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1. Download latest apktool version.
2. Download the batch file and aapt.exe.
3. Create a folder anywhere in the PC and put all the apktool.jar, aapt.exe and the batch script in that folder.
4. Open command prompt.
5. Navigate to the folder where you placed apktool.jar, batch script and the aapt.exe.
6. Now, you need to install the file using the " IF " command.
7. Type the following command.
apktool if name-of-the-app.apk
8. For decompiling use the command "d". The "d" stands for decompile.
apktool d name-of-the-app.apk
9. After the app is correctly decompiled, a new folder will be created in the same folder where you placed your app. This contains all the xml's and smali files which can be edited for different mode's.
10. To recompile the app use the following command " B ". The "b" simply means recompile.
apktool b name-of-the-app-folder
11. The final modded app will be in the "dist" folder located inside the original app folder created by apktool.
Signing the apk
1. open a new command prompt and change into the sign-apk directory using cmd
2. move the modified-unsigned apk into this folder
3. then type the following command -
java -jar signapk.jar certificate.pem key.pk8 path-of-the-folder-contaning-the-apk.apk path-of-the-new-signed-apk.apk
4. Once compiled, the signed apk will be found in the same folder.
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