      "type" : "sh",
      "waitForExit" : true,
      "script" : "~\/Library\/Application\\ Support\/JetBrains\/Toolbox\/scripts\/webstorm ."

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I was looking for some flavour then found this and wanted to share it here :)

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I don't understand what "UI" vs. "Action" is. Is there documentation?

I'm looking to trigger a script upon committing to a specific branch, to perform work locally instead of on a GitHub runner. Is this possible, or will it require triggering a command from the command-P menu?

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