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tired and wired

Jen Stehlik okkdev

tired and wired
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Comparing usage of Ash & Ecto


Application.put_env(:phoenix, :json_library, Jason)

Application.put_env(:sample, SamplePhoenix.Endpoint,
  http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 5001],
  server: true,
sorentwo /
Created August 22, 2022 20:02
Guide for inserting Oban jobs from Rails

Migrating background jobs to Elixir is easy with Oban because everything lives in your PostgreSQL database. Oban relies on a structured oban_jobs table as its job queue, and purposefully uses portable data structures (JSON) for serialization. That makes it enqueueing jobs into Oban simple for any language with a PostgreSQL adapter, no Oban client necessary.

As a demonstration, let's explore inserting Oban jobs from a Rails application.

To start, define a skeletal ActiveRecord model with a few conveniences for scheduling jobs:

chiroptical / babyShark.hs
Last active August 14, 2024 11:59
Baby shark as a Haskell program
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Main where
main :: IO ()
main = do
do do do do do do babyShark
do do do do do do babyShark
do do do do do do babyShark
kristijanhusak / 1.
Last active March 6, 2024 18:15
Toggle between light and dark colorschemes for both neovim and kitty


  • Neovim v0.4+
  • Python 3.4+ and pynvim
  • Kitty
  • Zsh, but would probably work with any shell if configured properly
  • Your favorite dark and light colorschemes


  1. Add below python script to ~/.config/kitty/ folder. Make sure to make it executable (chmod +x ~/.config/kitty/colors)
  2. Set up your dark/light colorscheme, and where to store kitty colors configuration (line 4 to 9)
matthewzring /
Last active September 20, 2024 08:56
A guide to Markdown on Discord.

Markdown Text 101

Want to inject some flavor into your everyday text chat? You're in luck! Discord uses Markdown, a simple plain text formatting system that'll help you make your sentences stand out. Here's how to do it! Just add a few characters before & after your desired text to change your text! I'll show you some examples...

What this guide covers: