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scott smith ohlol

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The list

This isn't very comprehensive; please adjust as you see fit. I just tossed it together quickly for a reference

  • 3 days' clothing. You don't even really need this much. Backpackers can spend six months hiking across the country with as little as one set of clothes and two pair of socks and underwear, respectively
  • Water bottle
  • 3L Drinking water
  • Food. Shouldn't need much, since this is for evacuating during a fire. You'll have access to food once you get out of there
  • Spoon and fork
  • Soap

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ohlol on github.
  • I am ohlol ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBk3tG7wwuS3WnwDMyL__fMBHxfza8crWd34azmsZA8swo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

ohlol /
Last active June 10, 2018 08:09 — forked from rjurney/
Create a random sample of records from a JSON Lines file
import json
import math
with open("data/repos.jsonl") as f:
records = [json.loads(x) for x in f]
count = len(records)
sample_count = math.ceil(.01*count)
sample_records = random.sample(records, sample_count)
# requires httpie
while /bin/true
http --timeout 1 HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1
case "$?"
ohlol / gist:5114774
Created March 8, 2013 07:22
baked chicken strips
- 3lb boneless/skinless chicken breast halves
- 1tsp celery salt
- 1tsp garlic salt
- 1tsp poultry seasoning
- 1/2tsp paprika
- 2c panko flakes
- 1/3c grated parmesan
- 3 egg whites
1. preheat oven to 425* F
ohlol / gist:5022346
Created February 24, 2013 02:42
grilled adobo chicken
3lb chicken parts (boneless/skinless breasts, thighs, whatever u like)
2T ground cumin
2T ground oregano
1 white onion, chopped
4 minced garlic cloves
4 small cans of chipotles in adobo sauce
- marinate chicken in everything for 3+ hours
- grill dat shit up
- eat
ohlol / gist:4616674
Created January 24, 2013 01:18
the best jello ever
get a 9x13 glass casserole dish
get 3 big boxes of raspberry jello
get 2 frozen boxes of strawberries..the cheap kind that comes in the paper carton
get 1 can (shallow one) of crushed pineapple
get a bigger tub of sour cream (or 2 small ones)
- thaw the strawberries like halfway
- drain juice from pineapple (ONLY pineapple)
- boil 4.5c water and mix all the jello in it for about 2-3min til its dissolved
- mix the strawberries and pineapple into the jello in a big ass bowl
logstashServer = 'localhost'
, logstashPort = 59595
var app = require('http').createServer(handler)
, io = require('').listen(app)
, net = require('net')
, logstream = net.connect(logstashPort, logstashServer)
, logBuffer = ''
, subscribers = []
(scott@lalala:prog)% ./logstash-tail -p 8080 --filter @fields.program=sensu-client
2012-12-19T20:43:16.661Z vagrant: {"timestamp":"2012-12-19T20:43:16.242832+0000","message":"config file applied changes","config_file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/checks/check_root_df.json","changes":{"checks":{"check_root_df":[null,{"command":"/etc/sensu/plugins/ -U -t '' --from=-5min -W 92.0 -C 95.0","interval":60,"standalone":true,"graph":"http://localhost/render?target=lineWidth(color(,'green'),2)&target=threshold(92,'warn','yellow')&target=threshold(95,'crit','red')&yMin=0&yMax=100&width=1000&height=500"}]}},"level":"warn"}
2012-12-19T20:43:16.676Z vagrant: {"timestamp":"2012-12-19T20:43:16.243040+0000","message":"config file applied changes","config_file":"/etc/sensu/conf.d/checks/check_ssh.json","changes":{"checks":{"check_ssh":[null,{"command":"/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_s
def do_stash
if @event['check']['status'] > 0
timeout(3) do