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Last active September 17, 2024 18:49
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Sync events from a personal Google calendar to a work Google calendar
function SyncMyCal() {
var options = {
'targetEventTitle': "Busy (sync'd event)", // What event title do you want ported events to have
'daysahead': 60, // How many days ahead do you want to sync events over
'ignorealldayevents': true, // Do you want to ignore all day events in your "from" calendars
'ignorethesedays': [0, 6], // Are there days of the week you don't want to sync? 0 = Sunday
'maxhoursbetweenruns': 1, // How many hours between scheduled runs of the calendar sync (you need to set these up)
'onlybusyevents': true, // Only copy events marked 'busy'
'busyness': 1, // Should events be marked 'busy' by default (0: free, 1: busy, 2: match source event)
'visibility': 2, // Should the events be visible by default (0: private, 1: public, 2: match source event)
'verbose': false, // Do you want to log output (useful for debugging)
// The first array below contains the ID strings of the "from" calendar (your personal calendars), and
// The second argument is the ID string of the "to" calendar (your work calendar)
CalendarSync(["XXXXXXXXX", "YYYYYYYYYY"], "ZZZZZZZZ", options)
// CalendarSync - sync from one or more google calendars to another calendar, with:
// - a generic event name (original name in the description)
// - visibility set to private
// - no reminders set
// Useful if you want to automatically block out personal commitments in your work calendar
// Note, you must have previously shared the "from" calendars with the "to" calendar,
// otherwise this script won't have access
function CalendarSync(fromcals, tocal, options) {
var today=new Date();
var enddate=new Date();
enddate.setDate(today.getDate()+options.daysahead); // how many days in advance to monitor and block off time
var lastupdate=new Date();
lastupdate.setHours(today.getHours()-options.maxhoursbetweenruns); // how long ago was this script last run (at a maximum)
// Calendar to copy events to
var targetEvents=CalendarApp.getCalendarById(tocal).getEvents(today,enddate).filter(e => e.getTag("CalSyncKey") != null); // all target calendar events created by this script
var => e.getTag("CalSyncKey")) // Original event IDs
// Process source calendars
if (typeof fromcals === 'string' || fromcals instanceof String) {
ProcessSourceCalendar(tocal, fromcals, targetEventIds, today, enddate, lastupdate, options)
} else {
for (const cal of fromcals) {
ProcessSourceCalendar(tocal, cal, targetEventIds, today, enddate, lastupdate, options)
// If a target event previously created no longer exists in the source calendar, delete it
for (var tev in targetEvents)
if (targetEventIds[tev] === "")
if (options.verbose) { Logger.log('EVENT DELETED: ' + targetEvents[tev].getStartTime() + ' ' + targetEvents[tev].getDescription()); }
function ProcessSourceCalendar(tocal, fromcal, targetEventIds, today, enddate, lastupdate, options) {
// Get all the events in source calendar in the relevant time period
var events;
try {
events = Calendar.Events.list(fromcal, {
timeMin: today.toISOString(),
timeMax: enddate.toISOString(),
singleEvents: true
catch (err) {
Logger.log('Error calling Calendar.Events.list for calendar ' + fromcal + ': ' + err);
// Failure. Ensure that the calendar ID is correct, that your account has access, and that you've enabled the Calendar API under "Services"
if (!events.items || events.items.length === 0) {
// Process each event
for (const event of events.items)
if (options.ignorealldayevents &&
continue; // Do nothing if the event is an all-day event. This script only syncs hour-based events
const startTime = event.start.getDateTime();
const endTime = event.end.getDateTime();
if (!PeriodOverlapsDays(startTime, endTime, options.ignorethesedays)) // Skip events outside of work days
var available = event.getTransparency();
if (options.onlybusyevents && available) // Skip events marked available
// Check if the source event has already been blocked in the target calendar
var id = event.getId();
var ind = targetEventIds.indexOf(id);
if (ind != -1) {
// Check if anything changed since the last script run
var lastupdated = new Date(event.getUpdated())
if (lastupdated < lastupdate) {
targetEventIds[ind] = ""
if (options.verbose) { Logger.log('EVENT UNCHANGED: ' + startTime + ' ' + event.getSummary()); }
// Create a new event
available = options.busyness == 0 ? true : (options.busyness == 1 ? false : available)
var visible = options.visibility <= 1 ? options.visibility : event.getVisibility();
var newevent = {
"summary": options.targetEventTitle,
"description": event.getSummary(),
"start": {"dateTime": startTime},
"end": {"dateTime": endTime},
"transparency": available ? "transparent" : "opaque",
"visibility": visible ? "public" : "private",
"extendedProperties": {"shared": {"CalSyncKey": id}}
// call method to insert/create new event in provided calandar
Calendar.Events.insert(newevent, tocal);
if (options.verbose) { Logger.log('EVENT CREATED: ' + startTime + ' ' + event.getSummary()); }
function PeriodOverlapsDays(startDate_, endDate_, ignorethesedays) {
if (ignorethesedays.length == 0)
return true;
var startDate = new Date(startDate_)
var endDate = new Date(endDate_)
var date = startDate.getDate()
var day = startDate.getDay()
while (startDate < endDate) {
if (!ignorethesedays.includes(day))
return true;
day = (day + 1) % 7;
return false;
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I'm not sure which version I used, but I just copied the latest code and re-ran. Unfortunately, I get a "Booked" appointment showing up for two iCloud events that were deleted a while ago. Did you test with iCloud events?

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@djibouti33 I haven't tested with iCloud events, but if I can recreate the problem then I'll try to fix it. I have a Mac, but am unfamiliar with iCloud events and iCal calendars, since I use Google Calendar as my calendar. Please could you describe how I should recreate the problem?

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Thank you! I have 3 other gmail accounts connected with this script and have never had a problem like the one I’m having with iCloud.

It might be helpful to know that I don't import the iCloud events into my main work calendar. On my work account, I created a new calendar called "personal_sync" so I can easily hide/show my personal events while looking at my work calendar.

  1. If you have an iCloud account, great. If not, you’re going to need to create one (which I realize could be a non-starter).
  2. Once you have your iCloud account set up, you can either go to > Calendar, or the native Calendar app on Mac. You probably have a calendar titled "Home". Right click and make it public, so you can get the share URL.
  3. Copy the Share URL.
  4. Back in the calendar, create some one-off events over the next 60 days. Create some recurring events too.
  5. It will take some time for the iCloud events to sync with Google. From what I've read, this is a limitation of Google.
  6. In Google Calendar, Add a new Calendar from URL, and paste the iCloud URL. Make it publicly accessible.
  7. After the calendar is imported, copy the calendar ID ( and paste it into your script
  8. Run your script
  9. Back in your work (gmail) calendar, find all of the new iCloud events
  10. Back in iCloud, delete some individual events, and some of the events that were part of a recurring series
  11. Run the script again, and notice there is still a blocked calendar entry for the iCloud events that you already deleted
  12. Sometimes I'll delete all of the blocked iCloud events from the Google Calendar and re-run the script, and the deleted events are still re-created

I think that's about it. Let me know if you have any questions that can help you reproduce.

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@djibouti33 I've now done this, and unfortunately was unable to recreate the problem. There are 3 calendars here, which I'll call calendar A (the iCloud calendar), calendar B (the google calendar that is created by subscribing to calendar A), and calendar C (the target calendar that my script syncs to). I find that calendar C correctly reflects the events I see in calendar B, and that calendar B removes events (after a while) that are deleted in calendar A. For you, does either calendar B not reflect what's in calendar A, or does calendar C not reflect what's visible in calendar B?

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@ojwoodford for your sake, I'm glad you couldn't recreate my issue :)

I’ve got a lot of different things happening. When I look at my Calendar A, B, and C, here's what I see:

  1. Recurring Event on Calendar A was deleted a long time ago. It's still showing up on Calendar B (that points to an issue with Google's syncing of iCloud calendars maybe?) and C
  2. Event (not sure if it was recurring or not) on Calendar A was deleted a long time ago. It's still showing up on Calendar B (again, maybe a problem with Google’s syncing/caching of my iCloud Calendar?)
  3. On Wednesday, I deleted an individual event that was part of a long-standing recurring event to test what happens with a current deletion. The event is removed from Calendar A,. When I look on the Google Calendar, I see it on Calendar B and C. When I look at my Mac Calendar App, I just see the Calendar C event (the event marked as “blocked”.

Do you know of any way to get Google to drop its cache of my iCloud calendar? I've tried deleting it and re-adding it, but interestingly, it assigns the same calendar ID when I do that.

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@djibouti33 If the deleted events are appearing in Calendar B, then I don't think there's anything my script can do to avoid duplicating them. It's definitely a problem with Google's subscription, or the iCloud calendar. That said, you could run the script in debug mode, and break on line 88 or 89 when it's one of these phantom events, and check the event properties to see if there's anything that would mark it out as being deleted.

Do you know of any way to get Google to drop its cache of my iCloud calendar?

You can fool Google Calendar to think the iCloud calendar is a new one by adding #1, #2 etc. to the end of the URL when subscribing to the calendar.

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Hi OJ - thanks for the rewrite, this was dope!

I found 2 bugs/improvements:

  1. the busyness operator is inversed according to the comments in the options. I've swapped the true and false booleans in the section below to address this.

  2. the initial code references "summary": options.targetEventTitle (which doesn't exist) and the description moves the title to the description: "description": event.getSummary(). I've corrected the code below to mirror the events exactly.

    // Create a new event
    available = options.busyness == 0 ? true : (options.busyness == 1 ? false : available)
    var visible = options.visibility <= 1 ? options.visibility : event.getVisibility();
    var newevent = {
    "summary": event.getSummary(),
    "description": event.getDescription(),

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@kpham123 Glad you like it and thanks for the corrections! I've updated the script, but just fixed the event title in the options. Maybe I should also add the option to copy the event details exactly, as you've done. I might add that the next time I do some maintenance.

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Thanks @ojwoodford ! Using your tip about appending #1 to the end of the URL, I was able to generate a new Calendar ID for my iCloud Calendar. I was then able to re-sync, and after deleting some iCloud events (and waiting for 2 days for Google to sync), your script successfully deleted those events. Really appreciate it!

In regards to your conversation with kpham123, I might suggest making the syncing of event details driven by an option. For me, I just want my co-workers to see that my calendar is blocked for personal reasons, but don't want any details shared.

Thank you!

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mbk-27 commented Jan 9, 2024

I am new to this but having trouble and receiving the following error messages - can anyone assist please?

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'daysahead')
CalendarSync @
SyncMyCal @

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ojwoodford commented Jan 9, 2024

@mbk-27 Either there is something wrong with the options variable you construct in SyncMyCal() (line 2), e.g. a missing comma between lines or a missing daysahead field, or you are not passing options into the CalendarSync() function as the third argument. At least that's my best guess.

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@ojwoodford I love the high-quality code, thank you. Two feature requests:

  1. Remove notification from the new events (e.g. newEvent.removeAllReminders())
  2. Create an Out of Office or Focus Time event instead of a regular event

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@ojwoodford Not sure what's going wrong here, but I'm consistently getting this error:

Error calling Calendar.Events.list for calendar ReferenceError: Calendar is not defined

The original script this one was based off of does not have this issue, so not sure what is different.

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@cjbeatty make sure you've enabled the Calendar API (under the Services menu). I just had the same problem and that solved it.

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Game changer. Thanks for sharing, and even more so for making updates in reply to comments! I am wondering how to make multi-day events (e.g., OOO/vacations) appear. I've set the code to be applied only Monday-Friday and set ignorealldayevents to false. If I add an event on my personal calendar that spans say, one Saturday into the next Sunday, how might I show just the Mon-Fri sandwiched between those weekends as busy?

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Also, any idea how to exclude event invites that were left unanswered? They show neither as busy nor available in the original calendar, yet appear when sync'd over

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Also, any idea how to exclude event invites that were left unanswered? They show neither as busy nor available in the original calendar, yet appear when sync'd over

I added this to the ProcessSourceCalendar function:
var myStatus = checkMyStatus(event, fromcal);
if (myStatus == "needsAction" || myStatus == "declined"){
if (options.verbose) { Logger.log('UNCONFIRMED EVENT SKIPPED: ' + event.getSummary())}

and created this function:
function checkMyStatus(event, fromcal) {
var attendees = event.attendees;
if (attendees) {
for (const attendee of attendees) {
// Check if the attendee matches the specified email address
if ( === fromcal) {
return attendee.responseStatus;
// Return null if the attendee is not found in the event
return null;


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swagluke commented Mar 19, 2024

Thanks for updating this script. Recently running into issues where it will create duplicate events. It seems like the trigger will run the script twice and shows one completed and one failed. But one additional duplicated event will be created.
Any idea why it's acting this way?

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@swagluke I don't know why the script would run twice. That seems odd, and I haven't heard of anyone else having that issue. One possibility is that you have two triggers. Another could be that you're calling CalendarSync twice. Perhaps the failure and duplicate events are caused by the scripts running in parallel, or else being run too close together, such that newly created events don't get listed the second time the script is called.

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@swagluke I don't know why the script would run twice. That seems odd, and I haven't heard of anyone else having that issue. One possibility is that you have two triggers. Another could be that you're calling CalendarSync twice. Perhaps the failure and duplicate events are caused by the scripts running in parallel, or else being run too close together, such that newly created events don't get listed the second time the script is called.

I've double-checked that only one trigger is set up. After looking through the execution, it seems like there will be a back-to-back trigger happening within seconds. And the second one always fails with exception: The calendar event doesn't exist, or it has already been deleted.
Very strange indeed. I'm gonna delete the whole project and restart it to see if it helps.

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Just to make sure I'm setting it up correctly, this is the trigger set up, could you confirm?
Screen Shot 2024-03-22 at 1 02 38 PM

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@swagluke I have never used event-based triggers for the script. It may be that the script triggers itself a second time.

I use a timed trigger, set up as follows:
Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 19 50 57

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Hi there. I also keep getting "Error calling Calendar.Events.list for calendar ReferenceError: Calendar is not defined" even thoguh I have updated the calendar API. The original ttrahan/block_personal_appts script works fine, but i'd like to be able to customize the way you have it here.

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@ojwoodford see question above AND one more question: in the line that follows, what are the XXX, YYY and ZZZ variables supposed to be replaced with? I assume XXXX is for secondary calendar and that maybe YYY is for primary calendar, but then what is ZZZ for? CalendarSync(["XXXXXXXXX", "YYYYYYYYYY"], "ZZZZZZZZ", options)

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swagluke commented Mar 27, 2024

@ojwoodford see question above AND one more question: in the line that follows, what are the XXX, YYY and ZZZ variables supposed to be replaced with? I assume XXXX is for secondary calendar and that maybe YYY is for primary calendar, but then what is ZZZ for? CalendarSync(["XXXXXXXXX", "YYYYYYYYYY"], "ZZZZZZZZ", options)

I think ojwoodford made it very clear that XXX, YYY are your personal calenders and ZZZ is the work calendar.
For example, you have two personal gmails (, and one work email ( Whenever you create an event on personals, this script will automatically block it off on your work.

So XXX will be and YYY will be and ZZZ is

Here is the comment he made in the script.
// The first array below contains the ID strings of the "from" calendar (your personal calendars), and
// The second argument is the ID string of the "to" calendar (your work calendar)

And your first Error is related to you not replacing the email in the script.

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Thanks for the clarity, @swagluke - I really appreciate it. I have replaced the email in the script with and I am still having the problem where i get the error "Error calling Calendar.Events.list for calendar ReferenceError: Calendar is not defined"
I do not get this error with the older ttrahan script using the same calendar. I have enabled google calendar API. do you have any other ideas on how to fix that error?

@ojwoodford see question above AND one more question: in the line that follows, what are the XXX, YYY and ZZZ variables supposed to be replaced with? I assume XXXX is for secondary calendar and that maybe YYY is for primary calendar, but then what is ZZZ for? CalendarSync(["XXXXXXXXX", "YYYYYYYYYY"], "ZZZZZZZZ", options)

@jedweintrob I think ojwoodford made it very clear that XXX, YYY are your personal calenders and ZZZ is the work calendar. For example, you have two personal gmails (, and one work email ( Whenever you create an event on personals, this script will automatically block it off on your work.

So XXX will be and YYY will be and ZZZ is

Here is the comment he made in the script. // The first array below contains the ID strings of the "from" calendar (your personal calendars), and // The second argument is the ID string of the "to" calendar (your work calendar)

And your first Error is related to you not replacing the email in the script.

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Thanks for the clarity, @swagluke - I really appreciate it. I have replaced the email in the script with and I am still having the problem where i get the error "Error calling Calendar.Events.list for calendar ReferenceError: Calendar is not defined" I do not get this error with the older ttrahan script using the same calendar. I have enabled google calendar API. do you have any other ideas on how to fix that error?

@ojwoodford see question above AND one more question: in the line that follows, what are the XXX, YYY and ZZZ variables supposed to be replaced with? I assume XXXX is for secondary calendar and that maybe YYY is for primary calendar, but then what is ZZZ for? CalendarSync(["XXXXXXXXX", "YYYYYYYYYY"], "ZZZZZZZZ", options)

@jedweintrob I think ojwoodford made it very clear that XXX, YYY are your personal calenders and ZZZ is the work calendar. For example, you have two personal gmails (, and one work email ( Whenever you create an event on personals, this script will automatically block it off on your work.
So XXX will be and YYY will be and ZZZ is
Here is the comment he made in the script. // The first array below contains the ID strings of the "from" calendar (your personal calendars), and // The second argument is the ID string of the "to" calendar (your work calendar)
And your first Error is related to you not replacing the email in the script.

ttrahan's script is much different from this script.

  1. Did you make sure the work email and personal emails are in the right place in the script?
  2. Is Google Calendar API enabled for the script?
  3. When you run the script on App Script from your Work Email?
  4. Does your Work Email and Personal Email have access to see all event details from each other?
  5. When you run the script from your Work Email on App Script, Google will prompt log in, did you sign in with your personal email to give permission?

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brettblanchard6979 commented Jun 24, 2024

First I want to say thanks for creating this and aiding us non programmers.

This may be an odd question/request, but is there a way to assign a color to all the created items? My work calendar shows items as black when a new item is added, I would like all the items that are added via this script to be changed to tomato, i.e. red when they are created. This helps me to visually see what type of event is coming up without reading the title and also shows as the colors on the insights bar on the right my event breakdowns.

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I have another question. I have changed the "ignorealldayevents" variable to false however, these items are not syncing. Is there something else I need to do for these all day items to sync?

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brettblanchard6979 commented Jun 25, 2024

First I want to say thanks for creating this and aiding us non programmers.

This may be an odd question/request, but is there a way to assign a color to all the created items? My work calendar shows items as black when a new item is added, I would like all the items that are added via this script to be changed to tomato, i.e. red when they are created. This helps me to visually see what type of event is coming up without reading the title and also shows as the colors on the insights bar on the right my event breakdowns.

In case anyone else is wondering the same. I was able to accomplish this by added the following lines, maybe not as elegent as the rest of the code but it does work.:
(added to the bottom of the var options =) 'color': 11, // 1: Pale Blue, 2: Pale Green, 3: Mauve, 4: Pale Red, 5: Yellow, 6: Orange, 7: Cyan, 8: Gray, 9: Blue, 10: Green, 11: Red
(added to //Creart a new event, var newevent =) colorId: options.color,

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