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Last active October 2, 2023 09:38
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  • Save ohri-anurag/b6cd5a3b52f78510920028f05a337572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ohri-anurag/b6cd5a3b52f78510920028f05a337572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VSCode settings.json
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ohri-anurag commented Mar 17, 2022

Extensions installed:

  1. cabal-fmt
  2. Ctags Symbol Search
  3. Dhall language support
  4. Dhall lsp server
  5. direnv
  6. Edit csv
  7. Elm
  8. Expand selection to scope
  9. File Utils
  10. Git graph
  11. Github Copilot
  12. Github Copilot chat
  13. Haskell spotlight
  14. Haskell Syntax Highlighting
  15. haskell-linter
  16. Horizon Theme
  17. Markdown preview Github styling
  18. Material Icon theme
  19. Nix IDE
  20. Rainbow Csv
  21. Ruby Sorbet
  22. Run on save
  23. Test adapter converter
  24. Test explorer UI
  25. TODO Highlight
  26. VSCode Ruby
  27. Yaml
  28. Haskell

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ohri-anurag commented May 27, 2022

Additional Tools (to work along with the packages above):

  1. hasktags

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